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Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


Folk Games – Lessons Of Life

The system of traditional folk physical education has passed the test of millennia. Its most developed and perfected side is the unity of physical and spiritual education. A whole list of traditions and folk games is aimed at the formation of not only a healthy, physically strong, but also a morally pure younger generation. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov repeatedly in his speeches emphasised the need to preserve and study the historical and cultural heritage and multiply national values. This can fully be applied to the rich heritage of folk games accumulated over a long history.

Medieval Glaze in Ceramics

Medieval ceramic products found on the territory of Turkmenistan are a significant element of the intangible culture of our ancestors and are remarkable for their beauty and exquisiteness. Glazed ceramic products are of particular interest, the study of which showed that the Turkmen people brought this craft to the level of art in the Middle Ages. We can say that the ornamental pattern that decorate the ceramic objects of that period is the result of the relationship between the perception of nature and the decorative depiction of reality. The rhythm of the composition plays an important role in the graphic design of the ornamental pattern. The arrangement and alternation of elements set the mood of the graphic drawing. Despite a certain stability of the forms and elements of the ornament that have passed through centuries, it changed, while the composition remained unchanged.

Çarwa Nowruz – the Holiday of Our Ancestors

Like thousands of years ago, in February 2023, whose motto is “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the cheerful voices of the first lambs and kids born this season fill the expanses of pastures of our Motherland. Since ancient times, the pastoral tribes of the Turkmen have been celebrating Çarwa Nowruz (New Year of livestock breeders) on February 22 with the start of lambing. In different historical periods, the New Year, depending on the main activity of the society and tribe, was celebrated at different times. For example, for thousands of years, the peoples of the world have been celebrating Nowruz Bayramy on the day of the spring equinox – March 21, when a new agricultural cycle begins for farmers. This day is recognised as a national holiday in Turkmenistan and with the adoption of the UN Resolution in 2010, Nowruz Bayramy gained international status.


One of the sages said: “Music reveals all the heights of the human soul to a man”. Afer they are created, songs and music harmoniously highlight the perfect emotions of all humankind. The songs created in the homeland and based on the national identity charm all humankind. Turkmen music, dif e rent from melodies of other nations, has been the focus of attention of the scholars who study arts since ancient times and come down to our days through mentorship. The homeland is the holy place for a person. That is why music created by the Turkmen composers delicately expresses the national identity of our people and the devotion of our younger generations to sacred values. From the first days of the school of Turkmen composers until the present time, the majority of national works based on folk songs and music and sources of folklore has been absorbing a sense of patriotism. Folk music processed by the composers and the special use of their tunes contribute to enriching musical art and increasing the works created in the national style. In his book “Baghshis are the Harbingers of National Happiness”, the National Leader of the Turkmen people wrote: “Musical art, bequeathed to us by the great Turkmen classics, lives over millennia, enriches itself and always remains deep, substantial and modern. It teaches us, listeners, to love our homeland, does not allow indifference and

Turkmen riders invited to international circus festival in Monte Carlo

«7/24. tm», № 06 (141), 06.02.2023 The Turkmen equestrian sport group Galkynysh (Revival) received an official invitation to perform at the 47th International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, which will be held in January 2025.

From the Editorial Staff

The visit of the delegation, involved in the implementation of the Programme of the Fund of Ambassadors for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, to the Turkmen State Institute of Culture became part of a week-long mission of the honorary guests of our country. Here is what our newspaper was told at the US Embassy in Turkmenistan:

Cultural Heritage: Past and Present

Successfully implementing the open-doors policy, Turkmenistan is expanding its international cooperation in various areas of state development with every passing day. One of the vectors of mutually interested partnership with the world community is aimed at preserving historically important cultural monuments and objects that our country is so rich in. A significant contributor to this work is the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), founded in 2001 by the US Congress to preserve monuments and sites and other forms of traditional cultural expression in developing countries around the world.

A Mas­ter­piece of Gol­den Fleece of Sa­ra­ja sheep

From time immemorial Turkmen carpets and rugs have been considered an age-old attribute of weddings and other family celebrations. The birth of a child and a new carpet were joyful events. According to the tradition, the girl was laid on a new carpet, hoping that she would become a craftswoman in the future. The breadwinner in the family was a man, but the keepers of the family hearth did not sit idly. The ancestors said, “Cattle will bring prosperity to a dzhigit, and a carpet to a girl”. So it was. Men were engaged in cattle breeding, while women were engaged in cooking and carpet weaving, which they taught their daughters from childhood.

Labelled “Made in Turkmenistan”

Since 2016, the plant of Döwlet Gurluşyk Economic Society has been producing basalt fibre in the Yashlyk village, Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. At the initial stage, the high quality of domestic raw materials – basalt porphyrites from the Ufra deposit, located in the Balkan velayat, made it possible to produce basalt continuous fibre using the Russian technology and to launch the production of window sashes, road mesh, fittings and others. This material is also used in the oil and gas industry to insulate oil pipelines and to produce pipe products. Subsequently, the department that produces mineral wool – high-temperature thermal insulation material, which made it possible to partially substitute the imported materials, was established. The plant annually produces 100,000 square metres of the finished products – the canvas 1 metre wide and 5 cm thick. The manufacturing process makes it possible to transform volcanic rock into ultra-thin cotton wool by melting in a gas furnace at a temperature of 1,300-1,400 degrees. The Russia-made furnace is capable of heating up to a temperature of 1,700 °C. The current gas and electricity prices in Turkmenistan cause much lower production costs of mineral fibre than world prices, which ensures the competitiveness of the product. Construction is another area of the activities of the Döwlet Gurluşyk Economic Society – it built a

Symbol of Unity, Friendship and Solidarity of the Turkmen People

In our country, carpets are regarded not only as a result of painstaking work, but almost as a sacred object. It is for reason that the five main ornaments “Ahalteke”, “Salyr”, “Ärsary”, “Çowdur” and “Ýomut” are depicted on the State Flag and the National Emblem of Turkmenistan, together symbolising the unity and cohesion of the people and, at the same time, the diversity of carpet styles and schools of the regions. Expressing the unity of the velayats, five patterns are depicted side by side on the same line. But all of them, despite the difference, have a common artistic code, a common semantic load and style matching techniques – all that ultimately makes the Turkmen carpet recognisable and allows us to say: this miracle is made by Turkmen masters. Preserving and continuing this heritage at the present time is a task of national importance. In our time, when the glory of the Turkmen carpet, which has become part of the historical and cultural heritage, resounds with special force, modern masters study the experience of craftswomen of the past, elements of carpet patterns and techniques. Thanks to this, the art of carpet weaving continues and the experience of previous generations is embedded in each new carpet. Among modern Turkmen carpets, the largest handmade carpet in the world with a total area of 301 m2, woven in 2001 and in 2003 listed in the G

Potter Is an Ancient Profession

They say that the first drawing of a human was a line drawn with a stick on the ground. Dragging a stick behind him, he saw that it left a trail behind him, he admired it in surprise and drew more and more. Over time, he tried to draw parallels. Thus he took the first steps in acquiring the drawing technique. It is impossible to verify how right those who put forward this hypothesis are. But the statement that craving for beauty is transmitted to humans by the genetic code from one generation to another and that this quality manifests itself even in the childhood makes us think. The children’s craving to draw anywhere, and then admire “their works” is cited as evidence. Thus, they begin to learn the world in childhood, reproducing the elementary discovery of their forefathers. People always strive to the beautiful, and this elevates them above other living beings. It manifests itself in people in different ways. Someone receives pleasure from contemplating the surrounding world, someone from studying artworks. However, there are also those who have an inner need to create and present beauty to people.

Every Gulyaka Has the Sun

In the western region of the country, a round pectoral gulyaka is called “gottaç çakly gülýakalar”. The Yomud version of this item of women’s clothing has the form of a shining solar disk with a big bulge in the centre. This form somewhat resembles of a round shell on the seabed, inside which precious pearls are securely hidden from human eyes. The so-called shell can be conditionally divided into four equal proportional parts, which symbolise the four seasons and demonstrate their orderly cyclical scheme. This small “sun” has a reflection of the change of natural phenomena – the summer equinox, the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The stones are arranged in a small scattering in a circle in the edging of the piece of jewellery. Looking at this piece created by human hands, it is as if you were turning over the pages of a calendar that gives the owner – certainly a married woman who was ordered to wear this piece of jewellery – willpower, spirit, patience, wisdom and femininity. You are captivated by the simple and distinct beauty of the jewellery piece and its exquisite and perfect proportions.

In the Land of Gifted Children

Solemn ceremonies in honour of summing up the results of the state competition for Gulbaba Children's Award were held last week at the Centre for Public Organisations of Turkmenistan and in the administrative centres of five velayats of our country. Events to identify young talents were organised by the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan. The Gulbaba Children's Award is a recognition of the creative talents of children who have taken their first successful steps in the world of creativity and art. The Gulbaba Award was presented to the most talented young people of the country – winners of subject Olympiads, young singers, dancers and musicians.

Moscow Circus in the Turkmen Land

The news that the stars of the Big Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue are giving their performances in Ashgabat is of great interest to adults and children in the series of festive New Year celebrations. These days, residents and guests of the capital of Turkmenistan enjoy unique circus shows included in the Golden Fund of the Russian circus. Honoured artists, winners of international contests and festivals, perform to the audience. The world-class circus artists will perform under the dome of the Turkmen State Circus until January 10, 2023. So the show begins. Spectators watch with bated breath everything happening on the arena: they are delighted with the performances of aerialists, jugglers, tightrope walkers, acrobats, high-wire artists, unique acrobatic equestrian stunt shows and performances with trained bears, dogs and cats. Certainly, the performances cannot do without a funny and always long-awaited clown. The carpet clown Boris Nikishin gave many positive emotions to parents and especially children. Spectacular and exciting stunts and very difficult numbers performed by the recognised circus artists evoked the delight in spectators and loud applause.

New Year magazines with famous animated movie characters

 «7/24. tm», № 01 (136), 02.01.2022 The Mahabat Department of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography of Turkmenistan has released the New Year issue of Zehin Soraglary Magazine featuring the famous characters of the Turkmen animated movies for the New Year.

Population and Housing Census Starts in Turkmenistan

On December 17, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, a continuous population and housing census began throughout the country under the motto: “Population Census 2022: Cohesion, Happiness, Bright Future”. Its main task is to obtain accurate data on the demographic composition and socioeconomic situation of the country’s population. These indicators are essential for the development of public policy, planning and management. The information about the size, distribution and characteristics of the population will make it possible to lay a reliable foundation for the further progress and prosperity of the state and the improvement of the wellbeing of the people.

Winner of Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy Youth Contest Announced

On December 16, the final round of the Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy singing competition took place in the capital city, which traditionally became one of the bright events of the festive programme of the New Year’s celebrations. Various youth art contests in Turkmenistan, including Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy, are aimed at encouraging creativity and initiative in young people, revealing and supporting new talents, contributing to the professional growth of performers and developing modern music in the country. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches great importance to the harmonious spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the younger generation, who are a powerful force and a happy future for the Motherland.

Inspirational Example

At the Palace of Culture of the village of Yzgant, Ahal velayat, bearing the name of Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov, in honour of conferring the name Arkadag to the new administrative centre of the Ahal velayat, a festive concert and a solemn ceremony of conferring the honorary title “Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan” took place. First of all, the participants of the meeting listened with great attention and enthusiasm to the speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Myahrijemal Mammedova, in which it was emphasised that the new city of Arkadag was a visible evidence of the successful implementation, under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, of the tasks outlined in the large-scale urban development programme initiated by the Honoured Architect of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag.

Legends about Gozli-ata

The Gozli-ata mausoleum is located 160 kilometres from the seaside city of Turkmenbashi in the Balkan velayat in Western Turkmenistan. It is a picturesque canyon, surrounded by pink, greenish and reddish mountains of amazing shape and beauty, and the most remote pilgrimage site in our country. A prominent Sufi and legendary sage Gozli-ata united the Turkmen tribes to fight against the enemy in those lands. Turkmen warriors courageously fought with enemies in the 1520s, defending their independence. A visit to the holy place – the mausoleum and the cemetery of Gozli-ata is the act of pilgrimage. There, religious rites are performed, and legends, parables and interesting stories about the brave warrior can be heard. Hasan-ata is a historical person who lived in the territory of present-day Mangyshlak. He is a descendant of the third “righteous” caliph Osman (who is the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad). Under Osman ibn Affani, the written text of the Koran was collected into a single book. The recognised head of the Turkic branch of Sufism, thinker and poet Hoja Ahmed Yasawi is called the teacher and spiritual mentor of Hasan-ata. His work Divani-hikmet (The Book of Wisdom, often called Hikmety) has been preserved. Hasan-ata received the honorary nickname Gozli-ata for having learned where the staff, thrown by the spiritual mentor Hoja Ahmed Yasawi, had flow

Turkmen embroidery is inscribed on the representative List of the intangible cultural Heritage of humanity

«7/24. tm», № 50 (133) UNESCO has included the art of Turkmen embroidery in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the 17th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was held in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. This nomination was initiated by Turkmenistan in March 2021 as an important part of the national intangible cultural heritage. Iran co-sponsored the nomination.