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Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


Sports services in digital system

«7/24 tm» № 31 (166) 31.07.2023 The State Programme for Digital Economy Development of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 lays the basis for digitalization of all spheres of the economy, and the implemented measures play an important role in using the capabilities of the digital system in our society. As a result of continuous improvement of the official website of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan, the sporting achievements of our country are widely reflected through the digital system.

Arkadag city open championships

«7/24 tm» № 31 (166) 31.07.2023 The new multidisciplinary sports complex in Arkadag City hosted the Arkadag City Open Championships in Draka mixed martial arts (MMA), hand-to-hand combat, universal combat, hapkido and the Indian team sport kabaddi. The Hanmudo Martial Arts Federation of Turkmenistan organized the event with the assistance of the Ashgabat Main Department of Physical Culture and Sports and the Arkadag City Main Department of Physical Culture and Sports.

Cheer for Ours!

Every time when international competitions end in victory, many congratulations come to our athletes with wishes for new success. Thousands of people, relatives, friends and other citizens of our country welcomed the achievements of Turkmen athletes: winners of the Kazan–Moscow International Silk Way Rally-2023 (Russia), winners and medallists of the XXI World Belt Wrestling Championships among men and women in Astana (Kazakhstan) and of the XVII Asian Chess Championships among schoolchildren in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). And these prizes were won only for the past week. All this again testifies to the huge popularity of sports and the wide interest in it from the state and society. In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan pays constant attention to the development of physical culture and sports as a means of improving people’s health. Athletes have excellent stadiums and multifunctional sports complexes, gyms, sports sections and swimming pools at their disposal, they are trained by experienced coaches and teachers. Our best athletes and mentors have been presented with high government awards and gifts. On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, traditional ceremonies are regularly held to honour medal-winning athletes and winners who continue the best traditions of natio

Both Sports and Active Recreation

This can be perfectly combined by skateboarding. Among the most popular sports in the world, it takes an honourable sixth place. In 2022, skateboarding entered the list of the Olympic Games. Skateboarding is practiced by everyone who likes the feeling of flying, who has a real sports spirit and who has the desire to overcome obstacles and difficulties. There are many skateboarding fans in Ashgabat.

Ashgabat to host World Kurash Championships in November 2023

«7/24 tm» № 30 (165) 24.07.2023 The 2023 World Kurash Championships will take place in the capital of Turkmenistan in November 2023.

II CIS Games medals and mascot unveiled in Minsk

«7/24 tm» № 29 (164) 17.07.2023 The medals and mascot of the II CIS Games were unveiled in Minsk. The eminent Belarusian athletes pushed the symbolic button to launch the countdown to the commencement of the competition.

Representatives of the Football Federation of Turkmenistan took part in the FIFA seminar

«7/24 tm» № 29 (164) 17.07.2023 The seminar was held in Dubai (UAE) within the framework of the FIFA Forward 3.0 program, in which representatives of football associations from Central and South Asian countries took part.

The city of happiness

It has been a few days since the opening of the city of Arkadag, built in the beautiful corner of the Kopetdag Mountains. However, large international events in the city, including global forums, are of great interest to the world community. It should be noted that the Russian circus masters perform at the Gerogly State Equestrian Circus in the city of Arkadag these days. The performances of the artists of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue and the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard receive a cordial welcome of our compatriots and leave unforgettable impressions.

An inspiring event

Ilyas Demirci, the Secretary General of the Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World, arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the city of Arkadag, and presented the President of Turkmenistan with the medal ‘For outstanding services to the Turkic world’. This event inspired the Turkmen people. It should be noted that the work initiated by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is implemented by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The medal ‘For outstanding services to the Turkic world’ awarded to the President of Turkmenistan confirms his personal contribution to the unique image of Turkmenistan on the path of modern harmonious development.

Sunny days of summer

People know from childhood that there is no life without the Sun. A sunny day brightens the mood, increases activity, and metabolism in the body. However, the high temperature affects the human health. Excessive ultraviolet rays can cause irreparable damage to the body. Sunburn not only affects the outer layer of the body, but also damages the eyes. The risk of sunstroke increases in the summer. Thus, physicians advise everyone not to walk during the day between 09:00 and 18:00.

The first football match took place in the new city of Arkadag

«7/24 tm» № 28 (163) 10.07.2023 Today, on the occasion of the opening of the city of Arkadag, the first ever football match was held at the stadium put into operation here, in which the local team of the same name met with the current champion of Turkmenistan «Ahal». The game, although it had the status of a friendly, aroused increased interest among football fans, who filled the stands of the 10,000-seat arena to capacity.

Sports infrastructure of the city of Arkadag

«7/24 tm» № 28 (163) 10.07.2023 A sports infrastructure has been created in Arkadag, Turkmenistan’s first «smart» city that promotes healthy lifestyle principles in society.

In England, for the first time a football referee used a whistle

«7/24 tm» № 28 (163) 10.07.2023 No one knows exactly when this game appeared. Historians found the first mention of football as «the ball game with feets» in Chinese sources dating back to the second millennium BC. In its modern form, football began to be cultivated in the early 19th century in privileged educational institutions in England, as a useful activity for young people.

World Sambo Cup to be held in Kyrgyzstan

«7/24 tm» № 28 (163) 10.07.2023 The World Sambo Cup will be held in Kyrgyzstan on August 22-23. The tournament in Sport and Combat SAMBO among men and women will be held in the city of Cholpon-Ata. After the end of the competition, a seminar for referees and a sports camp for coaches and athletes will be held.

The home of a happy childhood

Representatives of the younger generations in Turkmenistan receive all-round support in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. It should be noted that impressive work is underway in our country to bring up the healthy, hard-working, patriotic younger generations, to educate children from an early age, to strengthen their physical and mental health, to develop personal skills, and to improve the work of educational institutions in accordance with the modern requirements. In this context, our compatriots contribute to the programmatic and integrated approach in this field. On these historic and joyful days, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on the National Action Plan for the Realization of Children's Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023–2028. The document ensures the rights and well-being of children in our historical period of progress and transformations, creates conditions aimed at protecting and systematically improving the rights of children in the social, political, socio-economic, and cultural systems, and improves the social and living conditions of the younger generations, the quality of education and preparing children for life.

Cyclists are riding towards health

«7/24 tm» № 27 (162) 03.07.2023 Three cyclists from Lebap velayat set off on a trip around Turkmenistan. They dedicate their trip to the 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Fraghi.

Turkey amends law on legionnaires

«7/24 tm» № 27 (162) 03.07.2023 Football players from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are no longer considered legionnaires in the Turkish championships, a Mir 24 sports columnist Givi Tvaltvadze reports on the new law.

Successful performance

The city of Krasnodar (the Russian Federation) hosted the International Grand Prix in sambo and combat sambo on June 24–25. Over 100 athletes from 7 countries, namely, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, took part in the tournament. Our compatriots won four bronze medals in the close competition. 7 sambo wrestlers represented the national team of Turkmenistan headed by Nurmammet Tekaev. Four of them took the third place of the podium in the combat sambo events.

Medals at the international tournament

Our compatriots successfully competed in the 8th WKF Karate Championship of Central Asia held in Bishkek, the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic. Over 200 athletes took part in the Championship, and 24 karatekas represented Turkmenistan. Our compatriots won 11 medals at the Championship of Central Asia, namely, two gold medals, one silver medal, and eight bronze medals. Yslam Annaorazov, a 10-grader at the specialized secondary school 1 in Gokdepe Etrap, Ahal Velayat, competed in the kata event for 16-17-year-old athletes and earned a gold medal. Gurbannazar Gurbannazarov, a 10-grader at the secondary school 20 in Bayramaly, Mary Velayat, achieved the highest result in the 63-kilogramme weight class event (kumite) for 14-15-year-old athletes.

On the eve of the regional event

The draw of the 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup qualification has been held at the AFC House in Kuala Lumpur. According to the draw, the national team of Turkmenistan will play in the Group A. Besides the national team of Turkmenistan, this Group includes the teams of Thailand, Hong Kong and China. The national teams were divided into 8 groups. The matches of the qualification will be played in a centralized format in Thailand, Bahrain, the Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.