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Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


A country of happy childhood

Interesting events are being held at the Bagtyýar nesiller children's recreation centre in Gokdere according to the joint plan of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and the Gokdepe and Ak Bugday Etrap Gengeshs of Ahal Velayat. The creative contest entitled ‘We are happy young people in the country of health’ was one of the events that impressed children at the centre under the Ahal Velayat administration. The children who spend summer holidays and improve their health in the centre attended the event.

Digitalization is a basis for modern development

The role of the digital system has great importance in the development of sports, as well as in all spheres of life in our beloved country. In this context, the introduction of digitalization in sports is very important to achieve outstanding results. At the times when technologies are making unprecedented progress, every part of the training session relies on the latest trends in this field and is based on in-depth calculations. It should be noted that the digital system monitors the on-going improvement without overloading the athlete and prevents from weakening due to different reasons. High level of weight control, calorie and fat features, mental stability ... all these parameters can be analysed and estimated through the digital system. Moreover, the digital system has been an integral part of large events in recent years. It contributes to fair play in sports. The organization of the strategy game events through the digital communication makes it easier to hold such events.

A symbol of courage and loyalty

The Turkmen people are one of the world’s oldest peoples. The values that our brave people have given to the world during a centuries-old history are great. Throughout the glorious past, the Turkmen people have considered alabays and horses as loyal companions and friends. They treated these animals as if they were human beings. Historical sources testify to the fact that the alabays’ bravery, intelligence and loyalty deserve praise. The Turkmen Alabay book by the President of Turkmenistan contains the following sentences confirming the antiquity of the breed, ‘Dog and human are believed to have befriended 12-15 thousand years ago. Thus, any dog breed must originate from hunting dogs. Our alabays must also be hunting. Our ancestors developed this trait of the breed. They raised our alabays very intelligent. Moreover, alabays attacked wolves’.

Ahal FC wins trophy

Ahal FC and Merv FC met in the Turkmenistan Football Federation Cup final recently. Ahal FC took the opportunities created in the game, which was rich in attacks by both teams, won the match 1-0 and earned the main trophy. Serdar Geldiyev scored from a penalty kick in the 44th minute of the match and brought victory to the team from Ahal Velayat.

Large sport holiday

Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV,President of Turkmenistan: — In the Epoch of Might and Happiness mass popularization of the bicycle sport and combination of cycling with effective recreation show the further growth of interest of our people following the healthy way of life and becoming of physical culture and sport the inseparable part of the common culture of our society. Marking the 3rd of June as the World Bicycle Day has become a good tradition. Establishment of the World Bicycle Day by the General Assembly of the UNO on the initiative of our esteemed President once again showed creative, humanistic and peace-loving features of Turkmenistan. To be exact, at the 82nd meeting of the 72nd session of the General Assembly of the UNO on the initiative of Turkmenistan the Resolution was adopted and 56 states were in co-authorship of the Resolution on the World Bicycle Day. The declaration the 3rd of June as the World Bicycle Day vividly showed that the initiatives of our country on strengthening peace, friendship and fruitful co-operation are unanimously supported on the world level. This historic event testifies increasing of international authority of our country and its faithfulness to peace-loving, humanistic and fruitful co-operation traditions. A special attention is paid to development of bicycle sport in our country. Organizing mass bicycle tr

Power of the Nation

Turkmenistan’s health policy, implemented under the patronage of the esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a special emphasis is placed on a healthy lifestyle and sports. With this aim, excellent conditions for all who live in friendship with sports have been created in the country. These are sports and health-improving complexes, including the largest Olympic Complex in Ashgabat, and sports grounds in residential areas, which have their own sports centres, kindergartens, schools and higher educational institutions, enterprises and organisations. The National Strategy for increasing the physical activity of the population in Turkmenistan for 2018–2025 and the Programme of the support and development of physical culture and sports in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025, which are being implemented today, bring people to the ideals and values of sports, contributing to the fact that a healthy lifestyle occupies an increasingly important place in Turkmen society. A physically developed person with a strong and willed character can usually easily achieve success, including that at a professional level. Physical culture has a positive effect on the human nervous system, rejuvenates the body, improves memory and learning abilities, increases the ability of the brain to concentrate on a specific task and develops stress resistance. As the esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhame

World Cycling Day celebrated in Turkmenistan

On June 3, on the occasion of World Bicycle Day, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a mass bicycle ride. World Bicycle Day, established by the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of the Esteemed President, has been widely celebrated in our country. As a result of the personal example of the head of state and the creation of all favorable conditions for physical education and sports, healthy and active lifestyle principles became the basic ones for the people of Turkmenistan.

Bicycle —a means of healthy life

The word «Bicycle» was derived from the conjunction of Latin words «velox» — fast and «pes» — foot. As is known from its name, in this type of sport knee and foot parts of a leg are mostly active. Doctors have noted that as a result of continual daily cycling in fresh air, there is a very low level of possibility for developing exhaustion, anxiety and distress in a human body. Moreover, it contributes to keep metabolism in stability and eliminate excess fats. The effect of physical conditions occurring during cycling extends to 2-3 hours after stopping it. Nowadays, a bicycle is considered to be the most widespread means of transport. Its cheap price, light weight, small size, no fuel consumption and its safety increase the attraction of this type of transport. Cycling as a sport is especially popular in our country. At present construction of modern cycle tracks and other sport complexes, the wonderful tradition of our National Leader holding regular cycling marches uniting thousands of population of Turkmenistan gave a powerful impetus to developing cycling sport.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov takes part in honoring of the world champion

President of Turkmenistan, President of National Olympic Committee of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the capital’s Olympic village where took part in the event on occasion of the honoring of Turkmen sportswoman Yulduz Jumabayeva – the winner of gold medals of the World Weightlifting Championship held in Ashgabat in November 2018. Members of the Government and State Security Council, heads of ministries and profile departments, public organizations, mass media, directors of universities and Turkmen sportsmen took part in the ceremony, which was held in the Martial Arts Complex of the Olympic village. Representatives of diplomatic corps have also attended the ceremony.

Preparing for Important Exams

(Part 2. See Part 1 in the March 6 issue) Returning to the draft Cycling Promotion Programme of Turkmenistan in 2021–2025, we should note that after commenting on the report at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific recommendations to involve citizens of the country in cycling. In particular, the leader of the nation underscored the importance of building bicycle parks, specialised stores, workshops, parking areas at shopping centres and bike trails, training bicycle mechanics, opening bicycle rental points for adults and children and laying bike paths in parks.

Preparing for Important Exams

At the recent meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was informed of the draft Cycling Promotion Programme of Turkmenistan for 2021–2025 and the draft Action Plan to the Programme. Speaking about the timeliness of promoting the large-scale physical culture and sports movement in our country, the leader of the nation emphasised sport was a crucial factor contributing to peace and friendly relations among states and nations. Sports diplomacy that has a profound impact on the foreign policy of our state enables Turkmenistan to more often host major international tournaments, including cycling competitions. This is illustrated by the World Track Cycling Championships to be held in Ashgabat this autumn. The Turkmen leader highlighted the importance of bringing the draft Programme in line with modern requirements, in particular, the adoption of measures to build up material and technical resources necessary to promote cycling in the country. An important step towards this goal was made in 2013, when the National Cycling Technical Centre of Turkmenistan was established on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov (the Cycling Promotion Programme for 2013–2017 was approved the same year) that profoundly facilitated the work of the National Cycling Federation. Along with building up the material and technical base, the new sports

Forward - to New Victories!

The sports movement of our country in the Era of Might and Happiness has gained unprecedented development. And not only on the national, but also on a global scale. Turkmenistan is increasingly becoming the centre of major planetary and regional competitions, bringing together thousands of professional athletes from all continents under the banner of the sport – the main envoy of peace and friendship. Such active development, of course, has influenced the growth of the skills of the Turkmen athletes, who achieve impressive successes in most kinds of sports. And all this is directly connected with the name of our President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – an active adherent to a healthy lifestyle, whose initiatives in a relatively short period of time have elevated Turkmenistan to the rank of one of the world’s leading sports powers. The leader of the nation himself sets an example for our youth, finding in his busy schedule time for hiking and horse riding in mountainous areas, cycling and car racing. Such actions inspire young people for doing sports, and all the necessary conditions have been created for this.

Nation’s healthy lifestyle

Concern for improving the welfare of the people and strengthening the health of the Turkmen people has been elevated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the rank of the most important state tasks. The national leader says, “The duty of the state is to take care of the health of its citizens, for this is a guarantee of the intensive socioeconomic development of any country.” Thus, over the years of the implementation of the Saglyk State Programme and radical reforms in the healthcare sector, a great work has been done, due to which the average life expectancy of the population, who have received access to high-quality medical services at modern medical institutions equipped with the latest technology, has increased, morbidity level has decreased, and also large-scale measures have been taken to develop the domestic pharmaceutical industry and to increase the production of medicines. Special attention is paid to training specialists, improving their qualifications and developing medical science. The improved legislative framework has become a reliable basis for the successful implementation of reforms and large-scale transformations in the healthcare sector.

To the Glory of Turkmenistan

Training sessions of Turkmen weightlifters from the men and women’s national teams, who are preparing for the qualifying competitions of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) postponed to 2021, resumed in the last days of December last year. Our weightlifters improve their skills at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex that offers the conditions conducive to training. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made sure of that during his recent visit to the main sports facility of Turkmenistan. The ambitious Olympic Complex project was initiated and approved by the leader of the nation, who adheres to a healthy lifestyle and makes regular hiking, horse riding and cycling tours at the foothills, setting a good example for talented Turkmen youth. With putting into operation the sports facility, which has no analogue in Central Asia, Ashgabat became one of the most popular cities in the world to host major international tournaments. This inspired our athletes to much better performance at sports competitions, which profoundly contributed to their outstanding results.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visits the capital’s Olympic village

On January 20, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the capital’s Olympic village and inspected the preparation to coming big international tournaments in our country and training of sportsmen. Upon arrival in the Olympic village, the President of Turkmenistan has been met by the Vice-premier who supervises health protection sphere and public and sport organizations as well as the head of Ashgabat’s administration, heads of certain ministries and profile departments.