"Bereketli toprak" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-60-64, 38-60-87, 38-60-67
Email: bereketlitoprak@sanly.tm


Triumph of the Arkadag Smart City Conception

«7/24.tm»:№38 (225) 16.09.2024 The new city of Arkadag, which appeared on the map of Turkmenistan just a year ago, has already received worldwide recognition. At the World Smart City Expo (WSCE 2024) held in the Republic of Korea, the smart city of Arkadag was the only one among the participants to receive the Excellence Award, presented for outstanding achievements. Arkadag was also noted in the Foreign City Award and WSCE 2024 Contribution Award nominations.

New International Awards of the City of Arkadag

In order to participate in the World Smart City Expo on the basis of the relevant Order recently signed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, to meet in the Republic of Korea with manufacturers of medical equipment needed to form the medical cluster of the city of Arkadag and to acquaint themselves with specialised factories on the ground, members of the delegation of Turkmenistan these days paid a working visit to the city of Seoul, Republic of Korea. At the World Smart City Expo held simultaneously with the visit, the Turkmen delegation presented a pavilion devoted to the smart city of Arkadag, which as a result received three awards. In the World Smart City Expo, representatives of the provinces of the Republic of Korea, local and foreign companies and various foreign countries, including Turkmenistan, the People’s Republic of China, Japan, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Thailand, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland and the State of Israel took part. The exhibition featured 116 pavilions with the participation of representatives at the level of ministers, deputy ministers and governors from more than 60 countries.

Eiffel’s descendants oppose keeping Olympic rings on their ancestor’s tower

«7/24.tm»:№37 (224) 09.09.2024 Descendants of engineer Gustave Eiffel have spoken out against the decision of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to leave the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower. In their opinion, the world-famous tower, which is a symbol of Paris and France, has a broader purpose than its permanent association with the Olympic Games, MIR 24 reports.

Honours to the Holiness of the Mother

A ceremonial conference was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan to mark the translation into Farsi of the book by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person. The event became vivid evidence of the great veneration of mothers in our country. The conference was attended by creative workers, masters of art, representatives of public organisations and diplomats. Those gathered acquainted themselves with an exhibition of works of decorative and applied arts of the Turkmen people, organised in the foyer of the Institute.

Winter Wheat Sowing Starts in the Country

On September 4, winter wheat sowing began in the Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats of the country. This important agricultural campaign began with the blessing of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. At a digital sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on August 30, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, all the necessary conditions are being created for farmers to work fruitfully and to grow rich harvests.

Road Safety Is the Peace of Our Life

A conference on the campaign “Road Safety Is the Peace of Our Life” that started on the first day of autumn was held at the International Educational and Scientific Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. Employees of the Ministries of Health and Internal Affairs, public organisations, students and representatives of international organisations and the media took part in its work. As is known, the initiative to hold the event belongs to the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It has already become traditional and is held annually from September 1 to 30.

Happy Childhood is a Symbol of the Motherland’s Prosperity

The International Exhibition and Fair “Kids Expo: Everything for Children”, organised for the first time in our country, was held in the capital. Numerous domestic and foreign companies from the Russian Federation, the USA, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Italy, the UAE, Türkiye, Singapore, China, Bahrain, the United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, working in the children’s goods and services industry, presented their products at the large-scale show organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan together with the Turkmen Expo Individual Enterprise.

Digital Transformation of Turkmenistan’s Economy

The successful and effective implementation of all well-thought-out projects aimed at ensuring the rapid and progressive development of our country are inextricably linked with the wide-scale digital transformation of Turkmenistan’s economy. Grandiose, large-scale and fundamental reforms, aimed at ensuring innovative and rapid economic growth of the country, are the socioeconomic development priorities of Turkmenistan. The strategic vectors of the progressive development of all the sectors without exception are set forth in the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052 and the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022–2028.

Time to shop!

The traditional summer school bazaars and fairs have started. With the onset of August, numerous pavilions have opened all over our country – at large shopping centres, small shops and special tents, where a wide range of various goods necessary for school life is presented. Every day there are more and more buyers there. Most often, these are parents of junior students of secondary general or specialised educational institutions. Children are very interested in participating in the selection of school bags or backpacks, as well as stationery, of which there is a huge variety, both of domestic and foreign production, on the shelves,.

For the first time, an international exhibition-fair called «Kids Expo: Everything is for children» is held in our capital

 On 19 th August  «Kids Expo: Everything is for children!»  in the «Garagum» hotel of Ashgabat city. International exhibition-fair started its work. The international exhibition was jointly organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the private enterprise «Turkmen Expo». At this exhibition, the companies of our country and Russia, Germany, USA, Canada, Portugal, Italy, UAE, Turkey, Singapore, China, Bahrain, Great Britain, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, working in the field of goods and services for children, present their products.

The new issue of the magazine Arkadagly Ýaşlar has been published

«7/24.tm»: №34 (221) 19.08.2024 The creative team of the Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine under the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan presented to readers the seventh issue of the electronic edition in the year «Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy».

A Faithful Son of His Motherland

“A man always has a name. Even if he passes away, his name lives on. I often remember my father. The wise men said the wealth of a man in this world is his good name.” These are the words from the book The Meaning of My Life by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in which he devoted many pages to his father Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov. Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov would have turned 92 on August 12. He, a teacher by vocation, a career military man and expert in historical methodology, went a long and glorious way from a rural schoolteacher to a high officer rank. Myalikguly aga worked with full dedication of his strength, knowledge and skills in all he periods of his life. An honorary veteran of labour and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he enjoyed great authority and respect among the Turkmen people, being a worthy example for the youth to follow.

Community of Action and Mutual Support are the Dictate of the Time

During a telephone conversation on August 5, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev invited the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to take part in the Sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia and in the First Summit of the Central Asia + Japan Dialogue, which will be held in Astana. Upon accepting the invitation with respect, the Head of the Turkmen state expressed confidence that the initiatives that would be announced at those meetings would serve to define new prospects for cooperation in the region and wished those events success.

Promotion, Protection and Realisation of Human Rights are the Main Values of Turkmenistan

The principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights laid the foundation for the promotion, protection and implementation of human rights throughout the world. Turkmenistan, a country that recognised this declaration from the first days of its independence, responsibly approaches the implementation of the norms of the document of a universal nature. Ensuring human rights and freedoms in the country is a key indicator of democratic reforms aimed at improving the living conditions of people. Under the leadership of the esteemed President, our country makes a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights with its peace-loving policy based on humane principles. Having joined a number of important UN conventions, Turkmenistan strictly complies with its obligations to the world community. A concrete step in this direction is the initiatives put forward by the esteemed President from the high rostrum of the United Nations.

Tehran Convention: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Since 2007, the day of entry into force of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran) on August 12, Turkmenistan, the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran celebrate as Caspian Sea Day. Now this eco-date is addressed to millions of residents of the coastal areas of the five states, which are connected by environmental and economic activities, energy extraction, fishing and cargo and passenger transportation. The Tehran Convention is the first official legal document that contributed to the transfer of activities in the Caspian region from the “voluntary implementation” mode to the plane of legal guarantees for the implementation of environmental measures, raising the Caspian regional interaction to a higher level. Its goal is the conservation, restoration and sustainable and rational use of the biological resources of the sea. Our country, along with other Caspian states, signed this document in November 2003, and was the first of the Caspian Five to ratify it in 2004. The content of the Convention is being improved. The five-party working groups of experts continue to develop new protocols and to promote the ratification and implementation of previously adopted ones. Gozel Orazdurdiyeva, National Liaison Officer with the Secretariat of the Tehran Convention, talks about the latest news in the legal sp

The Land of Healing — Mollakara

Summer 2024 is a wonderful time for labour holidays and recreation of our compatriots at the resorts of the sunny country, located in the heavenly places of the earth. This is what the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, scientist, doctor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov tells about in his book Türkmenistan – melhemler mekany. Indeed, our sunny country is a land of healing. Here, nature itself heals with its miraculous power: climate, water, silt and muds with healing properties.

Unforgettable Holidays

These August days will be unforgettable for the children having a rest in the Daýanç health centre. The rich programme will fully reveal the traditions of hospitality of the Turkmen people. It was prepared by the organising committee for the students – winners of the International Mathematical Olympiad, which was held in the city of Arkadag in March this year. These are children from the Russian Federation, five velayats of Turkmenistan and the city of Arkadag and children under the patronage of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship.

Past becoming a legend

«Anau – Culture Originated from the Millennia» the book by Arkadagly Hero Serdar Situated twelve kilometres to the East of Turkmenistan’s capital, Ashgabat, Anau figures prominently on tourist routes on account of its glorious history and rich cultural heritage, the deep roots of which can be traced back over several millennia. Today it is a flourishing modern town. What makes Anau particularly fascinating is its archaeological culture dating back to the Neolithic era and discovered as long ago as the very beginning of the 20th century: it was to become widely known as the «Anau Culture». One of the features making it particularly fascinating for the early visitors, who made their way there, was the famous ensemble of medieval architecture known as Seyit Jemaleddin, which despite its ruined state – the result of the catastrophic earthquake of 1948 – continues to be a focus for international tourism and attract large numbers of pilgrims. The Seyit Jemaleddin complex erected in the 15th century consisted of a madrasah, khanqah and mosque and its portal was renowned on account of its exquisite mosaic decoration. The central field of this decoration adorned strictly symmetrical depictions of two curling dragons with snake-like bodies.

You are dignity of the Turkmen

The Turkmen people are a great nation that pays special respect to its rich cultural heritage, folk art, and spiritual and moral values that have come down from ancient times to the present day. That's why the culture of our courageous people, rich in various styles, ancient dances, music, folklore, and national arts that have reached the level of art have become a treasure of universal values. One of those main values is our national wealth and our heavenly Akhalteke horses. Our Motherland is marching towards a brighter future in the next stage of development. This new era was a great era, when the history of the Turkmen people, which stretches back for thousands of years, and the beautiful, pure-blooded horses of the Turkmen people, were used from above and carried them to the world. Because of our glorious history, the Akhalteke horses are the national pride of the Turkmen people and the leader of their values that have been formed over the centuries. Accordingly, the state pays great attention to the development of horse breeding and equestrian sports as a continuation of the «heavenly horses» of our forefathers, who raised them to the level of sanctity. In our country, which has a stable state and sunny days, the noble traditions of our ancestors are being carried forward, and Turkmen horse breeding is being raised to new levels.

Consolidating Forum of Democracy

Speaking at an extended sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on July 12 this year, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that during the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the country’s sacred independence, a regular meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, the highest representative body of people’s power, will be held in Ashgabat, at which the results of the political, socioeconomic and cultural development of the sovereign Turkmen state will be summed up. Arkadag Hero Serdar stressed the need to take appropriate decisions on the establishment of an Organising Committee to convene, fix the date of and hold at a high level this national forum of Turkmenistan unique in its form and content. As you know, the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, first established on a constitutional basis back in 1992, has passed a certain evolutionary path of its development, and today, in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, occupies a worthy place in its political and legal system, fully conforming to the primordial national traditions of democracy and the constitutional provision that the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of state power in Turkmenistan is the people.