"Diýar" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-56, 39-95-30, 39-95-23
Email: diyar-zurnaly@sanly.tm


National Song and Music Art is a Source of Inspiration for All Generations

Final of the Competition “Çalsana, bagşy!” The final of the annual artistic competition “Çalsana, bagşy!”, organised by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, took place at the Muqam Palace of the State Cultural Centre.

Glory of Magtymguly Pyragy and Ancient Anau Spreads Worldwide

Recently, the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) has prepared the collected poems of Magtymguly Pyragy for publication in the Turkish language in the Republic of Türkiye. This is another evidence of the successful implementation under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov of the initiatives put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag to promote cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

Wisdom of ancient traditions

Along with frisky Ahalteke horses and fearless Alabay dogs, Turkmen one-humped camels, arvana, are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of our people. In ancient times, camels not only were used to transport goods in the desert and steppe, but also became a symbol of the wealth of the Turkmen people. Camel owners tried to distinguish their animals from others by decorating them with bright carpets, carpet products and multi-coloured fabrics. Camel decorating is an art of the Turkmen people passed down from one generation to another. Craftswomen put their souls into carpet covers which were used to decorate the animal. Each element of the attire had its own symbolism and was associated with folk signs. Speaking about carpet art, it is appropriate to quote the wise saying of our ancestors, “Weaving a carpet is like digging a well with a needle”, since this art requires great diligence, patience, high skill and fine taste.

What the Exhibits Tell about

In this year, the motto of which is "Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, the History and Local Lore Museum of the Magtymguly etrap of the Balkan velayat became the centre of attraction for the poet’s admirers. The opening of the modern Museum, built in 2015 on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag in the centre of etrap, radically changed its architectural look and the historical and memorial complex with the monument of Magtymguly Pyragy in the centre and surrounded by seven “stars” of Turkmen classical poetry – Gurbandurdy Zelili, Mammedveli Kemine, Seyitnazar Seydi, Gurbanali Magrupi, Annagylych Mataji and Mollanepes – as if a thread connecting a galaxy of outstanding poets.

The Whole Dynamics of Life

These days, a personal exhibition of a sculptor Orazmurat Gurbanov to mark the 70th anniversary of the master, took place at the Exhibition Centre of the Directorate of Art Exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan. In total, over one hundred bronze works are presented. Having thoroughly studied the life of the Turkmen village, the sculptor embodies in his works images inspired by his own impressions. The main features of author’s style of O. Gurbanov are polyphony of images and dynamism. His works, according to art critics, are distinguished not only by plasticity, but also by a special philosophical view. The master seems to give the viewer something to think about without placing bright accents.

New Talents Start Shining

The city round of the television competition of amateur young artists “Ýaňlan, Diýarym!” ended with bright performances at an improvised festive site in front of the Ruhiyet Palace in the city of Arkadag. This year, the city stage of this popular talent show, traditionally held as part of the competition “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” proclaimed by the President of Turkmenistan and devoted to the Independence Day of the Motherland, was held for the first time in the new city of Arkadag.

Increasing the Spiritual and Creative Potential of Turkmen Society — Advancement to new Heights of Development

The City of Arkadag Hosts Participants of the Week of Culture  The grand opening of the Week Culture-2024 took place at Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theatre in the city of Arkadag. The creative action, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was aimed at the preservation, in-depth study and popularisation of national culture, demonstrating its ever-increasing role in the development of the state and society and its enormous peace-making potential.

Celebration of Culture

The Turkmen people have been developing their culture for centuries. Culture is the soul of the people. Today, the Turkmen people celebrate the holiday of culture, the holiday of the wonders born from the people. The celebration of this holiday for the first time in Arkadag, a new smart city, is a source of great pride in hearts. The opening ceremony of the Culture Week was held in the State Drama Theater named after Aman Gulmamedov of the new city. On the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the cultural forum, which has been held regularly since 2013, provides an opportunity to get to know the historical and cultural heritage of our people, which has greatly contributed to the treasure of universal values, and the well-known culture and artists of the country. It is held on the eve of Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry day.

Turkmen Carpets — Masterpieces of High Art

The capital hosted events marking Turkmen Carpet Day, which is annually celebrated on the last Sunday of May – an exhibition of carpets and carpet products, and the XXIV Meeting of the World Association of Turkmen Carpet Connoisseurs. Turkmen Carpet Day, established as a sign of the recognition and veneration of the unique cultural heritage of the nation – the art of hand-made carpet weaving, in honour of skilled craftswomen, whose talent and inspired work create amazingly beautiful carpets, has become one of the striking examples of the preservation of the age-old decorative and applied arts and unperishable values of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the nation. The carpets that have gained admiration of the world mirror the best qualities of the people and, most importantly, their inherent integrity and high spirituality.

Symbol of Strength and Grace

“The Ahalteke horse, born in the Turkmen land, is a symbol of amazing harmony, beauty, grace and unsurpassed swiftness, bestowed by nature and developed by the labour and mind of man,” these words of the Hero-Arkadag extremely precisely and expressively characterise the famous Ahalteke horse. Since time immemorial, the Turkmen people live in harmony with the surrounding nature; they tamed wild horses and raised the Ahalteke horse.

Ancient Chest of Amulets

At the foot of the Kopetdag Mountains, there is a traditional dwelling – a yurt. The place there is wonderful, clean springs, rich harvests and hospitable residents... But I, as an ethnographer and researcher of material culture, am interested in protective and magical objects in the decorative and applied arts of the Turkmen. And in the house, there is a whole treasure of magical objects – an old decorated chest. As the villagers say, sandyk (Turkmen) had a special place in the wedding rites of the Turkmen people. Ancient family relics, in particular amulets and talismans, protected the owner of the chest. Many peoples of the world use amulets, and women often feel more protected with them.

Book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presented at Embassy of Turkmenistan in Moscow

«7/24. tm» № 07 (194), 12.02.2024 A series of events dedicated to the 300th birth anniversary of the genius of Turkmen literature Magtymguly Fraghi started within the walls of the diplomatic mission of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation.

Great Things are Accomplished with the Power of the Pen and the Word

Independent neutral Turkmenistan today is experiencing a genuine upswing in the state and public life, and it has gained great authority in the Community of Nations as a peace-loving country open to equal cooperation. And the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Dialogue Is a Guarantee of Peace” set the vector for new approaches to solving pressing problems of our time. Glorifying the present, we remember the great ancestors, whose names are inscribed with golden letters in the history of the Turkmen people, and their deeds that became a guide for descendants. He was a descendant of the Garagoyunly Turkmen. He was called the Khan of all Khans, thanks to whom the Mughal state in India was brought to the level of an empire. A skilled diplomat with the power of pen and word, Bairam Khan the Turkmen achieved great success in strengthening peace, preventing wars and establishing good relations between India and the states of the Middle East. And with his immortal verses he revealed for humanity the rich spiritual world of the Turkmen people.

At the Origins of Civilisation

One wise man once said, “The sand of oblivion covers the traces of those who passed through our land”. But that is not true. The spirit of learning and the ineradicable desire to open new pages of history always lives in people. Among those who discovered the earliest centres of grain farming on the planet for the world, in search of disappeared civilisations in the sand dunes of Turkmenistan, was an American Raphael Pumpelly. Turkmenistan is a country with a continuous millennia-old history and is rich in historical monuments dating back to different periods. The borders of the habitats of ancient farmers or proto-urban centres can still be seen on some mounds that are scattered throughout the country. The ruins of ancient fortresses have also been preserved.

At the Edge of Centuries

The city of Anau was declared the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2024. The decision was made unanimously following the 39th Term Meeting of the Permanent Council of TURKSOY, which was held in Bursa (Türkiye). This status is awarded to ancient cities, the history of which is inextricably linked with the history of the formation of Turkic-speaking nations in the Age of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, to bind together the Turkic world with common cultural and artistic wealth, to strengthen unity, solidarity and brotherhood among the Turkic peoples and to promote culture and art of the Turkic world worldwide. Our correspondent talks with the Head of the National Directorate for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments at the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan Muhammed Mamedov about what Anau and its surroundings are famous for. NT: “There are not many places on the planet which have evidence shedding light on the crucial stages in the development of human civilisation. One of these places is the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains in Turkmenistan. There, the ancient settled agricultural area, known as the Anau civilisation, emerged in the northern foothill plain in the V-IV millennia BC. With unflagging interest, one archaeological expedition after another sieved through hundreds of cubic metres of soil to find unique and inval

Defenders of the Motherland through the eyes of artists

The grand opening of an exhibition entitled “Jandan Eziz, Watanym!” took place at Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan on the eve of the Day of the Defenders of the Motherland. The thematic exhibition features about 50 artworks, including paintings, sculptures and ceramic items. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of public organisations and young soldiers – excellent military students and cadets. The military servants noted they vigilantly stood guard over the security of the country and people, proudly fulfilling their sacred patriotic duty. Our Motherland widely and solemnly celebrates the Day of the Defenders of the Motherland annually on January 27, which illustrates the continuity of the high mission of defending the Motherland.

Anau — Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2024

«7/24. tm» № 04 (191), 22.01.2024 An exhibition and science and practical conference marking the declaration of Anau city the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2024 was held at the Ak Bugdaý National Museum of Turkmenistan in Anau city.

Inexhaustible Source

These days, an exhibition of fine and applied arts is being held at the Exhibition Centre of the Directorate of Art Exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan to mark the motto of the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”. In total, the exhibition features over 50 works, including the creations by painters, sculptors and jewellers. The genius of Magtymguly and his living image, created in 1947 by a Turkmen artist Ayhan Hajiyev, which vividly demonstrates the inexhaustible creative energy of Magtymguly, giving people joy and pleasure in the present happy time, are eternal.

Yurt – a Design of Amazing Harmony

A famous architect of the 20th century Le Corbusier wrote, “The yurt is one of the highest achievements of architecture. Due to its proportions commensurate with humans, it harmoniously fits into the landscape, serving as an example of the unity of nature and human habitation.” By creating this dwelling that was perfect in its functional qualities, our ancestors could see an image, embodying true similarity with the spiritual and moral values of human existence, in the yurt. A small village in the sands awoke before dawn – the villagers were preparing to celebrate the spring holiday – Nowruz Bayram. Village children and young people were crowding near the large dune, where the swings were installed firmly. The silhouettes of women dressed in their best clothes were reflected in the glow of the fire under the large cauldrons – they were cooking a festive meal.

Magtymguly in the Memory of People

The closing ceremony of an art contest that marked the 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy took place at the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan. The event was organised by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography. Teachers and students of higher educational institutions and secondary and specialised schools, poets, writers and admirers of the creative work of the great Turkmen poet from all over the country participated in the contest. They glorified the enduring value and uniqueness of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry and his great love of the Motherland in their works.