''Demokratiýa we hukuk'' žurnaly

Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


National pride

The work initiated by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to enhance the international prestige of the Ahalteke horses and to increase their number is being successfully implemented by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Our beloved Motherland is the home for the ancient Ahalteke horses. The Turkmen people have made great contribution to the world culture with their ancient and glorious history for many millennia. Our heavenly horses have become a unique symbol of Turkmenistan's achievements in all spheres as a wonderful miracle of the national and human culture. This fact indicates that the glory of our beautiful horses has covered the entire world.

Boundless joy

Impressive work is underway to develop the mass physical culture and sports at high level in our prosperous country. The achievements of the Turkmen athletes at the 2023 World Kurash Wrestling Championship held recently in our white marble capital took a special place in the history and enhanced the sports prestige of the Motherland. This fact indicates high results of our compatriots and wide opportunities created for the youth to do sports in Turkmenistan. The participants of the World Championship noted that the tournament held in our country brought great success, increased the interest of many people in kurash wrestling, and inspired athletes to win new victories. The successful holding of the World Championship provoked the pride of the Turkmen people in our beloved Motherland and depicted Turkmenistan as a country capable of organizing large tournaments at a high level.

Cristiano Ronaldo Nominated for 2023 IFFHS World’s Best Player Award

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 Discontent surrounded Cristiano Ronaldo after he failed to get nominated for the 2023 Ballon d’Or. It was the first time in over two decades that he wasn’t present for the prestigious trophy as he saw his long-term rival, Lionel Messi, collect his record eighth title. It seems the Portuguese superstar finally has a chance to contest for an individual award among global soccer stars, as he has managed to make the cut for the 2023 IFFHS World’s Best Player Award.

The benefits of marathon running

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 •Improved overall health: Running regularly strengthens your heart by increasing your VO2 max (aerobic capacity) and helping keep your blood pressure and high cholesterol at healthy levels. In addition, longer runs push your body to strengthen fast-twitch fibers in the muscles to combat fatigue and build strength.

The Art of Losing

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 The Art of Losing by David Halberstam is an essay about the importance of losing in sports. Halberstam argues that losing is an essential part of sports, and that it is through learning to lose with grace and dignity that athletes achieve true greatness.

Physical Activity for Older Adults

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 Types of Activity for Older Adults

Saparmyrat Atabayev became the tenth grandmaster in Turkmenistan, winning the chess festival in Tashkent

«7/24. tm» № 51 (186) 18.12.2023 Saparmyrat Atabayev became the tenth grandmaster in Turkmenistan, winning the chess festival in Tashkent

Arkadag FC wins the title

Arkadag FC, established in the spring this year, became the champion of Turkmenistan in its first season. The team with the same name as the first smart city in the country achieved this success four fixtures before the end of the season. In the 23rd fixture of the Football Championship of Turkmenistan, the team won Altyn Asyr FC with a score of 4:0 and earned its first title after this victory. Thus, Altyn Asyr FC is 16 points behind the leader in the standings. Having played 19 matches in the 23rd fixture, the ‘signalmen’ would score only 15 points if they win all the upcoming matches.

The glory of the Turkmen sports

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has initiated great work to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle in our society, and to educate the physically and spiritually healthy, broad-minded, and smart younger generations. This ambitious work is underway by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. To date, the Turkmen youth take the leading positions in international sports, win events and competitions, lift the national flag highly, glorify our Motherland and provoke the pride of our people. Since the beginning of this year, the Turkmen athletes have competed in over 240 international tournaments and won 700 medals, including in 200 gold medals. This is a wonderful result of the great initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the concern of the President of Turkmenistan for the development of high-level sports, for the promotion of the Olympic movement, and for the excellent conditions and wide opportunities for athletes in the country.

The home of health

Impressive work is underway to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle, to prepare the younger generations according to modern educational programmes, and to educate them in the spirit of patriotism and hard work in our country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Special importance is attached to the development of mass physical culture and sports, because they represent the main conditions for being healthy. Besides, health is the source of a happy life. It inspires creative thinking, motivates to work diligently and to follow vocation in life. Physical activity and sports strengthen the immune system of people. They are the main means to prevent and control diseases.

Sports prestige of the country

The physical culture, health and sports movement gained a wide scope in our country in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. It has become a noble tradition to host the sports events that gather thousands of people from around the globe. The XIV World Kurash Championship held in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat on November 23–28, 2023, demonstrated the growing prestige of Turkmenistan in the world of sports. In this context, an international media forum ‘XIV World Kurash Championship on International Media’ was held on the eve of the tournament. The officials of the International Kurash Association, the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan, the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan, representatives of the foreign and domestic mass media took part in the forum. A rich cultural programme was prepared for the guests before the Championship.

Intensive training sessions

On December 4, the national judo team of Turkmenistan started the training sessions in Tokyo, Japan. The Turkmen delegation that participated in the Tokyo Grand Slam 2023 attended the training sessions. It should be noted that the Turkmen athlete Hekim Agamammedov won a medal in the prestigious tournament that gathered 506 athletes from 84 countries.

Medal at the prestigious tournament

The Tokyo Grand Slam 2023, which is considered one of the most prestigious judo tournaments, concluded in Japan on December 3. 506 athletes from 84 countries took part in the two-day international tournament. 8 athletes represented the national team of Turkmenistan at the Grand Slam. Thus, the Turkmen judoka Hekim Agamammedov competed in the 66-kilogramme weight class event and won a bronze medal of the tournament. The private of the military unit 1001 named after Malikguly Berdimuhamedov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan defeated A.Berliner (USA), Y.Najafov (Azerbaijan) and R.Izvoreanu (Moldova) on the way to the bronze medal. Moreover, the Turkmen judoka won W.Lima (Brazil) and E.Battogtokh (Mongolia). Impressive performance brought the Turkmen athlete to the third place on the podium.

Success of the young chess players

The Turkmen chess players won one silver medal and one bronze medal on the first match day of the 2023 Western Asian Juniors & Girls Chess Championships in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Vepaly Halyniyazov, a student of Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute, scored 5.5 points out of 7 and took the second place. Harshavardhan, an international master from India, scored the same number of points and triumphed at the tournament thanks to the additional indicators.

Turkmen wrestlers secured 15 medals in the world kurash championship

«7/24. tm» № 49 (184) 04.12.2023 28.11.2023. Today, the 14th World Kurash Championship, which brought together representatives from four continents of the planet - Asia, Africa, Europe as well as South and North America, was completed in triumph at the Martial Arts Sports Complex of the Olympic village of the capital city.

A new page in history of sports

«7/24. tm» № 49 (184) 04.12.2023 During his visit to the Multidisciplinary Sports Complex in Arkadag City, President of the International Kurash Association Haider Farman presented a special set of kurash sports uniforms and certificates for Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar as a sign of profound respect for their efforts to comprehensively develop sports and the Olympic movement in Turkmenistan and create conditions conducive to staging and hosting world competitions in Ashgabat at the state level. This shows that the Turkmen state attaches great importance to promoting the martial arts in the country, in particular the Olympic movement. The sports equipment and certificates were accepted with gratitude.

Representative of Turkmenistan heads Statistics Committee of International Kurash Federation

«7/24. tm» № 49 (184) 04.12.2023 Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, Head of the Kurash Federation of Turkmenistan Serdar Ataev headed the Statistics Committee of the International Kurash Association (IKA). 53 delegates of the IKA Congress, which was held in the conference hall of the Sport Hotel in the Olympic Town, unanimously supported his candidacy.

Concern for the younger generations

The bright future of the country depends on the concern for the younger generations. Thus, thanks to the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan, excellent conditions are created to ensure a prosperous and happy life for the young Turkmen people and their personal development, and to reveal their potential. The results of the educational transformations implemented by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are seen at every turn. To date, schools, kindergartens, educational and creative centres that meet the modern requirements are built and put into operation in the Turkmen capital, regional centres, and towns. They are equipped with modern educational technologies and interactive multimedia products. 6 kindergartens and 18 secondary schools were opened and put into operation in all regions of the country on the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic year. Laptop computers were presented to the first graders on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan and the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

Another Triumph of Domestic Sports

Turkmen Wrestlers Win 15 Medals at the World Kurash Championships The XIV World Kurash Championships, which brought together representatives from four continents of the planet – Asia, Europe, Africa and South and North Americas, triumphantly ended at the Martial Arts Sports Complex of the Olympic Village in the capital city.

Interesting trips

A trip to museums in the Turkmen capital was organized for foreign guests who came to Turkmenistan to take part in the 2023 World Kurash Wrestling Championship. They visited the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan and the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan. At the museums, the guests got acquainted with the exhibits that represent different periods of our history. They were excited to start the World Championship with such an interesting trip.