''Demokratiýa we hukuk'' žurnaly

Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


An ancient form of martial arts

Kurash wrestling is a form of ancient and traditional martial arts of the Turkic peoples. This wrestling was considered as the decoration of national holidays and festive events of many peoples. According to historical sources, it originated in Central Asia about 3.5 thousand years ago. In the Alpamysh epic, kurash wrestling is described as one of the most popular and favourite martial arts. The ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus mentioned kurash wrestling in his work ‘History’ and emphasized its importance in the traditions of ancient nomadic peoples. UNESCO has included kurash wrestling on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016, recognizing that it promotes kindness and compassion and has a great impact on the wellbeing of society. The discipline, philosophy, techniques and traditions of kurash wrestling have been passed down from generation to generation over centuries. No one thought of combining them into a unified system, because every family member knew all the traditions of this wrestling. Moreover, kurash wrestling did not spread outside Central Asia. Only in 1980, Komil Yusupov, a master of kurash wrestling, judo and sambo, started conducting research. After 10 years, the rules of this wrestling were established. Based on historical traditions, these rules determine weight classes, actions and holds, duration of a r

A sports power

Impressive work is underway to promote physical culture, sports, and the principles of a healthy lifestyle, to attract the younger generations to sports, and to enhance the international sports prestige of our country under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The holding of the 2024 World Kurash Wrestling Championship and the 2025 World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat demonstrates this fact. The Turkmen people witness the international success of our country and the development in the field of sports. They use the multipurpose stadiums, sports schools, physical culture and health facilities and other sports complexes, built and put into operation all over the country. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, ‘Physical culture and sports are the main sources of health and strength that encourage creative initiatives and determination to implement them’. The President of Turkmenistan promotes the prestige of our beloved country as a home of health, inspiration and sports.

The World Kurash Championships

The physical and spiritual development and education of the younger generation is one of the main directions of the policy of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The personal example of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, who is an Honoured Coach of Turkmenistan and the President of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan and his regular participation in mass sports events, organised in our country, inspires the country’s youth to do sports and to follow a healthy lifestyle. As part of his working visit to Budapest (Hungary) in August of the current year, the distinguished President took part in the ceremonial events of the World Athletics Championships, which is a clear indication of the commitment of the head of state to a healthy lifestyle and the development of international cooperation in the field of sports. This area of partnership is a subject of interested discussion during foreign visits of the President of Turkmenistan. In this context, the improvement of the sphere of physical culture and sports and the development of the principles of a healthy lifestyle are reflected in the national legislation of Turkmenistan, which is based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Article 15 of the Basic Law stipulates that the state promotes the development of international relations in the fields of science, culture, education, sports and tourism. The legislation of

Kurash is an Ancient Form of Wrestling

Today, the Kurash that has attracted the attention of the whole world has gained great popularity and fame, and this Kurash has deep historical roots. Wrestling   which was one of the forms of martial arts, originated in ancient times in Central Asia. As a result of historical findings discovered by historians and archaeologists, it was confirmed that the age of this type of sport is about 2.5-3 thousand years. If we mention the findings that scientifically prove the history of the battle, that is, the statues of two wrestlers found in Gonurdepe  (2nd millennium BC), the image of two  wrestlers in the wall paintings (pictures) found in Penjikent, the artworks depicting the images of two wrestlers   in ceramic pots found in Ancient Bactria, this is all that has been said confirms Turkmen wrestling was a wrestling held in almost all the villages on the banks of the Amudayara River in Lebap Velayat, during weddings and large ceremonial events. In the 14th century, the world-famous commander Teymurleng (Tamerlan) forced them to engage in wrestling in order to physically strengthen his army. Since the 20th century, great attention has been paid to Kurash in Uzbekistan.

New FC Arkadag logotip

«7/24. tm» № 48 (183) 20.11.2023 The National Leader of the Turkmen people reviewed the draft designs of the logo of Arkadag Football Club during his recent working trip to Arkadag City. The Hero-Arkadag noted that the football club logo should reflect the development of national sports, in particular the involvement of youth in sports of high achievements and be the pride of Turkmen athletes.

Kurash — a sport that unites peoples

«7/24. tm» № 48 (183) 20.11.2023 Currently, the preparations for the World Kurash Championships, which will be held at the martial arts complex of the Ashgabat Olympic Town on November 23–28, 2023, are nearing completion. Turkmenistan has extensive experience in staging major international sports forums.

Kurash wrestling is an ancient sport

Kurash wrestling is a mode of sports that combines the wrestling arts of the Turkic peoples. According to the historical sources, this wrestling has been established on the Uzbek soil several millennia ago. The ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus mentioned kurash wrestling in his works. Avicenna noted in his writings that this wrestling is beneficial for health. He emphasized that kurash wrestling is of great importance for the physical and mental health.

An interesting event

The Etrap stages of the sports tournaments ‘Turkmenistan – the Home of Health and Inspiration’ are underway according to the joint plan of the Ahal Velayat Department of Türkmenistan Youth Physical Culture and Sports Organisation, the Velayat Main Education Department, the Velayat Council of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and other public organizations. As part of these large-scale sports tournaments, the girl’s teams took part in the volleyball event held at the sports field at the secondary school 18 in Babadayhan Etrap. Many fans of volleyball watched the event. Players demonstrated their skills in an interesting and close competition. According to the results of the exciting matches, the girls' team of the Etrap secondary school 2 won the first place, the team of the secondary school 17 became the runner-up, and the team of the secondary school 4 entered the top three. The winners were awarded the letters of honour.

Our capital gladdens hearts

The fundamental transformations successfully implemented in the country are reflected in the urban development system. In a short period, the villages and cities, regional centres and capital of Turkmenistan became beautiful with their national originality unique to the East. Thanks to the great concern of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Honorary Architect of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen capital turned into a political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural centre of the country.

The Cup of Turkmenistan

The competition for the Women's Handball Cup of Turkmenistan is underway. Seven teams take part in the tournament, which started on November 13. They are five teams from Velayats and two teams from Ashgabat. The matches are held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Ashgabat prepares for world Kurash championships

«7/24. tm» № 47 (182) 13.11.2023 In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the state policy priorities are to improve the health of the people, raise physically and spiritually healthy generations and promote the sports and Olympic movement in Turkmenistan.

Medalists of the World Sambo Championships will receive unique FIAS pins and share the prize fund

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 The International Sambo Federation has established special awards for the winners of the World Sambo Championships, which will be held on November 10-12 in Yerevan. Sambists who win medals at the main tournament of the year in the international calendar will become owners of unique precious FIAS pins. In addition, the medalists of the tournament will traditionally compete for a prize fund of 231 thousand US dollars.

AFC Champions league: 10 matches with biggest football attendances

«7/24. tm» № 46 (181) 06.11.2023 As the championships season in China started, Shandong Taishan, who gained only one victory at home, has played the match with Japanese Yokogama F. Marinos, who is fighting for the champion title of their country. This match is of particular interest for the largest number of fans brought together in the first round of the AFC Champions League.

Nationwide values

Turkmenistan prepares for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birthday of Magtymguly Pyragy in 2024. This fact demonstrates great value of the creativity of the poet and thinker, which is aimed at high humanitarian goals. At the meeting of the Permanent Council of the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), held in the city of Bursa of the Republic of Türkiye, its participants declared 2024 ‘the Year of the Great Poet and Thinker of the Turkic World – Magtymguly Pyragy’ and the ancient Turkmen town of Anau – the cultural capital of the Turkic world for 2024. These historic events will contribute to the development of friendly and brotherly relations between peoples, strengthen the cultural cooperation, mark the 300th anniversary of the birthday of our great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, and promote his literary heritage. Humanist views in the poems by Magtymguly Pyragy have not lost their value. Moreover, the poet's poems and manuscripts entered the UNESCO's (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Memory of the World Register. The 300th anniversary of the birthday of Magtymguly Pyragy was included in the list of memorable dates in the celebration of UNESCO for 2024–2025. This fact indicates that the importance of the poet's creativity is recognized in the world, as well as that the Turkmen people make a wor

Concern for the youth

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the younger generations to take an active part in important events in the life of our Motherland and motivated them to feel responsibility for the country, to strengthen patriotic spirit, to be hardworking and determined, and to achieve professional excellence. Our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, ‘When the foundation is strong, the building will stand for a long time’. These wise words have graphic examples in our country. Wide opportunities are created for the Turkmen youth to keep up with the times, to acquire professional skills, to develop their talents, to improve creative abilities, to think, to make responsible decisions independently, and to predict possible situations. The Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan provides the opportunities to expand scientific knowledge, to study the latest achievements of science, to organize and conduct fundamental and practical scientific research, experimental-constructive and technological research, and to increase the professional level of young people in science.

Health is priceless wealth

Health is priceless wealth for every person, family, and society. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov consider sports as the source of strength, beauty, health, love and enthusiasm for life, and successfully implement the wide-scale work to promote sports and the principles of a healthy lifestyle in our country. The President of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the development of physical culture and activities, as well as high-level sports. Impressive work is underway in this sphere.

Universiade in Turkmenistan

 The Turkmenistan – the Country of Inspiration and Health Universiade has started in Ashgabat. The opening ceremony of the sports games took place in a festive atmosphere. Students from higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan attended the ceremony. Talented gymnasts, sambo wrestlers, swimmers, chess players and tennis players demonstrated their agility, grace and strength to the guests. In total, the Universiade features 22 sports.

Student-best wrestlers win medals of world championships

«7/24.tm»№ 43 (178) 23.10.2023 The World Belt Wrestling Championships among 18-20-year-old athletes closed in Khujand, Tajikistan. Athletes from more than 20 countries, including Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, among others, performed at the championships, which took place on October 12-15. The Sports Palace brought together several thousand spectators from among fans and lovers of this sport.

E-sportsmen from Turkmenistan can take part in CS2 Asia Championship

«7/24.tm»№ 43 (178) 23.10.2023 The Frag eSports Gaming Organisation has announced the third season of the club tournament, which starts in the Central Asia countries, the organisers said in their statement.

Turkmen flag raised at IV Asian Para Games in Hangzhou

«7/24.tm»№ 43 (178) 23.10.2023 On October 22, the Turkmenistan Paralympic team began their performance at the IV Asian Para Games in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.