"Balkan" welaýat gazeti

Founder: Balkan velayat hyakimlik
Adress: Building 145, block 1, Balkanabat
Telephones: 6-37-06, 6-07-92, 6-07-96
Email: balkan-gazeti@sanly.tm


Culture of the Turkmen People is Ever-Living Heritage

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the conception of the preservation, development and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan is gaining great importance. Modern artistic vision has brought the layers of unique age-old traditions and customs, rich history and culture, ancient Turkmen mythology, legends and eposes to new life. The great attention paid by the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the level of culture and education of our people and the large-scale policy based on the principle “The state is for the people!”, continues now under the leadership of Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who underscored the importance of further efforts in popularising worldwide the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people and intensifying international cooperation in this sphere.

Embroidery that Reflects the Beauty of Nature

Under this name, an exhibition devoted to the national embroidery keşde is being held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. Keşde is a delicate handiwork used to decorate women’s clothing.

Wings of the Soul of the Turkmen People

Quite recently, my colleagues and I had to make a trip towards the Kopetdag Mountains. We had driven already a decent distance from the city, when we saw an amazing miracle – horses grazing on the plain. We clung to the window to get a better view and to enjoy the beautiful Ahalteke horses. The entire history of the Turkmen people is linked inextricably with these amazing, noble and grateful horses. Their affection for a man, devotion and courage, fidelity and understanding have become the crucial factors of love and respect of the Turkmen people for the horses. Our ancestors, who created the Ahalteke horse breed many centuries ago, put their heart and soul into it and were ready to give their lives for their impeccable creation.

UNESCO – a Platform for Cooperation

The Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting between librarians and museum workers and the Executive Secretary of the Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO, Hero of Turkmenistan Chinar Rustemova. The event was organised with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Women’s Union of Turkmenistan. The main theme under discussion was the preservation and large-scale promotion of the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Executive Secretary of the Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO Chinar Rustemova made a presentation on cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Doll – a Talisman of Happiness

“Welcome to my realm of magic dolls,” the hostess greeted us, and we crossed the threshold of her hospitable house in Anau. The spacious rooms in a cosy house are full of all kinds of dolls: from babies to elders, dressed in national costumes made from eco-friendly materials. The rare and interesting specimens on stands are placed on shelves; several dolls are sitting on a bedside table, on a chest of drawers, and standing on shelves and in showcases. The dolls have an unusual appearance; each of them has its own history, biography and name. Each of them has a full wardrobe. A mini-museum of a huge collection of dolls – they number more than 200!

Returning to the Motherland

The history of Turkmen jewellery goes back to ancient times. This is confirmed by archaeological finds in the form of female figurines of ancient times, richly decorated with ornaments on clothes and headdresses. The high skill of working with silver, gold and stones of the Turkmen jewellers has been passed down from generation to generation. The combination of sophistication and nobility, wealth and moderateness makes Turkmen jewellery works of art, over which time has no power. The State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan hosted the opening of an exhibition entitled “Jewellery Art – Treasury of National Heritage”, where all the jewellery handed over by a Swiss citizen Natalie Markarian-Fard is presented to visitors.

A Masterpiece of Golden Fleece of Saraja sheep

From time immemorial Turkmen carpets and rugs have been considered an age-old attribute of weddings and other family celebrations. The birth of a child and a new carpet were joyful events. According to the tradition, the girl was laid on a new carpet, hoping that she would become a craftswoman in the future. The breadwinner in the family was a man, but the keepers of the family hearth did not sit idly. The ancestors said, “Cattle will bring prosperity to a dzhigit, and a carpet to a girl”. So it was. Men were engaged in cattle breeding, while women were engaged in cooking and carpet weaving, which they taught their daughters from childhood.

Kurban Bayramy – the Feast of Pious and Good Deeds

Since the first years of independence, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, our country widely celebrates every year the holy holiday of Kurban Bayramy that is included in the official calendar of holidays and significant dates of Turkmenistan. This is primarily because Kurban Bayramy, Oraza Bayramy and Nowruz Bayramy are the timeless holidays of an enduring importance in the new historical conditions for maintaining social foundations, turning believers to spiritual sources and instilling respect for the high moral and humanistic ideals common to all world religions. Eid al-Adha, or Kurban Bayramy, as the Turkic peoples call it, is the biggest Muslim holiday. In Arabic, the name of the holiday is translated as “Feast of Sacrifice”.

President Serdar BERDIMUHAMEDOV: Week of culture – the festival of arts enhancing the creative potential of our Motherland

The Solemn Launch of the Cultural Forum The solemn opening ceremony of the Week of Culture-2022 was held at the Ruhiyet Palace in Mary. The large-scale action aimed at preserving, thoroughly studying and promoting the national culture demonstrates its ever-increasing role in the development of the state and society and its huge peace-making potential.

Invaluable Heritage of the Nation

An exhibition marking Turkmen Carpet Day took place at the Exhibition Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. The exhibition arranged in several halls of the Exhibition Centre featured delightful carpets and rugs, tapestries and carpet panels. Turkmen craftswomen have transformed this craft into an art that has been valued all over the world at all times and is recognised by UNESCO as part ofthe intangible cultural heritage of humankind. Today, Turkmenistan has secured its status of the large producer of textiles that are in great demand in world markets. The exhibition featured everything associated with interior design and weaving, namely decorative and upholstery fabrics, curtain fabrics and tulle, blind fabrics, woven wallpapers, rugs, bed linen, kitchen, bedroom, living-room and dining-room textiles.

Best Art Works Announced

The award ceremony of the winners and laurates of the Turkmen Theatrical Art Festival took place in a solemn atmosphere at Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great Main Drama Theatre. The gratitude was expressed to all those who had made this Festival a bright and unforgettable event in the cultural life of the country. “Due to the unceasing concern of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, large-scale and fruitful work is being done in the country to promote culture,” the Director-producer of the best work of the Theatre Festival, Watan Buýsanjy – Jelaleddin Soltan, Eziz Ishanguliyev says. “During the days of the Festival, the spectators watched wonderful performances on the stages of the capital city. We can call the Main Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan a school of life, a dwelling of enlightenment and unforgettable emotions. The success of our performance is an inspiring impetus for creative activity of the theatre team.”

Nature and nation

Nature and its beauties serve as the first source of inspiration for the daily needs and essential interests of humanity. A clean, comfortable environment provides the key opportunities for the human health, for the development of talents and life, and for the increase in life expectancy. The mass tree-planting campaigns represent a modern continuation of national customs and ancient horticultural traditions related to the wise approach to natural resources, which contributes to the close relationships between the environment and society.

Sing, Dutar!

The video presentation of the song Saýra, Dutar! (Sing, Dutar!) by the Turkmen authors took place in the concert hall of the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. It brought together musicians from the Turkic-speaking countries via videoconference, who performed this composition in a unified creative impulse. The initiator of the flash mob of musicians is the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan. As the self-explanatory title of the song implies, the flash mob is dedicated to the recent significant event in the cultural life of our country – the inclusion of dutar making craftsmanship and traditional music performing art combined with singing in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The dutar has been the foundation of spiritual life of the Turkmen people over many centuries, which is why it is called one of the symbols of Turkmenistan. They cried and rejoiced, experienced hard times and celebrated holidays to its melodies. The performers of destans – baghshis enjoy tremendous respect of the people, and the names of many of them live among the people to this day.

Turk­me­nis­tan-Unesco: co-ope­ra­tion in the cul­tu­ral-hu­ma­nis­tic sys­tem

Hu­ma­nism be­gins from the cul­tu­re and tra­di­tions of peop­le. Our Na­tio­nal Lea­der no­tes: «The roots fee­ding the best tra­di­tions of hu­ma­nism live in cul­tu­re». Po­pu­la­ri­zing our na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in the world space, in con­necti­on with it wi­de­ning of in­ter­na­tio­nal re­la­tions in the sys­tem of hu­ma­nism are the pri­ma­ry trends of the sta­te po­licy. At pre­sent, a special at­ten­tion is pa­id to deep­ly stu­dying of the rich his­to­ry and the na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge of the Turk­men peop­le. Every na­tion ma­na­ging to int­ro­duce their na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in­to the list of the values of hu­ma­ni­ty leaves de­served trace in the his­to­ry. Wi­de op­por­tu­ni­ties are crea­ted to stu­dy on the scien­ti­fic ba­sis, to col­lect, to po­pu­la­ri­ze our ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values in­he­ri­ted by our ances­tors. Du­ring ma­ny cen­tu­ries crea­ting ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values our peop­le ma­ke a great cont­ri­bu­tion to the world cul­tu­re.

The art, the melodies of which spread in the world

Inscribing the workmanship of making dutar, the two-stringed Turkmen musical instrument, playing melodies on it and the art of bagshy, the Turkmen musician and singer on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO became an important historical event. This Resolution was unanimously adopted on 13-18 December of 2021 at the 16th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Paris and the origin of corresponding Certificate was delivered on the 30th of January of this year from UNESCO. In the Epoch of Might Happiness as a result of efforts of our He­ro Ar­ka­dag carefully preserving our national heritage is one of the primary trends of the state policy. Complex of works on studying and popularizing the art of music of our people are carried out in our country. Developing scientific relations, wide co-operation with foreign scientific centres and the international structures in this trend, including UNESCO is one of the important trends.

The presentation of the book of the President of Turkmenistan in Armenian was held

On March 16, 2022, the presentation of the book of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Traditions of Turkmen Statehood» in Armenian language was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by rectors, faculty and students of the capital's universities, editors and journalists of local media, as well as representatives of the Republic of Armenia via videoconferencing.

Presentation of the book of the President in English and Russian was held at the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

On March 14, 2022, the presentation of the book of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «The Bright Path to Prosperity» in English and Russian was held in the conference hall of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by rectors, faculty and students of the country's universities, heads and employees of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations in Turkmenistan, representatives of local media.

Casting of actors for a film about Magtymguly has opened

   «7/24.tm», № 09 (92), 28.02.2022. The association «Turkmenfilm» named after Oguzkhan announced a casting for a new short film. The film project called «Istärin» will tell about the life and fate of the classic of Turkmen literature, poet and philosopher Magtymguly Fragi.

Turkmen filmmakers are making a film about national values

 «7/24.tm», № 06 (89), 07.02.2022. The creative association «Turkmenfilm» named after Oguzhan is preparing to release a new short film called «Gyzyl kürte».

Turkmen alabay is a popular hero of artistic plots

Since ancient times, the image of the Turkmen alabay, distinguished by such noble qualities as fearlessness, masculinity, devotion, reliability and fidelity, has been embodied in the ornaments of carpet products, felt mats and other types of decorative and applied arts. Their fragments were found within the territory of a number of historical and cultural monuments located in different parts of our country, including Altyndepe, Pessejikdepe, Nisa, Hazarekdepe and Paryzdepe. During the years of state independence, the work of coryphaei and young artists is based on universal humanistic ideas and the national origins of the Turkmen people. Due to these principles, the image of the Turkmen alabay is vividly presented in modern arts, being depicted in different genres and styles.