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Founder:Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, A.Niyazov, 174
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New Products for the Little Ones

The Arkadag City Medical Cluster is broadening the range of eco-friendly and popular health products. The Medical Cluster, created on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has an important role to play in setting up modern enterprises that manufacture import-substituting and export-oriented medical products.

What should a schoolchild’s daily routine be like?

«7/24.tm»:№36 (223) 02.09.2024     On the eve of the new school year, it is worth reminding once again about the importance of one of the components of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren – a daily routine.

Unforgettable Sea Breeze

The Caspian Sea is the warmest of all seas, like a hot desert that has come right up to the shore, it gives off its warmth to the turquoise waves. There, where the dunes meet the sea, on the sandy coast of Avaza, you can not only have a wonderful rest and receive a boost of energy, but also gain new fresh impressions. How much happiness and joy the Avaza national tourism zone gives to everyone who comes there! How interesting it is here, and how inexorably fast time flies! But in addition to swimming in the sea, sports games and many other entertainments, there is another interesting activity that no one can deny themselves – this is walks along the seashore, which is always different and never boring. You can admire it, be alone with it and hear not just the splash of the waves, but the melody of the sea, which merges the ringing of a summer day, and the talk of the waves, and the noise of the surf, and the song of the wind.

Cardiology Service: Advanced Technologies and International Practices

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the ultimate goal of the state is to create the most favourable conditions for the comprehensive development of each individual. Thanks to the unceasing concern of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag, who laid the foundations of the state policy for protecting the health of the people, the public health policy has showed visible results.

Children’s Summer Diet: Tasty and Healthy

We all know that during hot summer days, appetite decreases, especially in children. The usual way of life and schedule change with the onset of the summer heat, the intensity of metabolic processes changes, and taste preferences are transformed. Children begin to refuse their usual lunches and dinners, switching to lighter food. Nutrition issues become especially important for children of the first three years of life, since their digestion is still very sensitive to various changes. How to properly feed a baby in the summer? Here are some tips.

The President of Turkmenistan Took a Bike Ride in the Avaza National Tourist Zone

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on labor leave, went for a bike ride in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on the Caspian coast. Currently, Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the promotion of healthy lifestyle principles in society. In this regard, targeted measures are being implemented to protect people’s health, harmoniously develop the younger generation, and provide conditions for comfortable and healthy recreation for citizens, especially during their labor leave. All this is one of the priorities of the socially oriented policy successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which is based on the motto “The State is for People!” proclaimed by Hero-Arkadag.

Doctors advise

«7/24.tm»:№33 (220) 12.08.2024 – Live a healthy lifestyle and regularly drink clean drinking water.

International Centre of Traumatology: Modern Diagnostic and Treatment Methods

The International Centre of Traumatology in Ashgabat is the major traumatology and orthopaedic clinic in Turkmenistan that offers diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to patients with the musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.

Maintaining health in the summer heat

Turkmen summer rarely pleases us with cool days, more often we encounter sharp temperature fluctuations – periods of heat and scorching heat. Temperature fluctuations affect the general wellbeing of each of us. Therefore, it is very important to know how to endure periods of hot weather with the least harm to health and, first of all, how to avoid overheating, when heat stroke can occur. Publications on this topic often appear on the pages of newspapers, in addition, television and radio programmes and social videos shown on national television channels are devoted to it. Medical specialists, for example, family doctors and nurses, carry out extensive sanitary and preventive work with residents of their territorial areas.

The results of hygienic assessment of trans fats content in confectionery products produced in Turkmenistan

Shirin VELLANOVADepartment of food hygiene of SMUT named after M. Garryyev As a result of the rapid development of global technologies, new types of food products are being developed every day, intermediate products are appearing, in particular products that are harmful to health, such as trans fats. Trans fats are formed when vegetable and animal fats are converted from liquid to a solid state through the hydrogenation process. We evaluated the results in our scientific work.

Clinical and morphological features of nasopharyngeal cancer

Chemen DIVANKULIYEVA, Gulyalek YEGENGELDIYEVA, Orazjamal BALAYEVA, Raisa ISRAFILOVADepartment of histology, embryology and cytology of SMUT named after M. Garryyev Nasopharyngeal cancer accounts for 0,1-2,0% of all malignant neoplasms of the head and neck and 45-55% of the pharynx. 60-70% of patients seek medical help in an advanced stage of the disease, and in 70-80% of these patients, when seeking medical help, metastases are detected in the regional lymph nodes of the neck [2, 4, 6].

Pathomorphological features of non-developing pregnancy

Guljahan HOJAMBERDIYEVADepartment of obstetrics and gynecology of SMUT named after M. Garryyev Non-developing pregnancy is one of the most important problems of modern obstetrics. In recent years, due to the early diagnosis of pregnancy among spontaneous abortions in the early stages, the frequency of non-developing pregnancy (NDP) has increased by 45-88%.

Treatment methods of demodex blepharitis

Jamilya PINAYEVA, Guncha ANNAYEVA, Mekan SAHETNIYAZOV, Leyla KARAJAYEVAScientific and clinical center for the eye diseases of SMUT named after M. Garryyev Demodicosis is a lesion of the eyelids caused by mites of the genus demodex, and is one of the most widespread dermatoses. Among all inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis of demodectic etiology occupy from 39 to 88% [4, 6, 7].

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding

Annagurban ORAZOV, Nurmyrat KAKABAYEV, Gadam SERDAROV, Merdan HOJAMYRADOVDepartment of faculty surgery of SMUT named after M. Garryyev, Emergency first aid center Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic, recurrent disease with the development of severe complications with the spread of the inflammatory process to adjacent organs.

Extragenital pathology and obstetric complications in disorders of the hormonal activity of thyroid gland

Maya KAKAGELDIYEVAHospital with a scientific and clinical center for physiology Thyroid gland (TG) is normally the only source of thyroxine (T4), while about 80% of triiodothyronine (T3) is formed not in the thyroid gland, but by deiodination of T4 in peripheral tissues – muscles, liver, kidneys; the conversion of free T4 (FT4) into free T3 (FT3) occurs in the placenta [7, 8, 13, 16]. The optimal TSH level for planning pregnancy is 0,4-2,0 mU/l for hypothyroidism.

Pathological changes in patients with metabolic syndrome

Ogulgurban SOLTANOVA, Mammetberdi ELYASOVDepartment of biotechnology of Oguz Khan engineering and technology university of Turkmenistan, Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Metabolic syndrome is a group of pathological conditions such as abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, insulin resistance and increased fasting blood glucose levels. Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for the development of serious diseases such as type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In most cases, insulin resistance is the main cause and trigger of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and obesity in particular. As a result of recent studies, it has been revealed that chronic inflammatory conditions are the main factors in the development of metabolic syndrome and subsequent pathophysiological disorders [1, 2].

Building on Accomplishments

The improvement and rapid development of the national healthcare system have a special place among the most significant achievements of the Turkmen state. In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State in our country, public health protection is a priority aspect of the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pursued within the comprehensive national strategies and programmes.

Time for holidays, vacations and hot weather

Summer time is the traditional season of vacations and holidays and at the same time it is a period of persistently hot weather, when you need to be more attentive to your health. Here are some tips that the readers of Neutral Turkmenistan were given by specialists from the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry. Following the recommendations and observing certain rules of behaviour will allow to avoid the negative consequences of heat on the human body and to maintain good health, vitality and performance.

Vacation at Sea – to Improve Health

Summer is the time for holidays and vacations, a time when many people go to relax at the seaside in the wonderful Avaza national tourism zone. A trip to the sea is a joyful event that the whole family looks forward to. However, excessive sun exposure and increased water activity can negatively affect human body. According to medical experts, one of the most common problems of beach holidays is acute intestinal infections. Therefore, when swimming in the sea or pool, try not to swallow water. If possible, spend minimal time in the pool. And after swimming, be sure to take a shower using soap and a washcloth.

“Value your health...” (Magtymguly)

– Lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly drink clean drinking water. – Do physical exercises and sports and refrain from bad habits.