"Rysgal" gazeti

Founder:Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, A.Niyazov, 174
Telephones: 21-23-57


Ak Gaýmak – for Family Gatherings

At a recent meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined the necessity of taking measures aimed at increasing the production of consumer goods. In particular, the head of state noted that in connection with the onset of summer heat, more ice cream and fruit juices should be produced. The Neutral Turkmenistan editorial staff decided to prepare a series of materials about the producers of these useful delicacies and drinks. It is, of course, very difficult to tell about everyone who is engaged in this delicious business in our country. There are not dozens of them, but rather hundreds. Therefore, we asked specialists of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan for help and following their advice, chose several brands, both widely known in our country and those that are just making their first steps in the Turkmen market. And let's start with a delicacy loved by everyone, both children and adults, – ice cream.

Entrepreneurship as a key market segment

The development of entrepreneurship is a priority direction of the economic policy of Turkmenistan, and due to the comprehensive support of the head of state, entrepreneurs play an important role in the implementation of socioeconomic reforms in the country. Currently, businessmen are successfully working in various spheres, including industry, agriculture, construction, trade, the production of textile, chemical and food products and consumer services, they are engaged in various other activities, showing their best business qualities. Turkmen business continues to steadily increase its capabilities. And this is facilitated not only by the expansion of capacities, but also by the improvement of their innovative component. Due to the initiatives of the esteemed President, small and medium-sized businesses today have taken a decisive place in the country’s economy and have become the main source of saturating the market with necessary goods and services, increasing the incomes and welfare of the population and an important factor in solving problems of the employment of the population. It should be noted that all these measures are being taken in line with the consistently implemented State programme to support small and medium-sized businesses for the period until 2024, aimed at ensuring the high rates of economic growth and social progress in Turkmenistan by stirring up the p

Univer­sal Lo­gis­tics Ope­ra­tor of Turk­me­nis­tan

The mar­ket of trans­port and lo­gis­tics services in Turk­me­nis­tan is develo­ping dai­ly and at an accele­ra­ted pace. No­wa­days it is im­pos­sib­le to ima­gi­ne the mo­dern world wit­hout fast de­livery of goods. Due to the well-es­tab­lis­hed lo­gis­tics chains, car­goes move bet­ween cities and con­ti­nents wit­hin the shor­test pos­sib­le ti­me. Recent­ly es­tab­lis­hed, a mo­dern trans­port and lo­gis­tics com­pa­ny Ter­ne Lo­gis­tics provides a full ran­ge of services for the de­livery and sto­ra­ge of car­go from ot­her cities and fo­reign count­ries at the op­ti­mum price. The com­pa­ny al­so specia­li­ses in the trans­por­ta­tion of bulk car­goes, car­ries out mul­ti­mo­dal trans­por­ta­tion, which is why it is well-known in the mar­ket of trans­port and dis­patching services. The or­ga­ni­sa­tion’s he­ad of­fice is located in Ash­ga­bat.

Quality Products for Export

In the year passing under the motto “Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust”, in honour of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Motherland, the number of modern enterprises built by private manufacturers is increasing day by day. Thus, Batly Gadam, a private enterprise from Balkanabat, specialising in the production of socks and yarn, due to the use of the most advanced equipment increases the volume of exports with every passing year.

Components of Successful Business

Due to the comprehensive state support, the potential of small and medium-sized businesses in the Dashoguz velayat and also throughout the country is noticeably growing. Successful entrepreneurs, showing initiative and fulfilling the important tasks of increasing production and improving the quality of domestic products, make a significant contribution to Turkmenistan’s economic growth. In recent years, entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural sector of the region, which is one of the crucial factors in saturating local consumer markets with vegetables and fruit, has expanded significantly. For example, farmers’ associations and private agricultural producers, including the members of the Dashoguz velayat branch of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, received a large number of plots from the special agricultural land fund for long-term use to grow various food crops. An increasing number of farmers prefer growing potatoes.

Domestic Businesses: Achievements and Frontiers

An annual exhibition and conference of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) that is held each year on March 17 to mark an anniversary of the organisation is taking place at the Exhibition Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This year the Union is celebrating its 13th anniversary. The economic strategy developed by the leader of the nation and the active and effective state support have given the private sector of the national economy a powerful impetus to develop. The representatives of the private sector in the country has rapidly increased in number, making a worthy contribution to the implementation of the national socioeconomic development programmes. Through all these years, the state and the President of Turkmenistan have been supporting small, medium-size and large-scale businesses, stimulating entrepreneurial initiative and promoting the growth of high-tech enterprises.

Entrepreneurship: at a New Stage of Development

The main goal of the economic strategy of the President of Turkmenistan is to create the society-centred market economy, to develop a highly efficient system with effective entrepreneurship and a modern market infrastructure that provides social guarantees to all segments of the population and to build a highly competitive national economy capable of ensuring the stable long-term progress of the country. In this regard, the priority aspects of the national economic policy include the encouragement of entrepreneurial activity and support of small business. Entrepreneurship in a developed market economy is a key market segment, as it serves as a catalyst for economic growth. Firstly, this is due to its ability to adapt quickly to new market requirements and sustaining competitiveness consequently. Secondly, SMEs are capable of offering employment to the population on a par with large-scale enterprises. Thirdly, unlike large-scale enterprises, business entities, due to their mobility, can immediately adopt advanced technologies and innovations. Thus, small businesses, as the most massive form of entrepreneurial activity, are capable of tackling such issues as involving a significant number of the population into active economic activity, expanding a competitive environment, weakening monopolisation, reorienting small-sized businesses to produce scarce commodities and services, fil