"Esger" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-62-23, 38-60-09, 38-61-93
Email: esger-gazeti@sanly.tm


A valuable guide

Our ancestors had a saying ‘a healthy pear does not fall down the tree’. They knew that health is the most valuable wealth in the human life. That is why they tried to prevent diseases and disorders through various methods. Avicenna (known in the country as Lukman Hekim) devoted most of his life to making medicine for different diseases and left valuable information about protecting the human health in his works. To date, the multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov describes thousands of species of medicinal plants growing in our country and their benefits. This work is enough to strengthen the human body, to prevent diseases and to prolong life.

All about physical activity

1. Physical activity is an excellent remedy for diseases! Physical exercise strengthens all muscles and ligaments and increases joint mobility – this is a fact. The general tone of the body boosts the immune system, improves cardiovascular fitness and lowers cholesterol levels. This is not a complete list of diseases that you can prevent by exercising regularly. By and large, good physical condition is the key to good health.

Folk games – lessons of life

The system of traditional national physical education has passed the test of millennia. Its most developed and perfected aspect is the unity of physical and spiritual education. All national traditions and folk games are aimed at bringing up not only a healthy and physically strong, but also a morally pure younger generation. In his speeches, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasises the need to safeguard and study the historical and cultural heritage and enrich the national values. This can fully be applied to the rich heritage of folk games accumulated over a long history.

Foundations of quality life

Proper and healthy diet is the foundation for a quality life, the main factor influencing human health, longevity and performance. Malnutrition seriously undermines the ability to cope with adverse environmental influences, stress and excessive mental and physical loads. It is important to understand that it is healthy and proper diet that fosters healthy growth and development, physical and mental activity, good mood and quality of life of an individual. You may be surprised, but fats are also needed for good health, high energy levels and good functioning of the immune system in spring. They are not only a source of energy, but also a building material, a lipid mantle for every cell in the body. Therefore, do not exclude eggs, fish, lean meat and dairy products from your diet. Add butter and vegetable oils to your diet.

Active lifestyle

The first and most frequent­ly occur­ring prob­lem that ma­ny peop­le face after win­ter is hy­povita­mi­no­sis and a wea­ke­ned im­mu­ne sys­tem. The­se health con­di­tions are ma­ni­fes­ted by weak­ness, fa­ti­gue, ir­ri­ta­bi­li­ty, hea­daches, diz­zi­ness and frequent res­pi­ra­to­ry di­sea­ses. A ba­lanced and varied di­et char­ged with healt­hy ener­gy, nut­rients, vita­mins, mi­ne­rals and plant fib­res could help you most ef­fectively cope with this prob­lem. The spring di­et should inclu­de ma­ny vege­tab­les and fruits that are the best so­urces of fib­re. Vita­min de­ficiency needs to be trea­ted. In the spring, the di­et should inclu­de mo­re healt­hy foods that are well known to the bo­dy. The fact is that the bo­dy bet­ter and fas­ter ab­sorbs the ha­bi­tual and well-known foods, for examp­le, po­ta­toes, car­rots, beets, cab­ba­ge, app­les. Add pickled and sal­ted vege­tab­les to your di­et in the spring. The spring me­nu, cer­tain­ly, should inclu­de not on­ly vege­tab­les and fruits, but al­so me­at and fish.

Ancient rock carving of people on skis in China

The rock carvings depicting people on skis were discovered in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. The uniqueness of the find lies in the fact that northern Europe is considered the birthplace of skiing. However, according to a new study, skiing could have been practiced in China much earlier than it happened in the west. The discovered rock paintings feature people holding the objects that look like ski equipment. Animal figurines depicted next to them were preserved. According to Chinese scholars, the ancient artist depicted a scene of hunting on skis.

International prestige of the country

To date, independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan is recognized as a country that implements the policy aimed at promoting global peace and security. Our country supports international efforts in solving the important issues through the humanitarian and friendly policy. It always indicates its readiness to work together, to achieve peace and justice, and to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the United Nations. The permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan contributes to creation of a strong and effective system of security and stability in the region.

The greatest wealth is health

Remarkable events expand the horizons of the great development of our Motherland to new levels in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The great work implemented by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov inspires the united people of our happy society. The President of Turkmenistan pays visits to the countries of the world and promotes the principles of neutrality of our beloved Motherland. Remarkable events in the life of our country are highlighted in the work by our Hero-Arkadag ‘Independence – Our Happiness’. ‘Independent, neutral Turkmenistan is a truly prosperous nation that shines the light of goodwill on humanity!’ These words reflect the reality of life.

Traditional Cooperation Intensified

Last week, a Russian government delegation headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexey Overchuk visited Turkmenistan. The high-level meetings focused on a wide range of issues of strategic and multifaceted interstate dialogue of a nature. The main issues under discussion included traditional humanitarian partnerships, including those in the healthcare sector. The importance of this area of cooperation is illustrated by the fact that the delegation included the leading medical specialists. In her interview with a NT correspondent, the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vladimirovna Semyonova emphasised they were “the high-class leaders in their areas of Russian medicine.” During the working day of the visit, the NT correspondents had an opportunity not only to listen to a professional dialogue with Turkmen doctors, but also to talk to the guests about the present day and the prospects for partnerships between the two countries in the health sector.

Healing Waters of the Archman and Yylysuv Health Resorts

The sanatoria Archman and Yylysuv are well-known far beyond the country. Being situated at the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, 130 kilometres west of Ashgabat, they have been attracting people for many decades with their unique life-giving sources of mineral water, and in the last decade – with favourable conditions for recreation and modern medical technologies. Today, these health resorts offer comprehensive health improvement and preventive measures, which, according to scientists, improve the health status 1.5 times. Moreover, the use of natural healing resources in combination with advanced medical technologies increases the effectiveness of medical treatment by 25-30 per cent. Unlike its “neighbour”, Archman has “stepped over” its centenary long ago. The sanatorium, located in the place of Degirmendag on the territory of the Baherden etrap, Ahal velayat, at an altitude of 157 metres above sea level, has been operating since 1915. In 2009, a new building for 420 guests and the renovated building for 500 guests opened. Today, the sanatorium for 920 visitors meets the world standards and provides services all the year round.

Tips for the winter

What should be remembered? In the cold season, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the protective functions of the body in order to resist colds. To do this, you need to follow the well-known principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of vaccination with the second booster dose against COVID-19

Despite the decline in the incidence of COVID-19, the global pandemic is not over yet [7]. The aim of the work is a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of vaccines from different manufacturers as the 2nd booster dose against COVID-19.

Influence of cytotoxic lymphocytes on the progression of pigmented papillary-nodular synovitis

There are contrary opinions about the nature of pigmented papillary-nodular synovitis (PPNS) in the scientific literature. Despite the fact that some authors express the opinion that PPNS is an inflammatory process, most authors classify this disease as a neoplasia with aggressive destructive local behavior and a high recurrence rate of 50-70% [3, 8, 10]. It remains undisputed that PPNS is accompanied by a constant uncontrolled proliferation of synovial cells; at the same time, the mechanisms that cause this proliferation, as before, are still unknown [9]. The aim of the work is to study the effect of cytotoxic lymphocytes (natural killers) on the progression of pigmented papillary-nodular synovitis.

Peculiarities of the course of chronic pyelonephritis in elderly patients

Chronic pyelonephritis in elderly patients is a nonspecific infectious and inflammatory disease of kidneys that affects renal parenchyma, mainly interstitial tissue, pelvis and calyces [2, 6, 7]. Chronic pyelonephritis in the elderly occurs in 15-25% of cases [8, 9]. The aim of the work is to study the difficulty of diagnosing and treating chronic pyelonephritis in elderly patients due to the peculiarities of its low-symptomatic and latent course.

Improvement of treatment methods of malignant neoplasms of the larynx

Malignant neoplasms of the larynx account for 1–5% of all malignant neoplasms, and 50–60% among malignant neoplasms of the head and neck [1, 7]. The peculiarity of the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the larynx (MNL) is not only in curing the patient from a malignant neoplasm, but also in restoring the respiratory, vocal and protective functions of the larynx. The aim of the work is to evaluate the results and methods of treatment of malignant neoplasms of the larynx.

Modern treatment approaches of patients with long-term non-healing burn wounds

Long-term non-healing wounds (burns, ulcers) remain one of the significant problems of modern surgery and combustiology in almost all countries of the world [5]. In practice, a chronic wound is considered to exist for more than 4 weeks without signs of active healing (the exception is extensive wound defects with signs of active repair) [6]. The aim of the work is to analyze the results obtained with the use of modern dressings in the treatment of long-term non-healing burn wounds.

Selection and use of coronary shunts in cardiovascular surgery

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a widely recognized and highly effective treatment for coronary heart disease. The main task of surgical treatment is to create reliable, high-quality, and most importantly, durable ways to bypass the stenotic area or occlusion of the coronary artery. Therefore, the optimal choice of conduit is one of the key points of the operation, which affects the duration and quality of the patient's future life. Currently, there is experience in the use of synthetic prostheses, however, in the vast majority of cases, the patient's own vessels are used as a bypass material: the great and small saphenous veins, the radial and ulnar arteries, the internal mammary arteries, the gastroepiploic and epigastric arteries. Regarding the last two, there is not much information due to the fact that they are used infrequently, mainly due to the failure of the remaining vessels as a “forced shunt” [3].

Modern view on the mechanisms of arrhythmias

According to the World Health Organization, an arrhythmia is any heart rhythm that differs from normal sinus rhythm. Arrhythmias are associated with many pathogenetic mechanisms, including impaired automatism, excitability, contractility, refractoriness, conduction, and aberration (possibility of passing an impulse along additional pathways) of the heart [2, 4, 12].

How to Protect Yourself from ARVI

The most effective measure against seasonal acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) is vaccination. The introduction of a vaccine into the body cannot cause a disease, but by producing protective antibodies it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. Vaccination is recommended for all groups of the population, especially the elderly, children, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women and people from occupational risk groups – medical workers, teachers, students, service and transport workers.

Recom­men­da­tions for Pro­tecti­on against Colds and ARVI

In winter, the average daily temperature in most of the territory of our country dropped significantly. Damp and cold weather creates favourable conditions for the spread of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). The Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper, together with specialists from the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, prepared several tips on how to stay healthy in winter. To reduce the risk of disease, it is necessary that you and your child follow simple rules: