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Founder:Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, A.Niyazov, 174
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Solemn ceremonies

«7/24.tm», № 35 (66), 30.08.2021. A solemn meeting on the performance of the Turkmenistan national team at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games took place in the meeting room of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan.

Wonderful stadium has multifaceted prospects

Independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan conducts the exemplary work in the field of sports development. The commitment of the Turkmen leader is a great example for our people, especially for the youth, to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The physical culture and sports movement has recently made unprecedented progress in our country. In this context, the role of multifunctional sports facilities, which are built and put into operation on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, is great. Ashgabat Multipurpose Stadium represents one of the most important facilities in the Turkmen capital and has excellent conditions. The stadium has great potential for the younger generation to grow up to be physically and spiritually healthy people. The 20,000-seat multipurpose stadium includes the outdoor and indoor training grounds. It has a convenient restaurant and parking lots. One of its main features is versatility. The stadium has a synthetic football pitch, a track and field track, area for the long jump events and for the high jump events, as well as gymnastics and training grounds. Moreover, Ashgabat Multipurpose Stadium provides 17 training halls for different sports. Excellent conditions are created for the youth to strengthen their health and to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and for the skilful athletes to prepare intensively for competit

The first cis sports games to be held in Kazan

«7/24.tm», №34 (65), 23.08.2021. From 4th to 11th September this year, Kazan will host the First Games of the Commonwealth of Independent States. To date, more than two thousand participants have already been announced for the Games, of which about 1500 are athletes (aged 14 to 23) from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan  the official website of the Organizing Committee of the Games informs.

The Turkmen leader’s example is the principle for young people

Every initiative and instruction of the President of Turkmenistan becomes a guiding principle for the young generation in the epoch of might and happiness. Despite having a lot of important work to do, the Turkmen leader follows the principles of a healthy lifestyle and sets a personal example for our compatriots, first, for the young people. Excellent conditions have been created to develop the mass physical culture and high-level sports in our country in recent years. Stadiums, sports and recreation centres, and multi-purpose sports complexes have become favourite places of the young people who follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The President of Turkmenistan noted that each sports equipment has unique characteristics and is important in strengthening the human health. Proper exercises with the sports equipment improve the human health. It should be noted that the gym apparatus play an important role in the harmonious development of the young people and their physical fitness.


A promotional meeting has been recently held under the motto ‘Happy Generation – Happy Motherland’ in the conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan. The meeting was attended by the officials from the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, the Ashgabat Hyakimlik, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the Ministry of Education, public organizations and political parties of Turkmenistan.

Important conference

The Ashgabat Main Department on Sports and Youth Policy has recently held a promotional meeting under the motto ‘Healthy Youth is the Light of Future’. The meeting was jointly organized by the Ashgabat Council of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the Ashgabat Health Department, the Ashgabat Police Department, and the Ashgabat Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan in the conference hall of the Special Chess and Checkers School of the Ashgabat Main Department on Sports and Youth Policy.

Olympic flag handed over to Paris at closing ceremony of Tokyo Olympic Games

«7/24.tm», №33 (64), 16.08.2021. The closing ceremony of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games took place in Tokyo. The event took place at the National Stadium in the capital of Japan.

Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games close

«7/24.tm», №33 (64), 16.08.2021. On August 8, 2021, the closing ceremony of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games took place in the capital of Japan.

Independence gives inspiration to our hearts

The achievements of our beloved Motherland in the years of independence have led to the harmonious implementation of positive reforms in all spheres of our state and society. It should be noted that independence is important for development in the contemporary history of Turkmenistan. From the first days of independence, Turkmenistan has contributed to the global development. With the status of permanent neutrality, our independent Motherland has strengthened positions in the world community. The growing economic potential of our beloved Motherland, which is confidently moving towards the new heights of development, provokes joy and pride on the eve of glorious Independence Day. At that moment, the words of the President of Turkmenistan come to mind, ‘To delight in independence, to love the Motherland and the people is happiness’.

Digital system has great potential

As is known, a number of decrees and programmes have been adopted to modernize and to improve the library system, which is a special area of culture, and to encourage young people to get to creative work under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan. In this context, the Law of Turkmenistan ‘On Libraries and Library Work’ contributed to improvement and modernization of the library system in 2017. The Turkmen leader emphasizes the necessity to organize the work of young people to develop their talents and passion for art, and to study the national musical art and ancient cultural heritage. As part of the on-going work in this context, the database of the electronic library system and the scope of digital library services are being expanded.

Swimmer takes 7 medals in Tokyo and breaks all-time record

«7/24.tm», №32 (63), 09.08.2021. The main medal winner at the Tokyo Olympic Games is Emma McKeon, a 27-year-old swimmer from Australia. She holds 4 gold and 3 bronze medals in different distances.

IOC may cancel TV broadcasts of Olympic Games

«7/24.tm», №32 (63), 09.08.2021. Director of Communications at the International Olympic Committee Mark Adams spoke about the TV broadcasts of the Olympic Games. According to him, it may be necessary to switch to streaming platforms in the future to ensure the full broadcast coverage.

Two athletes share gold for the first time in 109 years

«7/24.tm», №32 (63), 09.08.2021. Mutaz Essa Barshim of Qatar and Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy won a gold medal in the men’s high jump final at the Tokyo Summer Olympics. Two athletes shared the highest award for the first time since 1912.

Warholm smashes 400m hurdles world record for second time in year

«7/24.tm», №32 (63), 09.08.2021. Norway’s Karsten Warholm broke the world record in the 400-metre hurdles at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Yashyl Yayla welcomes guests

The Yashyl Yayla Children's Recreation Centre is a great source of inspiration for schoolchildren during the summer and winter holidays in Hyvaabat Valley, Kaka Etrap, Ahal Velayat. Opened and put into operation in 2015, the Centre accommodates 300 children at each session and provides excellent conditions for happy generations to have a good time and to recreate.

Sport is the key to health

Great progress has been made in our country, in all spheres, as well as in the Turkmen sports, under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan in the epoch of might and happiness. To date, large-scale state programmes aimed at developing the Turkmen sport are being successfully implemented in our country. Thanks to the comprehensive concern of the Turkmen leader, modern sports facilities are built in the white marble capital of the independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, Ashgabat and Velayats. These facilities are provided with the latest technologies and state-of-the-art equipment. The sports infrastructure reflects the achievements of our national architectural art and inspires the happy young generation of our beloved Motherland – schoolchildren and students – to engage in physical education and sports.

Tokyo Impressions

or an online interview with Polina Guryeva, the Olympic silver medallist The eventful days of the XXXII Summer Olympics have decorated the history of the Turkmen sports. The historic moment when the Flag of Turkmenistan was raised in the Land of the Rising Sun to mark the Olympic medal of our athlete has made all our compatriots happy. July 27, 2021 went down in the history the Turkmen sports as one of the most important dates. The same day, Polina Guryeva, a 21-year-old student of the Olympic Sports Department at Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, an athlete of the Higher Sports Skills School of Turkmenistan, won a silver medal at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games for the national team of our Motherland. After this historic event, we held an online interview with the athlete who updated her personal record, having lifted 217 kilogrammes in total in the weightlifting competition, and won the Olympic medal for our country.

Legendary gymnast Chusovitina announces her retirement at the age of 46

«7/24.tm», №31 (62), 02.08.2021. A 1992 Olympic champion, gymnast Oksana Chusovitina, currently performing for Uzbekistan, announced the end of her gymnastics career.

Korean judoka shaves her shaves her head before OG bout to lose weight

«7/24.tm», №31 (62), 02.08.2021. Kang Yoo-jung from Korea went to extreme measures to meet the weight requirements of the Olympic judo tournament.

Japanese girl wins the Olympics at 13

«7/24.tm», №31 (62), 02.08.2021. The winners of the first ever Olympic street skateboarding tournament are 42 years old. For three! The 13-year-old athletes Momiji Nishiy (Japan) and Rayssa Leal (Brazil) took the first two places, and Japan’s Funa Naka-yama won a bronze medal. She is a veteran against their background, she is 16. This podium will go down in history of the Olympic Games as the youngest.