"Balkan" welaýat gazeti

Founder: Balkan velayat hyakimlik
Adress: Building 145, block 1, Balkanabat
Telephones: 6-37-06, 6-07-92, 6-07-96
Email: balkan-gazeti@sanly.tm


Improvisations Of Colouful Felt

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State in our country, great attention is paid to the development of national culture and the enrichment and popularisation of the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people in the country and the world. Work is also underway to include new national values in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, including the Art of Turkmen mat felting. This ancient craft, which has become an art in the hands of Turkmen craftswomen, is popular in our country and today finds a new application in everyday life. A well-known expert in national costume and carpet weaving, ethnographer Ajap Bayriyeva is working on a new project “Felt in the modern design of jewellery and accessories”. In her works, she interprets issues of the preservation, development and rethinking of national traditions in felting that are important for contemporary art: clothes and fashionable ethno accessories made of felt, which are becoming more and more popular among the female population with every passing year.

The Continuity of Generations

An art exhibition to mark the 110th birth anniversary of the People’s Artist Yevgeniya Adamova and the 80th anniversary of the sculptor, Honoured Art Worker of Turkmenistan Nurmuhammed Atayev has opened at the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan. Many years have passed since the creation of wonderful canvases by Ye. Adamova, but the power of her talent can still amaze the viewer. At the exhibition, the visitor will involuntarily stop in front of her canvases, admiring the perfection of painting and the brightness of the master’s unfading colours. The main theme of Ye. Adamova’s works was Turkmenistan and its people, simple and sincere people are the characters of the paintings At the Bedside of a Wounded Son, At Leisure, All the Same, I Will Study!, Happiness, Nobility to Be Yourself and many others. The feat of Turkmen women who donated tonnes of family heirlooms made of silver to the Defence Fund in the name of Victory in the Great Patriotic War will live for centuries. On this topic, the national artist Yevgeniya Adamova created the textbook painting Turkmen Women for the Motherland, immortalising the feat of our workers.

A Gift to the Museum is a Gift to Descendants

A solemn conference entitled “Mähir siňen nepislik” was held at the Centre for Public Organisations in the capital. It was devoted to the donation to the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan of products of national decorative and applied arts – amulets-alaja, woven by the mother of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag, grandmother of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Ogulabat eje. The participation and speeches of the Heroes of Turkmenistan Gozel Shaguliyeva and Chinar Rustemova gave significance and high level to the event. As noted by the forum participants, hand-made carpet weaving and the art of “keşde” embroidery, as an integral part of the history and culture of the people, is in the focus of the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at the preservation, comprehensive development and popularisation of the heritage of the ancestors. Arkadagly Serdar, continuing the great achievements begun under the wise leadership of the Hero Arkadag in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, pays great attention to the issues of historical and cultural heritage.

Promising Sector of the Economy

The textile industry, being one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the country’s economy, has a powerful production infrastructure and raw material base. And it is not accidental that in the strategy of the diversification and modernisation of the economy, carried out on the initiative of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, this industry occupies a leading place. Currently, Turkmenistan is at a stage of stable economic growth and at a qualitatively new phase of socioeconomic development, one of the goals of which is the entry of our country into the world economic community on the terms of a full member. To achieve this goal, the textile industry is one of the most promising sectors of the national economy. It should also be noted that the textile industry of Turkmenistan is the most important diversified and innovatively attractive sector of the economy. If you analyse the priorities of the consumption of the population, then the textile industry is in the second place immediately after food products, which undoubtedly indicates its exceptional importance.

Keshde – an Artistic Embroidery

For hundreds of years, Turkmen craftswomen have been conquering the hearts of ethnic art connoisseurs with artistic embroidery. This is evidenced by the rich museum collections of folk clothing with unique specimens of embroidery, the variety of styles of which is fascinating. The history of this decorative and applied art goes back to the antiquity and is closely intertwined with the culture of the Turkmen people. The embroiderers’ works reflect the way of life, traditions, customs and reverent attitude to the world of nature, and all this was recreated in combination with a flight of creative imagination and professional techniques. Stitch by stitch, the dexterous hands of embroiderers continue to interpret traditional patterns in a modern way and bring fresh ideas to ancient art. Turkmen embroidery is special in that it is diverse and covers “in its own way” tahya and decorates women’s dresses and scarves, men’s dressing gowns and children’s clothes with graceful patterns. The ornament of each motif is unlimitable, created with silk threads and blends harmoniously with neighbouring patterns – this is how the canvas of the ornament, in which an embroiderer reveals her rich imagination, skill and talent, is formed. In old times, this decoration of clothes spotlighted the social and family status of the owner, marital status and partly age, not only served for bea

10 tips to learn a language fast

«7/24 tm» № 30 (165) 24.07.2023 From Olly Richard Polyglot & Creator of the StoryLearning® method.

Turkmen Student — Participant in the International Youth Forum

A fourth-year student of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Kuvvat Mamedov recently became a participant in the traditional International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Great Silk Road, which was held in China at the sites of the cities of Changsha and Nanjing. It was organised by UNESCO in cooperation with the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, the World Federation of UNESCO Associations, Centres and Clubs and regional municipalities. Vouchers for participation in the Forum were delegated to activists and volunteers from dozens of countries around the world, who had successfully passed two stages of a kind of intellectual competition held within its framework. The first one was held in the format of an essay compiled on the basis of written answers to questions asked by the organisers. The second step was the interview.

7 bestselling books that guide you toward succesfull careers and relationships

«7/24 tm» № 29 (164) 17.07.2023 Whether you’re looking for guidance in navigating your 20s, learning how to invest, or advancing in your career, books are a highly accessible way to continue your education in any subject. Below, we outlined some of the most popular self-help and personal development books and memoirs that can help you be more successful in life, from managing your money to tweaking how you approach problems.

Back to Origins

The first night of the play Döwlet Daragty took place at Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theatre in Arkadag City. The play is based on the events described in the unique works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov The Bird of Happiness, The Good Name is Incorruptible and his new book Ömrümin Manysynyn Dowamaty that continues the book The Meaning of My Life. The play Döwlet Daragty consists of five parts, each of which reconstructs the events taking place in the holy Turkmen land and tells about the creative fates of the personalities and their understanding of the life path. The first part is titled Oguz Khan, Our Ancestor. In this chapter, Oguz Khan built a city in the ancient village of Yzgant, and his sons Gun Khan, Ay Khan, Yyldyz Khan, Deniz Khan, Geok Khan and Dag Khan built houses in the Kopetdag Valley. In the second part, Creation, the characters of Toghrul Beg, Chaghry Beg, Myane Baba and Alp Arslan and the sultans of the Great Seljuk Empire glorify the heroism of our ancestors who defended the Motherland. In the great Seljuk state, they, following the precepts and instructions of Oguz Khan, strengthened the foundations of the Turkmen state around the world.

Palace of Circus Art

The Palace in the shape of a horseshoe rises on Aba Annayev Avenue in Arkadag City. This is Gerogly State Equestrian Circus. It offers excellent conditions for both artists and spectators. There are dozens of office premises behind the arena: rehearsal rooms and lounges, dressing rooms, medical rooms, a veterinary department, a stable and rooms for riders, dance and gymnastics rooms, gyms, repair and service, orchestral and sound recording rooms, a hotel for 24 guests, a museum, a cafeteria, a juice bar and a kitchen with a dining room for 100 seats. The circus is always a joy. An elevated atmosphere of joyful excitement and enthusiasm reigned at the performance, which took place at Gerogly State Equestrian Circus. The Galkynyş group of national equestrian games and the artists of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue and the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard performed in the first joint circus show.

Enhancing the Inspiration of the People and the Glory of the Homeland by Inspired Creativity

The Week of Culture-2023 Starts in Ashgabat The grand opening of the Week of Culture-2023 took place in the Turkmen capital. Initiated by Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the annual large-scale forum is timed to coincide with the Day of Workers of Culture and Art and the Poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy. Its goal is to preserve, deeply study and widely popularise the spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people, to stimulate the professional growth of representatives of creative professions, to search for new talents and to improve the cultural level of the population.

Meetings in Ancient Land

The events marking the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s membership in UNESCO and the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage are taking place in Mary on the remarkable days in June. A large festive action took place in the modern palace of the Mary Velayat Library, in the square near the building of which the Folk-Art Thematic Exhibition was arranged.

International Dance and Folklore Festival Starts in Avaza

The Avaza-2023 International Dance and Folklore Festival started in the Avaza national tourism zone. The heads and representatives of international organisations, departments, scientists and specialists, cultural workers and artists from Iran, India, Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Russia, Romania and Uzbekistan arrived to participate in the event, held by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan on the initiative of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Wheat Harvest Starts in Turkmenistan

On June 2, the grain harvest campaign was launched in our country. During the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 26, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov blessed the start of the important agricultural campaign, wishing the farmers new labour achievements in the fields of the country. In accordance with this, the grain growers of the Ahal, Lebap and Mary velayats began to harvest, and on June 9, the farmers of the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats joined them. According to a good tradition, honorary elders blessed the harvest on the ground, offering up a prayer to the Almighty for the wellbeing and prosperity of the Motherland and the entire Turkmen people. After mowing the first wheat ears with the words “Çäjne bereket!” (“Good harvest to you!”), the elders handed over the symbolic sheaves to the combine operators.

Our Country on Tourist Map

About a year ago, our newspaper wrote about the work conducted by archaeologists of the National Directorate for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments on the archaeological sites located on the “Turkmen” sections of the Great Silk Road to include some of them in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In April 2022, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov issued the Resolution approving the State Programme for the preservation, protection, study and attraction of tourists to national historical and cultural heritage sites for 2022–2028. These two projects complement each other perfectly. What have scientists done in recent years? The Head of the National Directorate for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Doctor of Architecture Muhammed MAMEDOV answered this question. “I will start with the Ahal velayat, with the ancient monument Paryz-depe. The remains of Turkmen manor houses dating back to the 18th-19th centuries have been preserved at the foot of the site of the ancient settlement of Paryz-depe. One of these manor houses that represents a rectangular courtyard enclosed by the adobe walls almost 2 metres thick with round towers at the corners is an object of study and partial restoration under the State Programme. The specialists of our Directorate continued conducting the topographic sur

Collection of Magtymguly’s Manuscripts Included in the International Memory of the World Register

Good news came from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), which is a specialised body of the United Nations. The 216th session of the UNESCO Executive Board was held at the headquarters of this structure in Paris from May 10 to 24, during which it was unanimously decided to include the collection of manuscripts of the Turkmen philosopher and poet Magtymguly Pyragy in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.

Pattern Embroidered for Happiness

National embroidery, being a part of the decorative and applied arts of the Turkmen people, which has its roots in ancient times, is an original and peculiar phenomenon. Like the famous Turkmen carpets, it has not only been preserved in its original form, but has also been developed in the works of modern skilled needlewomen. Of course, handmade embroidery has a certain intrinsic value, the presence of its creator, her individuality and spirituality are always felt in it. It contains a kind of message in which the mood, thoughts and feelings of the craftswoman are reflected. The articles embroidered by Turkmen needlewomen can be compared with fine arts, which are part of visual communication, a reflection of reality, an expression of something meaningful and exciting. The ethnic history, the mystical sacredness of the sign-symbolic letter, addressed, ultimately, not only to the contemporaries, but also to future generations, is reflected in the Turkmen national embroidery. Our talented grandmothers and great-grandmothers were engaged in needlework, weaving carpets and rugs, making felt mats, knitting and weaving various amulets – “alaja”, “jähek”, “aldymgaç”. Their golden hands did not know fatigue, their creativity is worthy of surprise, and their work is admirable! Putting a piece of their soul into every item, they have been creating unique products for centuries: whether it

Restorer is a Vocation

From time immemorial, the Turkmen land has been known as one of the centres of scientific knowledge and culture, and therefore, the heritage that has survived to this day arouses fascination with its uniqueness and large scale. Today, the interest in the study of manuscripts created and stored in Turkmenistan is growing in many countries of the world, which causes special pride. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, “It is known that the ultimate task set before the educational sector is to bring up the well-educated younger generation with a broad outlook and devoted to the Motherland, the people and the great values of their ancestors. Through education, we are therefore transforming our cultural and spiritual life, comprehensively strengthening the position of our independent state in the world and building our great future with a solid foundation… on the interests of people, national and universal values and on humane traditions.” The opening of the Faculty of Reconstruction and Restoration of the National Heritage at the State Institute of Culture was a significant event, especially for us, professional restorers, because it is very important to bring up worthy successors of masters of their craft, so that the ancient writings continue to live in the future.

Anau – the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2024

The conference entitled “Ancient Anau – the Cultural Centre of the Turkic World” was held at the Ak Bugday National Museum of Turkmenistan in the city of Anau. It was devoted to the decision of the 39th meeting of the Permanent Council of TURKSOY, held in Bursa (Turkey) on November 5 last year, which declares the city of Anau the cultural centre of the Turkic world in 2024. It is also symbolic that at the same meeting 2024 was declared the year of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy. The Director of the Museum Gozel Ovlyakuliyeva notes that the announcement of the city of Anau as the cultural centre of the Turkic world caused a great positive resonance in the public life of the country. In our state, great work is being done to preserve for future generations the historical, cultural and natural monuments that have become an integral part of the common human heritage. The museums of the country have collected and have carefully stored exhibits that testify to the rich history of the Turkmen people. The museum staff plans to hold a number of events to mark this significant event.

Oraza Bayramy – a Bright Holiday of High Spirituality

Today is the Oraza holiday that crowns the 30-day fast is devoted to the physical and spiritual purification of a person. On this day, believers pray to the Almighty for success in the activity of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at achieving global progress, prosperity and a happy life of our people and all humankind and thank the Almighty for Oraza Bayramy – the bright holiday of breaking the fast that has come to the ancient Turkmen land like in previous years to the homes and hearts of the people of Turkmenistan and all the Muslims of the world. The Decree of the President of Turkmenistan “On the Celebration of Oraza Bayramy” notes that this was done to further strengthen the unity, harmony and cohesion of the people in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, respect for centuries-old traditions and customs and preserve our spiritual wealth. In the history of the Turkmen people, the ritual of celebrating Oraza Bayramy has been preserved at all times as a sacred symbol of purification, goodness and peace. Breaking the fast, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad Aleihissalam, said, “God, for Your sake I kept the fast. I broke my fast with Your food; my thirst disappeared, and my veins were filled with moisture; and may the