"Bereketli toprak" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
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Email: bereketlitoprak@sanly.tm


The bright stars of the east

(Magtymguly and Firdausi) The poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great Turkmen poet and thinker of the 18th century became a new landmark in the development of the Turkmen literature. The truthful description of the life of the Turkmen people and important problems of the Turkmen society of that time, humanistic ideas put forward, exposure of bad deeds and praising in songs good characteristic traits of people have become the magnetic force of Magtymguly’s poetry.

«Reach high with reading»

Ashyrov A. Analysis of Magtymguly’s manuscripts (scientific researches). - A.: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014. Magtymguly Pyragy, one of the masters of the world literature, is the national pride of the Turkmen people. In this book dedicated to Magtymguly's life and rich poetical heritage, every thought and conclusion is based on primary sources — manuscripts. As the name suggests, this book mainly includes commentaries of Magtymguly's manuscripts. Magtymguly Pyragy's life, multifaceted poetry is revealed comprehensively from the scientific point of view. Moreover, the importance of Pyragy's manuscripts in studying the life and poetry of other poets, first of all, his father Dovletmammet Azadi, the ways of how his literary heritage has reached to our days, the different editions of his collected works and their characteristic features are analyzed. The book is intended for a wide audience.

«Reach high with reading»

Magtymguly. Collected Works, Volume I.- A.: National Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, 2012. This volume of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy is a collection of poems composed of remarkable works. On the first pages of the book, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag shares his thoughts on the role of the work of our thinker-poet in the history, political and social, cultural and literary life of the Turkmen people. Any reader who reads the collection of 400 poems will go to the world of different colors and dive into the universe of emotions of the poet. The collection includes new poems that were not included in the previous editions. At the end of the collection there are explanations of the words used in the poems. The book is intended for a wide audience.

Two snowflakes

(A Japanese parable) It was snowing, and it was usual for winter. Snowflakes gently fell to the ground without leaving a trace, doing a winter dance. Fearing to lose each other, the two snowflakes holding hands tightly, began to talk to each other about their arrival:

Children of Santa Claus

(Russian folk tale) Santa Claus had three sons and a daughter. Their names were the Wind, the Ice, the Frost and the Snowflake.

Traces of Dovletmammet Azadi in the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy

As we all know, our Scholar Arkadag, our Honourable President, Hero Arkadag Serdar has a great respect to our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy. This is evidenced by the decision to celebrate the 300th anniversary of our master poet Magtymguly Pyragy in 2024, as well as the solemn conferences held at the state and the international level in connection with them. As we know, the works and novels of our Scholar Arkadag serve us as a great support in the thorough study of Magtymguly Pyragy's works. We can see this through our National Leader's books such as «Unquenchable Torch in the Crown of the Spirit» («Ynsan kalbynyň öçmejek nury»), «The Bird of Riches» («Döwlet guşy»), «If the Wealth comes to People» («Ile döwlet geler bolsa»), and «The Name walks in the World» («Älem içre at gezer»). In his book «Unquenchable Torch in the Crown of the Spirit» («Ynsan kalbynyň öçmejek nury»), our Scholar Arkadag said: «Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry, full of wisdom, introduced Turkmen and the Turkmen people to the world». This is evidenced by the participation of more than 150 scientists from different countries of the world in the international conference in connection with the celebration of the 290th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy's holiday of his birthday in 2014.

A tale about greedy nightingale

(Russian folk tale) Once a nightingale saw a beautiful flowering bush. It decided to sit on the bush and wait for the fruits to appear. The nightingale sat on the branches, starved for many months, waiting for the fruits to appear. He did not let other birds near to come near the bush.

Mole and bear

Iris REVYU, Russian writer. (Fairy tale)

Glorification of women in the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy

Our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov says:— Magtymguly Pyragy got an eternal place in the hearts of people with his poems filled with deep wisdom. Since ancient times, Turkmen people have been paying a great attention to the upbringing of young generation, to developing their national culture. It can be clearly seen in the historical manuscript sources as well as in the works of classic poets. One of the wise poets who bequeathed to us such educational valuable works is a great master of poetry Magtymguly Pyragy.

Grandma is having a rest

V.A.SUHOMLINSKIY, Russian writer. (Story)

Skillful hands

(Fairy tale) Vladimir SUTEYEV, russian writer.

Tale about summer

Iris REVYU, russian writer. The rain drums on the tops of the trees. Blades of grass bend under heavy raindrops. A little nightingale, hiding in the bushes, looks around.

The seventh daughter

Vasily SUKHOMLINSKY, Russian writer. (Fairy tale)

Stork and Nightingale

Valentin BERESTOV, Russian writer. (Story)


MY MASTERPIECE You are greater than all of the aims,

Glorification of Novruz by Magtymguly pyragy, the great turkmen poet

Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV, Hero Arkadag, the Chairman of Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan: — Novruz is the national holiday of the Turkmen people celebrated since the ancient times. Our ancestors who celebrated Novruz as the symbol of revival and the beginning of new life considered it as the source of happiness and abundance.

Stork and his disciples

(Fairy tale) Mihail PLATSKOVSKIY, russian writer.

Story about greed

Iris REVYU, Russian writer. Once upon a time there was a boy named Sasha Luzhaykin. Sasha was not a bad boy, but he was greedy. He never shared his candies with others and never gave his toys to play with them.

New Life of Poetry Manuscripts

The importance of ancient handwritten documents for the cultural heritage of peoples is beyond doubt. The main task of the depositaries of research institutes involved in the study of written artefacts is to ensure the long-term physical preservation of manuscripts. This is a vast field of knowledge, including certain information from archival, engineering and technical disciplines, from the fields of history, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, astronomy... The physical safety of written documents at Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is ensured by a set of measures. And here it is important to know the nature of the document, the conditions of storage and use and ways to extend its life by methods of restoration and conservation.

Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems

The words of our Hero Arkadag who wrote: «Not only the Turkmen people but also the other nations of the whole world pay a great respect to the poetic world of Magtymguly Pyragy» really characterize the talent of this great Turkmen poet. The poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great Turkmen poet and thinker became a new landmark in the development of the Turkmen literary language and literature. The truthful description of the life of the Turkmen people and important problems of the Turkmen society of that time, humanistic ideas put forward, exposure of bad deeds and praising in songs good characteristic traits of people have become the magnetic force of Magtymguly’s poetry. The collections of Magtymguly’s poems have been published for several times. Hundreds of articles have been published in newspapers, magazines and other issues in our country and abroad. Scientific conferences dedicated to the study of Magtymguly’s poetry have been held regularly.  Magtymguly, the classic Turkmen poet of the 18th century, according to existing scientific informations was born in 1724 in the village of Hajygowshan located near the Gurgen River. Magtymguly was from the Gerkez group of the Gokleng tribe of Turkmens. His unique talent raised his authority and popularity of his poetry beginning from the 19th century.