Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy

Founder: International Association "Turkmen Alabai Dogs"
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 553/2
Telephones: 39-00-72


A New Page in the History of National Culture

The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage that held its 17th session chaired by the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat from November 28 to December 3 this year inscribed by unanimous decision the Turkmen art of embroidery on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Expressing satisfaction with this news, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the further enrichment of the intangible and cultural values of the Turkmen people is a key priority of the state policy. Over the centuries-old history, the Turkmen people have created a unique traditional artistic culture, which is distinguished by the high level of arts and crafts. Some of them, for example, hand-made carpet weaving, have been recognised universally as world heritage. On December 12, 2019, the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage unanimously inscribed the traditional Turkmen carpet-making art on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at its 14th session. As the Hero-Arkadag emphasised, that vividly evidenced the recognition by the world community of our amazing carpets woven by Turkmen miraculous craftswomen as an excellent monument of art.

Centre of Cults and World Religions

Ancient Merv is known to have been the largest city in Central Asia. In the 3rd-4th centuries AD, the city was not only the centre of the official religion of the Sasanian state – Zoroastrianism, but also remarkable for a variety of cults and religious trends. In particular, this can be applied to Buddhism, which from the 3rd century BC began to spread in Central Asia along the trade routes from India. This religion, one of the most widespread in the world, originated in India in the 6th century BC.

Happy Moments of Unforgettable Meetings in Dashoguz

The Friendship Festival of fraternal peoples took place in the ancient Turkmen land. The solemn opening ceremony was held in the majestic building “Türkmeniň ak öýi”. Those present listened with great excitement to the Addresses of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The participants of the Festival visited the historical and cultural monuments located in the Kunyaurgench State Historical and Cultural Reserve, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The guided tours gave the guests from Uzbekistan an opportunity to see the unique monuments of history and culture, which had become an invaluable heritage of world civilisation. These inlcude one of the tallest minarets in Central Asia, the 60-metre Kutlug Timur Minaret, the mausoleums of Khwarezmshah Tekesh and Il Arslan and other genuine masterpieces of the medieval East. In the evening, the Uzbek actors from the Khorezm Regional Theatre of Musical Drama showed a theatrical production Kais on the stage of Nurmuhammet Andalib State Music and Drama Theatre.

The Capital of Turkmenistan is Aimed at Entering the Unesco Creative Cities Network

Ashgabat Forum “Design-2022” and International Exhibition “Design Without Borders” The Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted an Ashgabat Forum “Design-2022” and an International Exhibition entitled “Design Without Borders”.

President Serdar BERDIMUHAMEDOV: “Art Calls For Peace and Friendship”

Turkmenistan Hosts an International Thematic Festival In the administrative centre of the Lebap velayat, the grand opening of an International Festival entitled “Handicraft and Decorative and Applied Arts in the Heritage of the Peoples of the World” took place.

Living Water of Kyariz

The history of water use in the arid zones of our planet has its roots in the depths of centuries. The methods by which people tried to obtain life-giving moisture are very diverse – from the construction of canals that collect water from the mountains to the digging of deep wells, combined into an underground irrigation system. No one will probably ever know when the first kyariz was dug, but that is not the point! The point is what a crucial role this structure played in the life of our ancestors for thousands of years. Kyariz is an underground irrigation system used in arid foothill regions to supply water over long distances. This is a more reliable source than seasonal rivers. Kyariz is an ancient Turkmen word for an underpass drainage facility. Kyariz can be attributed to the ancient monuments of intangible culture of the Turkmen people. Proverbs and sayings illustrate the important role it played in the life of our people, “Water from a kyariz is sacred”, “A partridge and a caravan can drink from a kyariz”, “An aquiferous kyariz – swans in the lake”.

Sportsman in Bollywood

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 Dear readers, today I want to introduce the Indian actors who are athletes and could easily represent their country at competitions if they didn not act in films. Shahrukh Khan, a famous actor of a thousand films in Bollywood, was the captain of the high school cricket team and competed very well. He wanted to devote his life to sports, but an injury put an end to his career. It is interesting to know that there is a young cricketer Shahrukh Khan in the south of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu! By the way, the guy plays very well.

Dutar in the Unesco representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity

The joint action plan between Turkmenistan and UNESCO for 2021 — 2023 has been approved through the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan. According to this plan, it is planned to include historical and cultural monuments in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as intangible heritage of the ancient culture of our people, their national experience and spiritual wealth. Recently, the craftsmanship of making dutar and the art of playing it and the art of bagshy has been included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which will pass this to future generations and promote the rich historical heritage in the world. The art of playing dutar and bagshy art of the Turkmen people is one of the unique art of the nation.  In this context, our Esteemed President, who equates our culture with the hearts of our people, is making great efforts in the restoration and development of our material and spiritual culture, our art, and the spiritual development of the cultural traditions of the Turkmen people, which is always a source of pride. At present, these precious traditions have a new meaning. Today, cultural diplomacy has become an important part of Turkmenistan’s international relations. At the same time, the conditions created by the State contribute to the qualitatively new development of the ancient national culture, c

National Children’s Games Serve to Bring up Younger Generation

“Our great future is linked indissolubly with your wellbeing and development. In this context, we consider the upbringing of generations on the basis of the noble traditions of our people one of the important tasks,” the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised at the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan. The national leader pays great attention to the tasks of implementing the state youth policy. The most recent examples include the participation of the President in the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan, which took place on the first day of this academic year. The forum spotlighted the achievements of Turkmen youth, for whose harmonious development our country creates all the necessary conditions. Young people follow the spiritual traditions of the nation in their studies, work and broad social activity. Among them, a special role is given to reverence and respect for the elders and care for the younger generation, which embodies the goals of the harmonious education based on the best trends in national pedagogy.

Enriching the Centuries-Old Heritage of National Music and Singing Art

Final of the Contest “Çalsana, Bagşy!” Held in Ashgabat The final of the art contest “Çalsana, Bagşy!” that has been held in our country for the first time as part of the contest “Türkmeniň Altyn Asyry” initiated by the President of Turkmenistan took place at the Palace of Muqams of the State Cultural Centre.

Young people are the future of the country

The members of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan make a worthy contribution to the implementation of the Law of Turkmenistan on the State Youth Policy and of the instructions and assignments of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan was successfully held in Ashgabat, our beautiful capital, on the eve of the 31st anniversary of independence, and was attended by young people from all regions of the country.

Mirror of Creativity of Turkmen Craftswomen

Each monument of antiquity (tangible or intangible culture) left on the Turkmen land is a trace of our ancestors, a silent witness of the past. One of the four types of the world's oldest carpets found by archaeologists in the Pazyryk mounds in Altai (mid-I millennium BC) and now stored at the Hermitage (Russian Federation) is felt mat. All the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan were engaged in the making of felt articles. In a number of cases, the Turkmen felt mat has preserved ancient patterns – symbols that can help specialists, ethnographers, archaeologists and art historians, understand the culture of distant ancestors – more clearly than a carpet.

Preserving National Cultural Heritage

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State under the leadership of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the socio-political, socioeconomic, cultural and spiritual development is gaining new momentum in independent neutral Turkmenistan. Today, special attention in modern society is paid to the wide-scale study, popularisation and preservation of the national cultural and intangible heritage of the Turkmen people. This is illustrated by fruitful cooperation of our country with UNESCO – the specialised agency of the United Nations for education, science and culture. Turkmenistan became a full member of UNESCO on August 17, 1993, by ratifying the relevant document in London, which is expanding every year. In May, the Turkmen delegation took part in the 8th meeting of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the member countries of the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), which took place in Bursa (Republic of Türkiye). This ancient city is the 2022 Cultural Capital of the Turkic World. This meeting plays a major role in promoting and preserving the tangible and intangible cultural wealth of the Turkic peoples. The participants discussed key aspects of multilateral cooperation on the UNESCO platform and outlined an action plan on preparation for the 30th anniversary of TURKSOY, which is being celebrated in 2023.

New Pop Stars Shine

A large-scale music and signing show that had been held throughout the country ended last weekend. The final round of the anniversary, 30th Ýaňlan, Diýarym! TV Contest of talented young performers took place in the amphitheatre of the Ashgabat Song and Music Centre in the capital city on the eve of the 31st anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan. An increasing number of gifted representatives of the younger generation participate in the contest every year. Hundreds of performers from all over the country took part in the qualifying round. Twelve performers were qualified to the final of the competition. They presented their bright vocal performances in different genres. It was very difficult to choose the best soloists, whose skills deserve the highest marks.

Culture of the Turkmen People is Ever-Living Heritage

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the conception of the preservation, development and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan is gaining great importance. Modern artistic vision has brought the layers of unique age-old traditions and customs, rich history and culture, ancient Turkmen mythology, legends and eposes to new life. The great attention paid by the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the level of culture and education of our people and the large-scale policy based on the principle “The state is for the people!”, continues now under the leadership of Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who underscored the importance of further efforts in popularising worldwide the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people and intensifying international cooperation in this sphere.

Embroidery that Reflects the Beauty of Nature

Under this name, an exhibition devoted to the national embroidery keşde is being held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. Keşde is a delicate handiwork used to decorate women’s clothing.

Wings of the Soul of the Turkmen People

Quite recently, my colleagues and I had to make a trip towards the Kopetdag Mountains. We had driven already a decent distance from the city, when we saw an amazing miracle – horses grazing on the plain. We clung to the window to get a better view and to enjoy the beautiful Ahalteke horses. The entire history of the Turkmen people is linked inextricably with these amazing, noble and grateful horses. Their affection for a man, devotion and courage, fidelity and understanding have become the crucial factors of love and respect of the Turkmen people for the horses. Our ancestors, who created the Ahalteke horse breed many centuries ago, put their heart and soul into it and were ready to give their lives for their impeccable creation.

UNESCO – a Platform for Cooperation

The Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting between librarians and museum workers and the Executive Secretary of the Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO, Hero of Turkmenistan Chinar Rustemova. The event was organised with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Women’s Union of Turkmenistan. The main theme under discussion was the preservation and large-scale promotion of the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Executive Secretary of the Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO Chinar Rustemova made a presentation on cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Doll – a Talisman of Happiness

“Welcome to my realm of magic dolls,” the hostess greeted us, and we crossed the threshold of her hospitable house in Anau. The spacious rooms in a cosy house are full of all kinds of dolls: from babies to elders, dressed in national costumes made from eco-friendly materials. The rare and interesting specimens on stands are placed on shelves; several dolls are sitting on a bedside table, on a chest of drawers, and standing on shelves and in showcases. The dolls have an unusual appearance; each of them has its own history, biography and name. Each of them has a full wardrobe. A mini-museum of a huge collection of dolls – they number more than 200!

Returning to the Motherland

The history of Turkmen jewellery goes back to ancient times. This is confirmed by archaeological finds in the form of female figurines of ancient times, richly decorated with ornaments on clothes and headdresses. The high skill of working with silver, gold and stones of the Turkmen jewellers has been passed down from generation to generation. The combination of sophistication and nobility, wealth and moderateness makes Turkmen jewellery works of art, over which time has no power. The State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan hosted the opening of an exhibition entitled “Jewellery Art – Treasury of National Heritage”, where all the jewellery handed over by a Swiss citizen Natalie Markarian-Fard is presented to visitors.