"Mugallymlar gazeti" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-53, 39-96-41, 39-96-40
Email: mugallymlar-gazeti@sanly.tm


Comparative morphology of involutional changes in the intracranial part of the optic nerve

Ayjemal ORAZALYYEVA, Gurban PIRLIYEV, Aman GELDIYEV, Jahan LAMANOVA, Merdan SULEYMANOV Scientific-research center of TSMU named after M.Garryyev, Central bureau of forensic medicine, International educational-scientific center

Differential diagnostics of liver cysts

Nazar KARRIYEV, Klychdurdy KURBANBERDIYEV, Serdar MAMMETYAZOV Treatment and consultative center named after S.A.Niyazov, Department of postgraduate training in surgery of TSMU named after M.Garryyev

Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of divergent strabismus with varying degrees of deviation

Aygozel GUDRATULLAYEVA International center for the treatment of head and neck diseases of the Management of International Medical Centers

The importance of high-tech methods in determining predictors of complicated course of myopia in children

Kurban KARANOV, Guljamal EZIZOVA, Suray ABDYYEVA, Maysa NAZGYLYJOVA, Aylar PENAYEVA Department of eye diseases of TSMU named after M.Garryyev, Scientific-clinical center for eye diseases

Determination of antibacterial activity of fig juice

Nargozel MURATNAZAROVA, Muhamedkuli ATAKARAYEV, Gulnar MYRATGELDIYEVA, Irina VYSOTINA Department of pharmacology of TSMU named after M.Garryyev, International educational-scientific center

XV volume of Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan presented

«7/24 tm» № 42 (177) 16.10.2023 The presentation of the XV volume of the encyclopaedic work «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan» by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in Ashgabat to mark the Day of Health and Medical Industry Workers as part of the Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State Exhibition.

Good Health and Welfare of the People – the Key to the Prosperity of the State

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the wellbeing of all people at all ages is a critical component of sustainable development. The United Nations finds that addressing numerous new and long-standing health challenges requires much more effort than is currently being undertaken. In Turkmenistan, SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages involves ensuring high-quality health care for all citizens, improving the quality of life and achieving universal wellbeing. The country continues to implement the goals and objectives set for the national health sector in the Saglyk State Programme to form its own model of the public health system, which provides for preventing and treating diseases, improving the quality of medical services, promoting a healthy lifestyle, bolstering physical education, involving in sports, tourism and addressing other issues.

How to Boost Your Child’s Immune System in Autumn

Children are most vulnerable to acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI); their immune system is developing rapidly and has to withstand not only infections, but also the stress that a growing human body undergoes in all periods of development, in particular, during periods of growth or when adapting to a team of peers. Usually, when treating ARVI, parents relieve the symptoms of the disease, and if these symptoms regularly occur, they “sigh and wait” for the child to “outgrow” childhood illnesses. However, the solution is simple – the child’s defence system, that is, child’s immunity needs to be improved. Only about 10 per cent of people have the strong immune system from birth; that of the rest depends on living conditions and lifestyle.

A valuable guide

The multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attracts the readers who are interested in the rich flora of the country and the ancient traditions of national medicine. The book by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, which is a continuation of the scientific work he started in 2009, is a valuable guide for our compatriots. This fundamental scientific work includes the best experience of the outstanding scientists of Eastern medicine and the Turkmen physicians who use the ‘green pharmacy’ on a regular basis. The encyclopaedic work describes in detail thousands of species of medicinal plants growing in our country and their properties.

Secrets of longevity by Centenarians...

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (19), 2023 It seems that almost everyone is searching for the secret to a long and happy life. CNBC Make It went directly to the source and spoke with centenarians and other people nearing the age of 100. Here’s what they told us works for them.

The basis for perfection

Impressive transformations are underway in the education system of Turkmenistan in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Thus, excellent conditions are created for bringing the national education system to the world level, for the harmonious development of the younger generations, their knowledge and skills. Progress of the education system is the main condition for socio-economic development of the country, cultural and spiritual improvement of the society. According to the ‘Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: the National Programme on Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052’, digital technologies, distance education and information exchange should be fully implemented in teaching, the professional level of education workers, curricula and programmes, manuals and textbooks should be improved.

How to stay healthy in hot weather

«7/24 tm» № 33 (168) 14.08.2023 Turkmen summer rarely pleases us with cool days. It is therefore very important for everyone to know how to cope and stay safe in hot weather with the least harm to health and prevent overheating that can lead to heatstroke. In this regard, an important role is assigned to family doctors and nurses.

Surprising sports facts

«7/24 tm» № 33 (168) 14.08.2023 There are over 8000+ sports played around the world! Despite this, there were only 33 sports played at the Olympics 2021.

7 Benefits of sport and fitness activities for the elderly

«7/24 tm» № 32 (167) 07.08.2023 Sport prolongs life

The home of a happy childhood

Children's recreation and health centres, built in the Turkmen capital, Velayat centres, and regions, provide schoolchildren with interesting and useful summer holidays. The world community recognizes our Motherland, Turkmenistan as the home of a happy childhood and the country where dreams come true. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov ensures excellent conditions for our happy children to become physically, and mentally healthy, smart, moral and sociable people, and to receive modern education.

During the hours of high activity of sunlight – from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m., if this is not necessary, do not go outside. If you go out, then you need to use light closed clothes with long sleeves. Put on sunglasses and take an umbrella.

Do not do active sports in the heat. Do not overwork.

Frequency of ovarian pathologies in women of reproductive age

One of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology is the timely diagnosis of benign, borderline and malignant ovarian tumors, especially in women of reproductive age [2]. Taking into account a wide range of morphological manifestations of ovarian tumors and frequent unfavorable outcome of this pathology, an issue of diagnosis verification, the need to predict dynamics of the course of a disease and risk of possible complications remains relevant. The aim of the work is to study the frequency of ovarian pathologies in women of reproductive age.

Functional state of cardiovascular system of athletes

On the basis of achieving sportsmanship and its growth there are adaptive processes occurring in the athlete's body [7]. Depending on the features of functional adaptation system, its complexity, level of development and functional state of the systems included in it, a general strategy of adaptation to physical activity is formed, which has different effectiveness depending on the type of activity [3]. The aim of the work is to identify adaptive and reserve capabilities of cardiovascular system of athletes of various sports.

Interrelation of nutritional status and adaptive capabilities of pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes transformations aimed at creating a harmonious relationship between the organisms of the mother and the developing fetus, the severity of which depends on the duration of pregnancy and fetal body weight [1, 6]. In this regard, the interest of researchers in the problem of functional state of the body of pregnant women in relation to the nature of nutrition has increased significantly recently [9, 10]. The aim of the work is to identify the influence of nutritional status on the adaptive capabilities of female body during pregnancy.

Evaluation of corneal epithelium regeneration in the treament of keratitis using plasma in combination with a bandage lens

Diseases of the cornea of eyeball remain one of the leading causes of vision loss, blindness, and death of the eye. The difficulty and in most cases ineffectiveness of the therapy determines the urgency of the problem of corneal regeneration under the influence of various factors on the corneal. One of the leading roles in the healing of the cornea is played by its anterior epithelium. In recent years, as a result of studies of regeneration mechanisms and possible ways to control it, relatively new methods of treating inflammatory, dystrophic and ulcerative lesions of this eye structure have appeared, including the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [6, 8]. The possibility of using platelet- and leukocyte-rich plasma (PLRP), representing a newer generation of platelet concentrates, is being studied [9].