"Bereketli toprak" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-60-64, 38-60-87, 38-60-67
Email: bereketlitoprak@sanly.tm


The main goal is security

The Department of State Surveillance carries out state control over the quality of works and services, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on standards and standardization. Conducts certification work of testing laboratories. Performs certification work of existing production facilities, production complexes and services. The work is carried out in accordance with the item «Distribution of works on certification of enterprises in accordance with the requirements of international standards related to the quality control system and environmental protection» of «Programs of social and economic development of Turkmenistan for 2019 — 2025 of the President of Turkmenistan». In 2021, the TDS-ISO 9001:2015 (E) certificate of quality compliance was registered for transport and logistics services in the oil and gas system of the private enterprise «Dag deňiz» according to the requirements of international standards.

Reliable experiment — high quality

The experimental department of light textile industry and furniture products of the Experimental laboratory of the state service «Turkmenstandartlary» of the Мary velayat, respectively conducts experiments with various types of clothing, knitwear and furniture products imported from foreign countries and produced in our country. Large-scale changes are being made in all areas of our country, as well as in the standardization system. Achieving high quality of work and services, products imported from foreign countries and produced in our country is one of the main tasks of this service.

Safety of production — keystone to success

Proper compliance with the requirements of technical safety and labor protection at the enterprises of the velayats is always in the attention of our employees. It is important to conduct timely technical analysis on newly constructed and reconstructed facilities. Ultimately, compliance with the occupational safety requirements of the technical methods and equipment projects implemented in these buildings is achieved. In April 2021, the 84th gas station of the Dashoguz oil Product Company was reconstructed and a new brick factory was built in the etrap of S.A.Niyazov. Employees of the Department of Labor Protection and Underground Resources conducted a technical analysis of the project documentation in these enterprises.

Legal norms for ensuring the safety gas supply

The «Program of socio-economic development of our country for 2019 — 2025 of the President of Turkmenistan» referred to the highest level of the oil and gas complex in the industry of Turkmenistan, its products occupy the first places in the country’s exports.They also spoke about the continued growth of this sector, about paying more attention to the development of modern oil refining of hydrocarbons, the introduction of advanced technologies and production facilities, the production of high-quality and competitive products. The working meeting on development of a fuel and energy complex of the country visually testifies to it spent on December, 1st, 2020 the dear President on digital visual communication. At meeting the Leader of the nation has underlined, that the fuel and energy sector is one of strategic directions of national economy and that works on its further modernization should and proceed further. The dear

Textile industry: Key segment of economy

Being one of the leading and dynamically developing industries, the textile industry of Turkmenistan plays an important role in the diversification of the Turkmen economy. Its growth is eloquently indicated by the annual increase in production volumes. The industry plays a significant role in solving state problems and meets the vital interests of all regions of the country. The Turkmen state sees full-scale and, most importantly, comprehensive processing of raw materials as one of its strategic tasks, which in turn puts forward a number of requirements for the current development of the country’s textile industry, a promising branch of the national economy. The policy of the esteemed President of Turkmenistan on industrialisation has made it possible to increase the competitiveness of our country at the international level, to attract new finance to large industrial projects. The further integration of the Turkmen economy into the world one is strengthening. The national leader pays great attention to the development of logistics and the country’s transit potential, which will allow the country to diversify its economy, to find new export routes and to enter new stages of industrialisation.

Promising Projects of Foreign Trade

In the modern history of the Turkmen state, drastic reforms are being implemented in the country on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to enhance the economic strength and to improve the welfare of the people of our Motherland. The ultimate goals of the state strategy are to create an innovative, high-tech, competitive economy, to flood the domestic markets with the products meeting international standards and to increase the export potential of Turkmen economy. With the view to fulfil the tasks directly related to the rapid growth of Turkmen economy, the Foreign Trade Strategy of Turkmenistan for 2021–2030 was approved on February 12 this year. The successful implementation of the long-term and promising strategy opens up new frontiers of progressive growth for the economic sectors and contributes to improving the quality of the life of every citizen. The key aspects of this strategy include the improvement of the national legal framework to promote and significantly facilitate foreign trade, the development of agriculture, an increase in the share of services trade in the total foreign trade turnover, the promotion of production and exports and the enhancement of the competitiveness of national enterprises in foreign markets.

Moving Forward to Abundance

The business community plays a significant role in fulfilling the tasks to implement large-scale projects of regional and international importance in the food industry. The best possible conditions created in the country for the effective operation of businesses contribute to increasing the number of modern enterprises that manufacture a wide range of high-quality eco-friendly foods. This is vividly illustrated by the new agroindustrial businesses fitted with state-of-the-equipment that are tasked to create an abundance of goods in markets and trading enterprises in the year marked by the glorious 30th anniversary of independence of the Motherland and held under the motto “Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust”.

Turkmen leader launches construction of Ashgabat city and opens new residential complex

On the Day of Ashgabat and 140th anniversary of the capital, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the events on occasion of ground-breaking ceremony of big residential complex Ashgabat City and opening of new complex of double-store houses built in the northern part of Ashgabat. Ashgabat becomes better and better every day and its magnificent architectural ensemble is added with new buildings and constructions. Urban infrastructure is gradually modernized, which provides Ashgabat’s residents with amenities and comfort according to international standards. The whole districts have been reconstructed, new developed residential estates, numerous social and other facilities have been built in the capital in the last years.

The President of Turkmenistan visits gasoline production plan and flies around big construction sites

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas, which was built in Ahal Region, where inspected the activity of this modern industrial complex and exchange the views with officials of oil and gas sector on construction of the second phase of the plant as well as made a helicopter flight around number of big facilities inspecting the course of construction works. In the morning, the head of the state has come to the GTL plant in Ahal Region.

Agroindustrial complex: a Key Vector of the Economy

One of the key directions of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan is the development of the agroindustrial complex, which is directly related to the provision of food abundance in the country. In this area, large-scale transformations, aimed at raising its efficiency and increasing the volume of agricultural production and exports are being successfully carried out. The reforms carried out in our country in this industry ensure the reliable stability of the national economy against external risks, make it possible to minimise the impact of unfavourable external factors and provide an opportunity to maintain high GDP growth and to increase the output of agricultural products and the volume of investments in this sphere. World practice shows that the agroindustrial complex is one of the main factors of the sustainable development of the national economy of advanced countries and the enhancing of people’s wellbeing. The qualitative changes taking place in the agroindustrial complex of our country are a direct result of the carefully thought-out state policy pursued by the esteemed President and focused on the comprehensive support of domestic producers. Owing to the fundamental transformations carried out in this area and the comprehensive support of small and medium-sized businesses, significant success has been achieved in ensuring food abundance, which is an important

Modern hothouse complexes

In the Epoch of Might and Happiness, under the wise leadership of our National Leader, the year «Turkmenistan is the Home of Peace and Trust» marked with great achievements and historic events, inspires the spirit of our people. On the 25th of March the participation of our esteemed President in the opening ceremony of the modern hothouse complex in Kaka region of the Ahal province has become one these important historic events. The President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave his blessings to the opening ceremonies of newly constructed hothouses in the Ak bugday district of the Ahal province, in the city of Turkmenbashy of the Balkan province, in the Gorogly district of the Dashoguz province, in the Charjev district of the Lebap province and in the Sakarchage district of the Mary province via television space bridge. Their total area is equal to 35 hectares. These hothouses intended to produce 8 thousand 750 tons of vegetable products annually, have been equipped with modern technologies and water-saving technical systems. It is also pleasant to mention that commissioning of these hothouse complexes creates about 400 new jobs and the heads of these hothouses received new agricultural technical machines, the worldwide popular «John Deere» tractors as a gift of our esteemed President. In his speech at the opening ceremony of the new hothouse complexes our National L

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in opening of new facilities in the capital

Opening ceremonies of new buildings of the State Commercial Türkmenbaşy Bank and Joint Stock Commercial Senagat Bank have been held in Turkmen capital. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the events on this occasion. Opening of the facilities of banking sphere, which construction was made according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan from February 15, 2018 is timed to remarkable event – the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Digital diplomacy and its importance

Diplomacy was always the major contributor to the development of Turkmenistan and as for today our country has conducted various dimensions of diplomacy such as transport diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, and education diplomacy. Invention of new technologies and advancement of Internet presents us digital diplomacy, which is completely new in the 21st century. Digital diplomacy is widely defined as the use of Internet and new information communication technologies to help achieve diplomatic objectives. Looking ahead, digital diplomacy will be integrated into the way states interact with each other. Using internet and social platforms to achieve diplomatic objectives will be a daily routine for diplomatic missions in the future. From today’s perspective, it is possible to give the fair predictions about what is going to happen to the international relations and how the way it is conducted will change. Digital diplomacy is starting to be widely implemented all over the world today and tomorrow it will be the most integrated tool in international relations.

Transport infrastructure development – basis of economy

In the modern history of the Turkmen people, under the wise, far-sighted and progressive leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, numerous projects, aimed at the rapid, breakthrough growth of the domestic economy and the improvement of the welfare of the country’s population, are being successfully implemented in the country. One of the key conditions for further strengthening the national economic complex and maintaining mutually beneficial partnerships with foreign countries is the transport system, which acts as a driver of progressive economic development. Prospects of the further transport infrastructure improvement are reflected in the Programme of the socioeconomic development of the country until 2025. The transport industry is unique, as its development has an impact on every person in every part of the world. The balanced and, at the same time, confident formation of the transport sector is the basis for the growth of all economic sectors and influences the competitiveness of the country’s economy as a whole. Such efficiency opens up numerous opportunities for the segments of the economy, both in terms of expanding the scale of production and connecting industrial sectors with consumers. The transport sector is one of the main segments of the world economy, influencing the stability and balance of international economic relations. As the world experience sh

Turkmen Economy: Strategic Development Plan

At the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan held on February 19 this year, the President of Turkmenistan issued a document concerning the economic sector. The Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approves the action plan for the economic sectors for 2021. The plan includes a number of strategic areas of action, particularly sectoral reforms, full capacity utilisation, digitalisation and the further active implementation of investment policy. Bright Markers of the Economy

Moving Forward to New High Frontiers

On February 12, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, during which the work done in 2020 was summarised and the key priorities of the further national socioeconomic development were discussed. The leader of the nation emphasised, “Despite the difficulties and negative phenomena that have emerged globally, we were able to keep peace and security, to achieve socioeconomic growth and to improve the standards of living of the people. Thus, our country and we are confidently moving forward.” Turkmenistan – a Dynamically Developing State

Import substitution programme: Achievements and Prospects

In the context of modern foreign economic trends, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sets a goal of raising competitiveness of the national economy and lessening its dependence on external factors. The import substitution programme was developed on the initiative of the leader of the nation. In accordance with this programme, the country is successfully fulfilling the tasks of expanding import substitution production and manufacturing the products able to compete with their imported analogues. Turkmenistan aims its active import substitution strategy at optimising foreign trade turnover, building up the capacity of non-primary commodity sectors, modernising technological facilities and bringing domestically made products in line with international standards. All this facilitates the successful integration of the national economy into the system of world economic relations and its sustainable growth. Currently, in conditions of the global epidemic, stability and independence of national economies from other countries and enhanced competitiveness of domestic enterprises are of great importance. The most effective and priority options for national economic development include the implementation of the import substitution strategy. The ongoing large-scale work in this sphere carried out in Turkmenistan in compliance with the far-sighted economic strategy of the President

The President of Turkmenistan holds a meeting on the development of the national economy

On February 10, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held a working video conference session where the outcomes of the economic, financial and banking complex of the country in 2020 were reviewed and objectives for the current year were outlined. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the economic block, heads of a number of ministries and departments, banking structures, rectors of specialized universities.

Along the way to “Green” economy

The adoption of the State Programme of Energy Saving for 2018–2024 and accession to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) testifies to our country’s commitment to the development of renewable energy and the growth in energy efficiency in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The next step along this path was the adoption of the National Strategy for Renewable Energy Development in Turkmenistan until 2030, which was approved by the Decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in December 2020. At the request of the editorial board of NT, the topicality, goals and objectives of the Strategy were commented on by experts in the sphere of studying the use of renewable energy sources. Aganiyaz JUMAYEV,Vice-Rector at the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics:

The President of Turkmenistan holds session on development of transport and communication complex

On February 6, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference working session for development of transport and communication complex with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of profile departments and profile higher educational institutes. Opening the session, during which outcomes of work of transport and communication sphere in the last year have been reviewed, the head of the state highlighted that this is one of the main branches of national economy.