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Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
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Turkmen leader starts spring tree planting campaign

The spring tree planting campaign has been started in Turkmenistan with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Nationwide action of tree planting was timed to National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day. Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has come by vehicle to site next to the Garagum fashionable hotel with multi-profile business center.

In Honour of the Anniversary of Independence, 30 Million Seedlings to Be Planted

“Let’s turn Turkmenistan into a blooming garden!” This is the motto of the nationwide tree-planting movement, which developed in its mass at the beginning of this century, although planting the first trees in the country and especially around Ashgabat began from the first days of the city’s foundation in 1881. In May of this year, a significant date, City Day, will be especially bright: Ashgabat turns 140 years old. This year is remarkable for another date – the 30th anniversary of the main holiday of the state, Independence Day. In honour of this event, the head of state issued a resolution approving the landscaping volumes. The head of the Directorate of Environment Protection and Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Biology Jumamurad SAPARMURADOV tells in more detail:

Forests and Microclimate

Climate change is a many-sided process that is studied, analysed, predicted and fought against by taking special adaptive and mitigation measures, that is the adaption to the effects of climate change and the reduction of air pollution. The country’s desert scientists have been conducting research for many years in the light of scientific support for environmental policy, including afforestation activities that are in line with national landscaping traditions and the fulfilment of the country’s international obligations under three global conventions, one of which is on climate change. From 2021, on the basis of the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan have started developing new scientific and practical themes planned for five years. These include afforestation subjects, one of which is called “Influence of afforestation on soil and climatic conditions of the foothills of the Central Kopetdag Mountains” and aims to identify the influence of forests on microclimate, soil structure and its moisture content, temperature, soil enrichment with humus as a result of fallen leaves and needles, grass vegetation state, air quality near forests and water discharge areas. These and other factors will be explored on the basis of production areas of the Forest Seed Farming and Protection of

Water Diplomacy for Sustainable Development

At the present stage of world development, one of the main and also topical issues facing entire humankind is the provision of food, water and energy security. In this direction, states and international organisations are making the necessary efforts to implement the main issues of the 2030 Agenda. Speaking about water diplomacy, which is widely realised by our state, it should be noted that it is conditioned by the peculiar geopolitical location of Turkmenistan and is harmoniously combined with the water supply policy of the countries of the entire Central Asian region. In this regard, it should be noted that the initiatives of Turkmenistan within the framework of the water diplomacy system originate from the historic speech of the head of our state during the World Water Forum held in 2015. This gave an impetus to the formation of a new diplomatic direction. Turkmenistan, regularly speaking from rostrums of prestigious international organisations with highly humane initiatives on the efficient use of water resources, is an active participant in world conventions operating in the context of this system.