"Bereketli toprak" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
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European Immunization Week 2022

«7/24.tm», № 18 (101), 02.05.2022. European Immunization Week 2022 was held in Turkmenistan from 24 to 30 April 2022. This annual campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunization in preventing diseases and protecting people’s lives.

Inspiring news

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) awarded the Certificate of Gratitude to Ashgabat in recognition for the pledge to the Trees in Cities Challenge. This good news has greatly inspired our compatriots. As is known, the tree planting campaigns have special importance in human life. In this context, the selection of sustainable species of trees for this region of the country ensures that the work is effective. At the same time, the planting of orchards enhances the beauty of our country and ensures the abundance of fruits. It is necessary to plant fruit trees and grapes along with coniferous trees during the mass tree planting season. Thus, forest zones are being formed around the cities and villages in our country. At the same time, the active use of scientific achievements and water-saving technologies is very beneficial in terms of both economy and ecology.

Vaccines Offer Opportunities for a Health and Long Life

These days, the European Immunisation Week is being held under the slogan “Prevent. Protect. Immunise.” This initiative is supported by all 53 Member States of the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), including Turkmenistan. On this occasion, the WHO Resident Representative in Turkmenistan Dr. Egor ZAITSEV answered questions from an NT correspondent.

In spring without colds and ARVI

In the spring, our body, weakened during the long winter, is not always able to resist acute respiratory viral infections. That is why at this time of the year it is very important to pay attention to their prevention. The most effective way to prevent ARVI, recommended by the World Health Organisation, is vaccination.

The youth on the way to perfection

Impressive work is underway in the field of education and youth policy, as well as in other spheres in our independent, permanently neutral Motherland. To date, young patriotic, honest, well-educated and skilful professionals are the guarantors of a happy future for our country. Thus, the laws, decrees, and special programmes, including in the Foreign Languages Teaching Concept, related to science and education, have been adopted in Turkmenistan. The foreign languages become more important in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, when the economic potential of our country grows and international cooperation expands. This fact demonstrates that languages represent an important part of understanding, move beyond the role of communication and make rapid progress. Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute conducts effective work to prepare physically and mentally healthy, skilful young professionals.

The source of wellness

The countries that pay great attention to the young generations are considered the most powerful nations in the world. Turkmenistan has great confidence in the youth and creates excellent conditions to educate well-developed, patriotic and skilful young professionals. Health provides joy and inspiration to a person. People need basic physical activity to be healthy. It means that sport is the best way to wellness and the source of inspiration and beauty. Our country pays great attention to sport as a priority of the state policy. The development and promotion of the mass physical culture and health movement is the key to achieving physical and mental well-being of the younger generations.

Bicycle means ecology and wellness

Great achievements have been made in health and ecology, as well as in other spheres in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. These achievements are recognized by the world community and international organizations. The concern for health and a healthy lifestyle is reflected in the state programmes, the Laws of Turkmenistan, the large-scale construction of medical institutions, sports facilities, the expansion of the sanatorium and recreation system, and in the social, economic and spiritual development of the people.

Success of international initiatives

The Resolution ‘Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development’ was adopted at the 61st plenary meeting of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Turkmenistan. With the adoption of the document, the UN declares that the global community recognizes and fully supports international measures such as promoting the importance of bicycles in society and organizing cycling rides as important means of physical and mental health. This fact demonstrates that Turkmenistan successfully pursues the state policy aimed at strengthening peace, friendship and fruitful cooperation in the region and in the world.

Smile to spring sun and nature

Spring is one of the most favourite seasons of the year for most people. The sun, warmth and the first green leaves can improve mood. Though it becomes much warmer in the spring, the risk of catching a cold at this time of the year is much higher than during other seasons. This is due both to seasonal changes in the human immune system and to the environmental factors which suppress the body’s natural defences. In the spring, the human immune system is often weakened substantially, also because of vitamin and other nutrient deficiencies. Therefore, our body is unable to actively fight colds and acute respiratory infections.

Spring without colds

«7/24.tm», № 15 (98), 11.04.2022. In the spring, our body that has been weakened during the long winter is not always able to resist acute respiratory viral infections. That is why it is very important to pay attention to prevention at this time of the year.

Fo­od Qua­li­ty – Everyo­ne’s Concern

Fo­od sa­fe­ty is a sha­red res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of the sta­te, pro­ducers and con­su­mers. Everyo­ne who accom­pa­nies them on their jour­ney from farm to tab­le has a special ro­le in kee­ping them sa­fe and healt­hy. Ma­ny fo­od pro­ducts, such as fruit and vege­tab­les, are con­su­med raw, whi­le ot­hers are ris­ky to eat unp­roces­sed. Cer­tain fo­od pro­ducts that are con­su­med in raw form require care­ful proces­sing.

Population immunity of the population of Turkmenistan to COVID-19 after "Sputnik-V" vaccination

To assess the effectiveness of ongoing anti-epidemic measures against COVID-19, objective methods are needed to determine anti-coronavirus population immunity using modern methods, which is an important issue in modern epidemiology. The aim of the work is to determine the level and duration of population immunity against COVID-19 after vaccination “GamKowidVak”.

The study of thyroid volume in schoolchildren of Ashgabat city

Thyroid diseases are among the most common endocrine diseases in children and adolescents [4]. Iodine deficiency diseases are among the most common non-communicable human diseases. The high incidence of thyroid pathology in the population is associated with an increased risk of developing and chronicizing somatic pathology in individuals of different age groups. Health of children and adolescents requires attention, since the consequences of negative tendency in the state of younger generation concern the future of the country. Given the relevance of this problem, the study of thyroid status of children and adolescents is an important task.

Analysis of hospital incidence with uveitis

Over the past decade, a steady increase in the incidence of uveitis has been observed in the world, while young people and people of working age make up the bulk of the cases [3, 7]. Uveitis, being one of the most severe inflammatory eye diseases, is characterized by a variety of etiological factors, complexity of pathogenesis, and the frequency of complications. The aim of the work is to analyze the hospital incidence of uveitis of different types.

Use of turkmen silk with biologically active properties in surgical practice

The task of creating and improving existing suture materials is one of the most urgent problems of surgery. In-depth specialization of various areas of surgery which is typical of the modern stage, has led to the need to develop a variety of suture materials with specific properties [5, 6]. The aim of the work is an experimental study of Turkmen silk by studying the physical and mechanical properties and the biological response of various tissues to natural silk in surgical practice.

Results of experimental use of two-phase nutrient media in diagnosis of haemophilus influenza

Haemophili are microorganisms of the family Pasteurellaceae of the genus Haemophilus. Microorganisms of the genus Haemophilus often cause various forms and severity of haemophilus influenza in the elderly, children under the age of five, and in immunocompromised patients. When identifying microorganisms of the genus Haemophilus, there are some difficulties associated with the study of biochemical properties. Proceeding from this task, it is important to carry out bacteriological analyses using reagents and nutrient media that are encountered daily in the practice of medical bacteriology.

The role of labrocytes in morphogenesis of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children with dentoalveolar anomalies

In the scientific literature of recent years, the role of labrocytes (LC) in the pathogenesis of chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) and other diseases of the oral cavity, including tumors, has been widely discussed [2, 12-14, 16, 18]. In inflammatory periodontal diseases or other pathogenic influences, all types of LC occur, the differences are only quantitative [2, 6, 14, 17]. At the same time, there are no data in the published literature on the number of LCs and their role in the development of CCG in children with dentoalveolar anomalies (DAA).

Morphometric parameters of excavation of optic disk and ganglion cell complex in primary open-angle glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the most urgent problems in ophthalmology, which is of great medical and social importance due to the high prevalence and severity of complications of the disease, often leading to blindness and disability. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of damage to optic disk and three inner layers of retina that make up the ganglion cell complex (GCC): layers of nerve fibers, ganglion cells and inner plexiform layer, representing axons, cell bodies (somes) and dendrites of the ganglion cells, respectively [6]. The study of these parameters at various stages of glaucoma is relevant.

Regular diagnosis and personal hygiene to prevent diseases

Among modern medical institutions, a special place is occupied by diagnostic centres. They specialise exclusively in making diagnoses. For this, the latest techniques are used, examinations are carried out using highly sensitive equipment, and the conclusion is given by experienced doctors with specialised qualifications. At diagnostic centres, you can undergo computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and X-ray examination, fluorography and mammography. Devices for such kinds of diagnostics can give a complete picture of the state of the organs under examination. A number of examinations should be carried out annually for preventive purposes. This makes it possible to detect deviations from the norm in time and avoid many problems. Diagnostic examination can be undergone at any medical institution in the country. For examinations at the medical centre, you need to provide a passport, a medical insuranсe and a referral from a doctor. Sometimes a doctor sends a patient to a specialised medical institution, fitted with more accurate equipment compared to that used in that institution, to clarify the diagnosis.

Personal hygiene

«7/24.tm», № 13 (96), 28.03.2022. Personal hygiene is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. First, it concerns your oral health. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and pay attention to oral cavity hygiene. Failure to follow these rules not only leads to the development of dental caries, but also increases your risk of periodontitis and gastrointestinal disorders.