''Demokratiýa we hukuk'' žurnaly

Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


A Fairy Tale of Silver

At the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan a ceremony of awarding the winners of the national contest of jewellery masters, devoted to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Motherland, took place. The organisers of the creative competition were the Ministry of Culture and the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan. In the welcoming words of the participants the importance of preserving the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Turkmen people was emphasised as a topical theme of our time. And how important it is for us, living in the high-tech age, not to lose this priceless gift, burnished by the time and skills of our ancestors and passed on to their descendants as the brightest example of the talent of the people. Remembering ethnic roots and developing traditional national art is the motto of all modern artists who inherited the secrets of ancient masters.

Internet resources of turkmen media

«7/24.tm», № 38 (69),  20.09.2021. In the age of the rapid advance of digital technologies, the internet remains the most accessible source of information.

The «Arkadag» hotel

The wide-scale city-building program carried out in marble coated Ashgabat, the pearl city of Central Asia, greatly changes the main city of our country. The opening ceremony of the «Arkadag» Hotel constructed in one of the most beautiful corners of our capital with the participation of our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is an evident proof of it. The «Arkadag» Hotel constructed according to the order of the Ashgabat City Municipality by the «Bouygues Batiman International» French company amazes with its original decoration and architectural solutions. The hotel constructed in the semicircle form occupies the area of more than 220 thousand square metres. The height of fourteen-storied hotel is 76,5 metres. It consists of 290 metre long central building and two more buildings constituting it. The length of each of the buildings composing the central building in the form of wings is 134 metres.

«Ashgabat- city» is a very modern part of the capital

The historic events developing widely in 2021, the year «Turkmenistan-the Home of Peace and Trust» showing the peaceful, prosperous life, unity of our people illuminate the development of our country at high rates under the guidance of our Hero Arkadag. On the 25th of May on the occasion of the Day of Ashgabat and the 140th Anniversary of our capital our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremonies of foundation of the large «Ashgabat- city» dwelling houses complex and opening and giving for use of the new two-storied apartment houses. Giving impetus to realization of a great modern mega-project worked out on the initiative of our National Leader has a great significance. The city-building solutions widely used in the world practice and national architectural traditions found their expression in this project. This great complex with total area of 744 hectares can be called the city inside the city. Because this complex consisting of more than two hundred buildings for different purposes, will form the whole city structure supplied with all living conditions and necessities for recreation. Numerous buildings belonging to district management and other office buildings and buildings of communal system will be built here. At the expense of capital investments four kindergartens for 1200 children, four secondary schools for 3000 pup

Symbol of Mercy and Love for People

Kurban Bayramy (Eid al-Adha) is an ancient holiday of all Muslims, which is observed 70 days after Oraza Bayramy. Since 1994, with the aim to preserve the spiritual and moral values of the Turkmen people, centuries-old customs and traditions, this ancient holiday has been included in the list of significant dates of our country. Every year, the holiday of high spirituality, generous heart and pure thoughts comes to the Turkmen land. Kurban Bayramy is the supreme expression of friendship, solidarity and mutual respect. This ancient holiday instils and fosters spirituality, faith, respect for social foundations, morality and justice.

Legal Reform in Action In Line with State Policy Priorities

In June this year, the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan adopted a package of laws and regulations. The laws were adopted in accordance with the new procedure after the formation of the bicameral parliament – Milli Gengesh. In accordance with the priorities of the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the comprehensive programme of the modernisation of the regulatory and legal framework of the country, the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh developed and discussed the new laws at its 14th meeting on May 22 that was held via videoconference. In accordance with Article 18 of the Law “On the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan”, the laws developed and adopted by the Mejlis were submitted for approval by the Halk Maslahaty. On June 5, the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh held its first meeting. Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh and the heads of the Committees provided comments on each of the legislative documents. The laws were approved unanimously and enshrined in the Resolutions.

Ashgabat the city of friendship and beauty

This year announced as «Turkmenistan — Home of Peace and Trust» has been marked with glorious events. One of them was the celebration of the 140th Anniversary of Ashgabat, the capital of our Fatherland on the 25th of May. Ashgabat is the crossroad for the life paths of many Turkmen people. Many Turkmen poets and writers created their masterpieces in connection with Ashgabat, because it is the city that unites all the people of Turkmenistan. Many great events took place in this city, the capital of Turkmenistan. Each building or street of the city reminds of historical events like a symbolic monument.

The Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex

On June 6, the Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived at the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex on the foothills of the Kopetdag. Here, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Chairman of the Supreme Audit Office, presented a beautiful horse named Hankerwen and his robes with great respect to the Head of State, which was presented to the head of state on the occasion of the National Akhalteke horse Day and Turkmen Alabay day, born in 2018 on behalf of the country's horse breeders.

President of Turkmenistan visited scientific-clinical center for Maternal and Child health

On June 1st, esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a solemn event dedicated to the International Day for the Protection of Children at the Scientific and Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health in the center of the capital city. First of all, the Turkmen leader, together with head of the United Nations Children’s Fund's representative office in Turkmenistan Weigand, took interest in the work of the children's development and early rehabilitation department of the center. As the doctor noted, the toys available in the department are designed to strengthen the whole body system of children.

Turkmen leader gives food donation in memory of Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave food donation on occasion of the fortieth day after the death of his father Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov in Hezreti Omar Mosque in Mir 7 district. The head of the state highlights “The life lived by my father was a big school for me, his moral performance is an ideal for me and university of my life”.

Ashgabat –the city of beauty and love

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan:— In the Epoch of Might and Happiness our beautiful capital with its wonderful palaces, high buildings, constructions of different significance includes the great achievements of the advanced engineering-technical views in it as the example of the present level attained by the economic growth of the country and the national architectural traditions continued in centuries. In Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan under the guidance of our esteemed President the ceremonial events taking place in connection with the Independence of our country and the 140th Anniversary of our marble coated city of Ashgabat widely spread. Opening and giving for exploitation of large buildings, structures for production and social purposes on the eve of these dates increases more the beauty of our marble city and regions.

In the interests of the people

the Constitution of Turkmenistan begins with the words, “We, the people of Turkmenistan...” The very concept of “people” as a political and legal category is the core of our Constitution, encompassing all its components. According to the Basic Law, the people are bearers of sovereignty and the only source of power in Turkmenistan, exercising their power directly or through representative bodies. It is this principle enshrined in the Constitution that relates to universal principles of humane value and is inherent in most modern democratic constitutions. This means that the state power in our country is exercised in the interests of the people and exclusively by the bodies authorised by the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the legislation adopted on its basis.

Dedications to the Anniversary of the Turkmen Capital

Symbols of Beauty, Peace and Goodness On the eve of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Turkmen capital city, exhibitions, creative contests and shows are being held at its numerous art venues, and all of them are devoted to the forthcoming celebration. An exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Ishanguly ISHANGULIYEV was held at the Museum of Fine Arts on the initiative of the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the country.

The constitution is a guarantee of sovereign development, prosperity and happy life

Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV:The Basic Law and the high-flying State Flag are national treasures that embody our glorious past, the greatness of the present era, a bright future, the inviolability of our unity and solidarity and our high dignity. On May 18, 1992, based on their unshakable right to determine their fate, the people of Turkmenistan adopted the Basic Law of the country. This day became one of the most important historical events of the period of laying the foundation of our independent state, which set out on the path of independent and free development. We celebrate the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag as a national holiday, which embodies the commitment of the Turkmen people to the inseparable connection of historical milestones and generations, the great values of humanism and the principles of peace and creation. The role of the Constitution of independent neutral Turkmenistan over the years of its effect was discussed by the participants of a round-table discussion organised by the editorial board of NT.

Glory to You, Veterans!

A solemn event to commemorate the Day of Victory in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic War was held in the Mekan Palace in Ashgabat. It was organised by the hyakimlik of the capital city together with the Democratic Party, the National Trade Union Centre and the Women’s Union of Turkmenistan. Representatives of ministries and departments, public and political organisations, military personnel of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and students were invited to a meeting with war veterans and labour ones who forged victory in the rear. The meeting turned out to be solemn and at the same time very touching. The solemnity of the event was given by an exhibition of paintings, united by the theme “Glory to the winners!”, in the foyer, and a military band greeted those gathered with marches and songs of the war years in the hall. Veterans were carefully supported by their arms, escorted to the place and seated by young people. It was very touching and at the same time joyful because our society has not lost the traditional norms of respect for the older generation and gratitude for the feats of arms and labour to those who defended the world from Nazism and participated in the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war.

Centuries-old traditions and behests of the ancestors – basis for growth in spiritual values

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov gave a sadaqah-agzachar at the Main Mosque of the country, located in Kipchak. It was also atended by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who had arrived in the Turkmen capital. At the Ashgabat International Airport, the Uzbek leader was warmly welcomed, and then he went to the Oguzkhan Presidential Palace Complex. There, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was warmly welcomed by the President of Turkmenistan.

Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov (1932–2021)

On April 18, in the holy month of Ramadan, the father of the President of Turkmenistan, Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov passed away at the age of 89. With deep sorrow, the Turkmen people responded to this bitter news. The life of Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov that he devoted to his people and beloved Motherland is an unparalleled example of humanism and philanthropy. It is an exemplary school for the nation, especially for the younger generation.

Following the Course of Strengthening principles of Democracy

The First Elections of Members of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Held In Turkmenistan, in full compliance with the Constitution, the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan and with the Decision of the Halk Maslahaty, the first elections of members of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh were held.

New dimensions in humanitarian interaction

This year, declared by the UN as the International Year of Peace and Trust on the initiative of Turkmenistan, every day is filled with practical content in the interests of wellbeing, progress and development throughout the world. Women are an important social force that is increasingly manifesting itself at the national, regional and international levels. Among the significant practical steps to support women in achieving broader influence on decision-making processes on issues related to peace, security, stability and sustainable development was the Central Asian forum entitled “The Role of Women in Strengthening Peace, Trust and Security” held in the videoconference format on March 16. The event was initiated by the Government of Turkmenistan and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). At the request of the NT correspondent Irina Imamkuliyeva, the results of the forum were commented on by the Ambassador, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya DROZD. “First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to the highly respected President and Government of Turkmenistan for supporting our initiative and ensuring a high level of the organisation of the event. It was a representative conference in every sense of the word. More than 100 representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, includin

Novruz bayram —holiday of renewal and benevolence

Novruz is annually celebrated in our country on March 21-22, the day of the vernal equinox, and heralds the coming of the New Year. Novruz is one of the oldest holidays that have lived for many centuries in the souls and memory of many nations, including Turkmen people. Today this bright holiday has acquired an international status, embodying the high principles of peace, humanism, diligence, being a symbol of friendship and goodwill. This beautiful, widely celebrated spring holiday contributes to the strengthening of peaceful relations between states and popularizes the historical and cultural traditions of peoples. From times immemorial, Turkmen people have been especially zealous in celebrating numerous national celebrations. For the Turkmen, the words «toy» and «bayram», meaning «celebration» and «holiday» are very important. National holidays spiritually enrich and strengthen the cohesion of the people, give rise to new rituals, customs and traditions that are subsequently passed on from generation to generation. The same attitude is shown to celebration of Novruz Bayram, since the coming of the New Year is considered a sacred event for our people. On the days preceding the holiday and on Novruz itself, various ritual actions are performed, folk customs and traditions are observed. They cover all spheres of the life of society and are carried out in order to ensure