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The story of one photo

«But I didn’t think this photo would make such a big impression,» a student from Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Mehriban Kurbanova said. In September 2017, during the Asian Games in Ashgabat, my colleagues and I prepared the special pages for each issue of Turkmenistan Newspaper. On a day of the Asian Games, I came to  Editor-in-Chief Kakamurat Rejepov to ask him for advice on the special page of the forthcoming issue. He showed me the latest issue of Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper and said, «This photo says it all. Everything is clear without words. But we can find the heroine of the photo and talk to her.»

Three new countries joined the African sambo confederation

They are Burkina Faso, Togo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The corresponding decision was made at the Congress of the African SAMBO Confederation (CAS), held on July 28 in Cairo (Egypt) on the eve of the start of the African SAMBO Championships. The official event was attended by representatives of 14 countries - Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia.

Sports and youth


A brilliant sign of people's unity

The student youth took part in the national tree-planting campaign to turn our Motherland into a garden and to enrich its beautiful nature and expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan, because the Turkmen leader sets an example for the young people in every noble occupation. The President of Turkmenistan took part in the national tree-planting campaign and launched this public event of national importance on November 6. In the clean morning that autumn day, people joined the campaign in all corners of the country. Besides planting new seedlings, the cleaning and gardening activities were held around the buildings, along the streets and in the gardens of cities, towns, and villages. The Turkmen people understand the concern and policy of the Turkmen leader aimed at the protection of the beauties of nature and the cleanliness of the environment. The fact that our compatriots demonstrated enthusiasm about the tree-planting campaign evidenced the unity of the people.

Equestrian sports

Equestrian sports provide a number of activities that allow riders to feel the pleasure of interacting with horses and to improve physical conditions. The ancient writings include information about the impact of horse riding on the human health. Hippocrates advised phlegmatic and gloomy people to ride horses. He believed that horse riding keeps people away from bad thoughts. The effect of horse riding on the body depends on the way of riding. For example, horse riding on plain land has the same health benefits for the human body as walking. Galloping is the same as running on a mountain or in cross country. While riding a horse, the pressure on the vertebrae is significantly reduced compared to walking or running, but at the same time the biological balance of the human body is adjusted.

The story of the most popular sambo photography

«7/24.tm», №45 (76), 08.11.2021. Sambo amateurs and professionals are well aware of this photo. In various treatments, it visited websites, posters, diplomas, cups, competition medals and even logos of sports clubs. It is always easy to find it in a search engine for the word «sambo», but not everyone knows the history of its creation.

Health is the basis of prosperity

The Turkmen people value health and appreciate a healthy lifestyle. The development of sport and physical culture, which represent a source of health, is a priority of the state policy, reflected in the Saglyk State Programme and in the long-term programmes to radically improve the living conditions of the people. The human health is the main wealth in our country, and the concern of the President of Turkmenistan for the happy and peaceful life of our people is reflected in the principle ‘the state is for the people!’. Comprehensive concern for the growing generation, its harmonious development and health is one of the main priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan. Regular physical exercises and sport strengthen the human health, nurture discipline, purposefulness and diligence. Sport improves the quality of life, increases the self-confidence of a person, makes many dreams come true, and helps to succeed in profession. That is why the youth follow the example of the Turkmen leader and do sports.

The speed of horse

A great number of legends have been passed down by our ancestors from generation to generation. They included the proverbs and sayings about the ‘heavenly’ horses, for example, ‘thoroughbred horses are tested in the battlefield’, ‘birds have wings, and young men have horses’, ‘the man is brave in fight, and the horse is fast in sprint’, ‘the horse is known in race, and the man is known in outlook’, ‘brave men need a horse to be famous’, ‘where there is a horse, there will be a holiday’, ‘the horse is the support for the young man, and the carpet is the heart of the girl’, ‘he who has a horse acquires wings, and he who has a son acquires wealth’ and etc. Here is one of such legends with the following contents. In ancient times, a grey horse won a horse race at a wedding in the Turkmen village. At that time, the wedding host, the horse owner, the bird owner and the breeders consulted and decided to organize a competition between this horse and a falcon. People wanted to see a little tournament. A large crowd gathered to watch this amazing race. When people arrived at the venue where the horse and the bird were to compete, the falcon’s owner climbed to the top of the hill, holding a piece of meat in his hand. The falcon saw the meat and was ready to fly. The bird leaned towards the owner. The young man on the horse also turned towards the finish line. When the bird took off, he al

Digital system and sport

The opportunities of the digital system attribute the importance and meaning to multilateral transformations at the times when science and technologies make great progress. This fact is reflected in the development of sports. To date, people have excellent options to check up advantages or disadvantages of any physical activity, its effect on the muscles, and its practical use. Moreover, due to the special features of any sport, it is possible to take effective steps in training the body based on such options. This fact demonstrates that the opportunities and conditions have increased significantly with the introduction of the digital system in sport. The opportunities of the system in training or strengthening athletes, and in organizing large sports festivals contribute to global recognition and lasting impression on the fans. Thus, organization of the large sports events requires clock-like management nowadays.

Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan sports cooperation

«7/24.tm», №44 (75), 01.11.2021. Symbolic team of Turkmen footballers who played in Kazakhstan

Turkmenistan is a sports power

Sakarchage Etrap is notable for the outstanding athletes. Weightlifting predominates in the Etrap sports schools, especially in Gumlyguzer Gengeshlik, where young people study at the weightlifting school named after Altymyrat Orazdurdyev, a legendary Turkmen weightlifter who grew up there. To date, the outstanding Turkmen athlete A.Orazdurdyev is an exemplary model for fans of this sport. In recent years, a large number of athletes from Mary Velayat perform successfully for the national and youth national teams of our country. The siblings Hojamuhammet, Nurmuhammet and Aysoltan Toychyevs, Atajan Dayiev are among these athletes. The above-mentioned weightlifters have chosen this difficult sport and continue the path of Altymyrat Orazdurdyev, sharing their experiences with young people.

Importance of digital systems in sport

The President of Turkmenistan has created excellent conditions and opportunities for the Turkmen athletes and coaches to achieve high results in the world of sports. Large sports facilities and complexes provided with modern equipment and technologies that meet international standards have been built and put into operation in all corners of the country. Digitalization in sports, as well as in other spheres, is given special importance in Turkmenistan. The necessary measures resulted in the development of the digital culture, which forms and determines the projects of the important system in the Turkmen sport. The national projects are being implemented to digitize the sports system. In the epoch of might and happiness, the state has invested a lot in strengthening the material and technical base of this system, including in the achievements of science and digital technologies.

Pride for heavenly horses

The Ahalteke horses have been glorifying our people for centuries, and the international prestige of our horses is growing in the epoch of might and happiness. Guests and visitors to our country dream of seeing our ‘heavenly’ horses, and this fact demonstrates their glory and prestige. People witnessed it when the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev paid a state visit to Turkmenistan recently. As is known, it has become a noble tradition for distinguished guests to visit the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov welcomed the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Equestrian Complex and demonstrated the honour paid to horses in our country.

Conference dedicated to our distinguished homelander As-Suli was held in Ashgabat

«7/24.tm», №43 (74), 25.10.2021. The research and practical conference «Abu Bakr Muhammet As-Suli and chess play theory», dedicated to the life and creation of our distinguished homelander, was held in the assembly hall of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical culture and Sport.

Equestrian infrastructure is developed

The Ahalteke horses are considered the national value, pride and glory of the Turkmen people, their companions and friends. Thanks to the construction and operation of modern equestrian sports complexes in different corners of the country, Turkmenistan has become a venue for horse races and equestrian events of the international and national levels. The ground-breaking ceremony for the modern stable designed for 600 Ahalteke horses was recently held on the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan in Gokdepe Etrap, Ahal Velayat.

Achievements reflected in fine arts

The remarkable sports achievements enhance the prestige of our Motherland on the international arena, because sport is a symbol of friendship and unity between peoples, the ambassador of peace. That is why our outstanding athletes are known all over the world. The remarkable achievements of the Turkmen sport and victories of our professional athletes at the large international events are reflected in the fine arts. Their impressive results inspire our compatriots of all professions, including in artists, sculptors, and computer graphic designers. The works of fine art depict the moments from the Turkmen wrestling fights, which decorate the national wedding ceremonies, the young cyclists and other great events. People look at the photos of our world-known weightlifter Altymyrat Orazdurdyev and feel that they are involved in the history of the Turkmen sport. Such works are exhibited for our compatriots in the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great. They reflect the wonderful moments and the events that have entered the history and highlight the heights reached by the Turkmen sport.

Sport and digital system

The expansion of the opportunities of the digital system is of great importance in the modern world, where sport and physical education develop rapidly. To date, large sports events attract the attention of the whole world and require a very high level of organization. An important part of this work depends on the digital system. The opening and closing ceremonies of the sports festivals require the accurate timing, and the performance and results of athletes should reflect the justice in sports. At the same time, the work of the organizers and the referees is greatly facilitated owing to the digital system. The connection between sport and the digital world consists in the importance of the effective training for athletes. Obviously, this process includes multimode analysis of the physical conditions of the athlete. This issue requires an in-depth approach to human opportunities and the help of technologies. Thus, the athlete achieves the effective training and makes a good use of opportunities without overloads.

Ahalteke horses pride of the epoch

The national values of the Turkmen people, which they have perfected over the centuries and bequeathed to future generations, and their contribution to world culture and art are massive and impressive. The Ahalteke horses are one of these national values to provoke the national pride of the Turkmen people. The Ahalteke horses have special respect and honour in the epoch of might and happiness. The Turkmen folklore reflects the concepts of justice, bravery, patriotism, courage, and boundless love for the Ahalteke horses. Our people could not realize their life without horses. The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the Ahalteke horses, praising them in the books ‘the Flight of Celestial Race Horses’ and ‘Ahalteke Horses – Our Pride and Glory’. These works gained the affection of both the Turkmen readers, and the international community. Thus, the equestrian sports play a significant role in the life of the Turkmen people. Our ancestors considered their horses to be their friends and companions. New born foals were treated like children, the decoration of their lives and the apple of their eyes. The Ahalteke horses were often given the human names, for example, Merjen, Nazliyar, Aysona, Aysoltan, Gulbahar, Gulovser, Gulperi, and etc. In a word, these names reflected all the beauty of the world. The Ahalteke horses are one of the best bree

Invaluable work by the Turkmen leader

reflects the concern for human health The great book by the President of Turkmenistan – Volume XIII of the encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ – has pleased the hearts of the Turkmen people. Thus, the fact that this wonderful gift was presented on the Day of Health Workers and the Medical Industry of our country has a special meaning. Thus, the Turkmen leader identifies the concern for the health of the people as the most important direction of state policy and attaches great importance to the work of the representatives of the medical system.

Festive horse races

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of our Motherland, which were held at the International Ahalteke Equestrian Sports Complex on September 28. The festive horse races at different distances became the decoration of the celebrations. The Ahalteke horses demonstrated their speed in seven races at different distances. 12 horses competed in each race.