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Founder:Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, A.Niyazov, 174
Telephones: 21-23-57


An environmentally friendly mode of transport

The UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution ‘Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development’ at the 61st plenary meeting of its 76th Session at the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhammedov on March 15 this year. This document became an important step in the struggle against climate change and demonstrated that Turkmenistan promotes sports and ecological diplomacy as the keys to achieving sustainable development. The document proposes to use bicycles as public transport in urban and rural areas of developed and developing countries to increase traffic safety, to promote the use of bicycles by the population, as well as businesses to reduce emissions. The United Nations encourages international, regional, national, and local development programmes to focus on cycling services and other related initiatives, to stimulate civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, and other institutions to use bicycles.

Advantages of basketball

Basketball requires a variety of movements, including in running, jumping, and ball-throwing techniques, keeps all the muscle groups active during the game and helps make them stronger. This sport strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves coordination of movements and speed. Basketball increases the body's endurance. It has a positive effect on the immune system. Basketball improves the respiratory system and increases the capacity of the lungs. It strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

An inspiring work

The book ‘Ömrümiň manysy’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov describes the basic moral principles and norms. They are important today and evidence the fact that our ancestors' traditions and principles are still cherished. In the preface to the book, the author – Honorary Elder of the People Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizes that everyone has to think about the past and the future. The book consists of six chapters entitled ‘The Culture of Being’, ‘The Word about Faith’, ‘Primordial Principles Rooted in the Depths of Millennia’, ‘A Backward Look’, ‘Pilgrimage to the Holy Mecca and Medina’, and ‘The Spiritual and Moral School of the Nation’. Respecting the noble spiritual values of our ancestors, our Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov analysed, summarized and systematized the available historical sources and information. This work attracted great interest of the world community, because the general humanitarian principles embodied in the national character and worldview of the Turkmen people find wide support of many peoples. Published in the year, which is being held under the motto ‘the Era of the People with Arkadag’, the work highlights great achievements of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, important events in the history and life of our country, and the career of the Turkmen leader, dedicated to serving our beloved Motherland and people.

Bowling is a useful sport

Bowling, as well as other sports, stimulates human body, improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on all organs and systems. The game helps boost immunity. It strengthens the leg muscles. The office workers say that their feet feel better after this game. Experts note that bowling strengthens the leg and abdominal muscles.

Benefits of physical exercises

The morning physical exercises in all nursery schools of our country demonstrate that the younger generations take the first steps towards following a healthy lifestyle. Physical exercises before breakfast play an important role in improving the child's blood circulation and in developing body parts. Thus, while performing exercises, it is important to hold the upright position of the body and to do them completely and correctly. Children should start exercising with a quick walking and a light running on the spot. Exercises for the hands include moving them straight forward, up, sideways, and down.

Table tennis

Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is more developed in Asian countries, especially in China and Korea. Table tennis is a sport that can be played by two players or teams. This game is also called ping-pong. This name does not have much meaning; it just reminds the sounds when the racket hits the ball. The game is played on the table (76 centimetres – height, 274 centimetres – length), by hitting the ball back and forth across the net using small solid rackets and following the relevant rules.

Changes have been made to the International sambo rules

  «7/24.tm», № 19 (102), 09.05.2022. On April 27, the members of the FIAS Executive Committee voted for the introduction of changes and additions to the International SAMBO Rules. The list of changes, as well as the dates when the decisions come into force, are published on the FIAS official website.

Chinese director made a film about sambo in Australia and published its trailer

  «7/24.tm», № 19 (102), 09.05.2022. Sambists, coaches and leadership of the Australian SAMBO Federation became the main characters of the documentary and feature film «SAMBO – Path to Victory». The author of the film was the Chinese director Donny Dong, who recently learned about SAMBO and was incredibly inspired by the idea and philosophy of this martial art.

Turkmenistan is a sports power

The participation of the Turkmen athletes in large international events reflects the sports achievements and the success of the sports policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan. Our compatriots win different prizes, including in gold medals, at these events. Large-scale investments are being made for the development of the sports system, and new scientific achievements and advanced technologies are introduced into the system. Multifunctional stadiums, sports complexes and specialized sports schools have been built in the cities and villages of our country. The construction of gyms, football, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, and swimming pools in secondary and pre-school institutions form the basis for doing sports in our country.

Ashgabat is a blossoming garden

As was noted at the online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on April 22, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) announced that Ashgabat was awarded the Certificate of Gratitude in recognition for the pledge to the Trees in Cities Challenge. This good news has greatly inspired our compatriots. The good news from the Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan to the United Nations Office in Geneva demonstrated that special attention is paid to the state policy of the country in the field of environmental protection, conservation and biodiversity.

New qualification criteria for swimmers

The International Swimming Federation has released the qualification criteria and the qualifying events schedule for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The qualification criteria are slightly different from those of the previous Games.

A gift from heaven

The Turkmen people have long cherished their horses, saying, ‘I will not call you a horse, I will call you a brother’. This kindness means that the attitude of the Turkmen people towards the horses is rooted in the patriotic feelings. The love and respect of the Turkmen people for horses is based on ancient national principles. These principles are rooted in divine love. Our ancestors used to say, ‘a horse is an aim’, ‘when you wake up in the morning, see your father first, and then see your horse’, ‘where there is a horse, there will be a holiday’, as well as ‘a girl-like horse’, ‘a bride-like horse’. These descriptive phrases demonstrate the attitude of our ancestors.

Absent is a world-famous horse

Absent is a horse that has left an indelible mark in the history of the Olympic Games. This beautiful black horse was born in 1952 in Taraz (former Jambyl), Kazakhstan. The genealogy of the horse originates from the unique horses that have been bred for millennia on the Turkmen soil. Born from the horses Arab and Bakkara, Absent was descended from the famous horse Boynav (born in 1885). In 1955–1968, Absent left a significant mark in equestrian sports. At the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy in Moscow in 1958, Absent was awarded a Level I Certificate for beauty among the Ahalteke horses. Absent took second place in the 1958 European Show Jumping Championships in Aachen, Germany. A year later, the horse won a gold medal at the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR and the title of champion of the USSR.

Children’s tennis festival closes in Ashgabat

«7/24.tm», №17 (100), 25.04.2022    The children’s tennis festival marking World Health Day and the 30th anniversary of the Tennis Federation of Turkmenistan closed in Ashgabat, www.ttf.gov.tm reports.

Modern sports facilities

Excellent conditions are created for the education of physically and mentally healthy generations in our country. The modern facilities built in different corners of the country are of great importance in encouraging young people to do physical culture and sports. The modern infrastructure projects in the capital and in the Velayat centres ensure excellent conditions for the residents to do sports and to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The Olympic Village in the capital, the sports complex in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, the sports facilities in the Velayat centres and Etraps demonstrate this fact.

The values of the Turkmen people

The Ahalteke horses are one of the sacred, world-famous, and glorious values of the Turkmen people. This truth is reflected in the fact that the horse is depicted in the center of the State Emblem of Turkmenistan. Thus, the glory of the Ahalteke horses has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. The history of our ‘heavenly’ horses has a worthy place in the national literature and in the works of other peoples. Besides other features of the Turkmen horses, they provide a lot of information on their beauty, endurance and strength.

Sport in our life a sound mind in a sound body

«7/24.tm», № 16 (99), 18.04.2022. People cannot do without sport. Sport plays an important role in our lives. Sport helps us in different ways. First of all, it helps us stay in good shape, keep fit and be healthy. It makes people strong, fast and agile. Moreover, sport builds character; it teaches us to compete and practice sportsmanship. It makes us live organised lives and improve our self-discipline. Besides, it is a good way to meet people and make new friends.

Turkmenistan futsal team qualifies for 2022 AFC Asian Cup

 «7/24.tm», № 16 (99), 18.04.2022.        The Turkmenistan futsal team won a spot in the final tournament of the 2022 AFC Futsal Asian Cup after Kyrgyzstan had lost  the qualifying game  to  Iran.

Two-year-old Korean boy Lee Sambo started training in Combat Sambo

  «7/24.tm», № 16 (99), 18.04.2022. In the Republic of Korea, there are still quite strict COVID restrictions, due to which many athletes cannot fully train. Adults are forced to put up with it, but children’s craving for sports is too strong. That is why the famous Korean boy Lee Sambo, who recently turned 2 years and 4 months old, began his first training in Combat SAMBO under the guidance of his father Lee Kihun.

Football Federation of Turkmenistan takes part in 72nd FIFA Congress

«7/24.tm», № 15 (98), 11.04.2022.   The delegation of the Football Federation of Turkmenistan led by Secretary General Annabayram Durdymammedov took part in the 72nd FIFA Congress, which was held in Doha on March 31.