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Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


Revival of national sport

Thanks to the concern of the Turkmen leader, impressive work is underway to develop sports and physical education in our country. The world community appreciates the development of professional sports and the human health concerns in our country, and this fact indicates the international role of our beloved Motherland, which flourishes under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan. The largest international organizations support Turkmenistan's initiatives on a regular basis. In this context, the establishment of World Bicycle Day should be noted among such important initiatives. Established on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by the UN General Assembly, this holiday is aimed at promoting sports, physical culture and the principles of a healthy lifestyle, at coordinating the environmental policy, and at developing the cooperation between the peoples and the states in this sphere. This event has once again demonstrated the creative and peace-making potential of Turkmenistan as a country that promotes the humanitarian principles.

Sport is companion of young people

The 140th anniversary of our beautiful capital and the 30th anniversary of independence were celebrated in 2021. To date, Ashgabat, the capital of an independent country, is widely known as a regional coordinating centre, a fast-growing city of sports. Ashgabat amazes travellers with its beauty. Impressive work is underway to promote sports and youth policy thanks to the Turkmen leader. At Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, young people do different sports. Students spend their free time practicing sports. A number of activities are being carried out in the institution of higher education to implement the tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan in the field of training of the sports professionals and the athletes who will compete in international events. Students succeed in tournaments and multiply the sports achievements of the Institute.

A festive decoration of our capital

The Turkmen capital, Ashgabat is known for beautiful architecture and is becoming more beautiful in the last days of the year. The decorated fir trees, colourful nightlights and illumination along the wide and clean avenues and streets, in the beautiful parks, near the offices of public organisations, including in the facilities of the Olympic Village, indicate the upcoming New Year’s Day and inspire our compatriots. In the epoch of might and happiness, Ashgabat represents a symbol of the creative talent of the Turkmen leader, the Honoured Architect of Turkmenistan; and it has become a noble tradition to decorate our beautiful capital on the eve of festive events. This beautiful decoration creates a perfect harmony with the architecture of our white marble city, delights the residents and guests of the capital, and inspires the masters of arts to write music and poems. Thus, inspiration comes from beauty. The enchanting image of the Turkmen capital reflects the joy and cherished traditions of our compatriots on the eve of the New Year’s Day.

Ahal meets Shagadam in Turkmenistan football cup final

«7/24.tm», №51 (82), 20.12.2021.  FC Ahal earned a 2-1 victory over FC Altyn Asyr in the semi-final through Nuryagdy Mukhamedov and Elman Tagaev.

Sambist Kodzaev became the winner of the battle of Champions

«7/24.tm», №51 (82), 20.12.2021.  The Battle of Champions, organized by the Russian Union of Martial Arts, took place in Moscow for the 13th time. Eight fighters representing 8 different martial arts vied for the title of undisputed champion. The athletes were divided into subgroups, where they competed with each other for elimination for reaching the final.

Our white city, Ashgabat

Ashgabat, the capital of our country, is becoming more and more beautiful. The city’s population has convenient and favourable conditions that meet the developed international standards. All districts and historical centre of the capital have been recently modernized. New housing estates have been built. The 140th anniversary of the capital is celebrated in the year, held under the motto ‘Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust’. As is known, hundreds of complexes with unique architectural features have been created in the capital. The President of Turkmenistan approves large and important construction projects, and monitors all phases of their implementation. This process includes everything from the decoration of buildings to their maintenance, the timely commissioning of facilities and high quality. The title ‘Honoured Architect of Turkmenistan’, awarded to the Turkmen leader by the Decree of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in May 2013, demonstrated the fruitful work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in this sphere.

Goalkeeper throws the ball in a match and goes down in history of football

«7/24.tm», № 50 (81), 13.12.2021 A goalkeeper of the Iran national team and Boavista FC Alireza Beiranvand has set a Guinness world record for longest hand throw.

Sport is the source of wellness

Effective work is underway to protect and strengthen the health of our people and to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan in the epoch of might and happiness. The efforts of the Turkmen leader, who welcomes our people to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, are notable for their effectiveness. The conditions for adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle include combining proper recreation with effective work. When a person's schedule is set properly, performance is high and health is good. People who do sports and physical exercises on a regular basis are more efficient. The desire to live an interesting and healthy life, the enthusiasm to move forward, the aspiration to reach new heights – all this is the goal and the result of a healthy lifestyle.

Sport and health

Thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan, impressive work is underway to protect the health and safety of the people in our country. In this context, it should be noted that according to the Saglyk State Programme, a large number of activities are implemented to develop the national healthcare system and to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of different infectious diseases. To date, the international community believes that the promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and the development of mass physical culture and sports are the highest achievements under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan in the epoch of might and happiness. In this context, the Turkmen leader emphasized that the recognition of Turkmenistan as a sports power is our greatest achievement in the years of independence. Thus, despite the heavy working schedule, the President of Turkmenistan sets a good example for young people in doing different sports and adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. On the example of the Turkmen leader's sports training sessions and adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, people realise that sport results in the physical development, health and love for life, creative and productive work. Long live the President of Turkmenistan, who promotes the Turkmen sport in the world!

Digital education system

The education system is one of the key indicators of the country's development. The President of Turkmenistan is deeply concerned about the development of this system. Thus, the preparation of qualified personnel, who have a good command of science and innovation, is now considered one of the most important issues in the world. Skilful professionals make a worthy contribution to strengthening of the national economy and to enhancing of the international prestige of the country. Thus, great work is underway to raise the level of education of young people, to train them on the basis of internationally recognized curricula, and to prepare thoughtful young professionals in Turkmenistan. At the same time, impressive work is conducted in the field of sports. The most widespread digital system in our country is established in the sphere of sports. Athletes benefit from the digital system and hold the training sessions of a higher level. To date, electronic devices are widely used to check distance, heart rate, and calories consumed. Thus, the digitalization of the education system helps young people to gather the world experience, and this process is the main condition for the country's development. Jahan SATYMOVA,

Sport tv channel and youth policy in Turkmenistan

«Sport is energy, beauty, health and inspiration. The great future of Turkmen sport is in the confident hands of our brave youth. We are proud of this» stated our Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during his lecture on the 1st of September 2021, on the occasion of Day of Knowledge and Students. After gaining its independence Turkmenistan opened new ways for developing physical culture and sports in our country. Owing to great efforts of our Hero Arkadag developing physical culture and sports and widening the international co-operation with foreign countries became one of the primary trends of the state policy.

Golf demands mastership and will

In our prosperous country a large amount of capital investments are directed at developing mass physical culture movement and sport. In our capital and provinces modern stadiums and horsemanship sport complexes, sport schools and other numerous sport constructions were built. At the same time the existing sport buildings are being reconstructed and their material-technical basis is more improved. Besides that, it is necessary to note that in all structures built for educational and pre-school institutions construction of gymnasiums, sports grounds for different kinds of sports, swimming-pools are envisaged. It is pleasant to note that on the basis of close co-operation with the International Olympic Committee and Sports Federations many kinds of sports are developed in our country. It should be noted that the Olympic Water Sport Complex, swimming pools, automobile racetrack have been built for this purpose. At the same time our country has gained an experience in organization of large-scale competitions on the international level. In 2017 the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games were held in Ashgabat and Ashgabat was declared as peace-creating and large sport centre on the international level. The Ashgabat Olympic Town, which is unique in the region, vividly shows the aspiration of our country to new heights and successes in sports. The 5th Asian In

Symbolic team of turkmen footballers who play in turkic speaking countries

«7/24.tm», №48 (79), 29.11.2021. On November 12, 2021, Istanbul hosted the 8th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council). Sport also contributes to promoting relations among the Turkic speaking countries. The Turkmen footballers have performed in the football championships in the countries of the Turkic world in different years.

Elman Tagayev – AFC cup top goal scorer

«7/24.tm», №48 (79), 29.11.2021. The midfielder of the Turkmenistan national team and Ahal FC Elman Tagayev has become the top goal scorer in the AFC Cup this season. The staffs of the 7/24 e-supplement of Türkmenistan Sport International Magazine and the Football Federation of Turkmenistan conducted rigorous analysis of the performance of the Ahal half-defender and calculated that he had scored 5 goals in 3 games. This means that his success rate is 1.6661.66 in each game (5/3). This is the best result of the season.

An invaluable encyclopaedia

The Volume XIII of the encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by the President of Turkmenistan became a wonderful gift for the Turkmen people. As well as other volumes, the new book won the hearts of our compatriots. This work describes in detail the medicinal and healing properties, growth, distribution, storage, preparation and use of the plants that are important in the protection of human health. The book includes 120 species of previously unknown endemic medicinal plants growing in Turkmenistan, which are of great importance in folk medicine. The names of the plants are provided in the Turkmen, Latin, and Russian languages. Their pictures and available information are understandable for scientists and common people.

Our Motherland is the country of health

The national healthcare system has made great progress thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan, the comprehensive transformations and programmes initiated in this sphere in the epoch of might and happiness. According to the Saglyk State Programme developed under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, impressive work is underway to improve the life expectancy, to educate the mentally and physically healthy generations, to integrate the foreign and domestic medical practices into the national healthcare system, to prevent diseases, especially the spread of infectious diseases, to develop the medical industry, to promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and to strengthen the human health in our country.

Winners of turkmen ambists world championship awards

«7/24.tm», №47 (78), 22.11.2021. Nedir Allaberdiyev won the first medal for Turkmenistan at the World Sambo Championships. The 28-year-old sambist achieved his bronze success in the under 79-kg weight category.

Our horses are our pride

The national values of the Turkmen people are especially cherished in the epoch of might and happiness. One of these values is the Ahalteke horses, which are famous for their speed and beauty. For many years, the students of Veterinary Medicine Department (Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov) have been studying the equestrian science about the Ahalteke horses, which are our pride and glory. Students are taught about the horse body structure, rules of care, breeding, training, the level of our ‘heavenly’ horses, and other equestrian skills. They master every aspect of the profession by training and gathering experience at the modern equestrian complexes. The MK-9 training equipment, based on special innovative technologies and presented by the President of Turkmenistan, is used to improve the equestrian skills of students who study equestrianism and animal husbandry on a regular basis. In general, Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov provides in-depth knowledge of horse training, and the breeding techniques based on scientific and ancient methods. This fact encourages students to improve their knowledge. In this context, the great books by the Turkmen leader, namely, Ahalteke – Our Pride and Glory, Winged Horses, A Horse – a Symbol of Faithfulness and Happiness, serve as valuable guides for future veterinarians.

Ahal holds the lead

The Ahal FC, owned by the Turkmennebitonumleri Main Department, holds the lead in the football championship of Turkmenistan. The team has five wins and one draw in six matches. It is no coincidence that Ahal has special aspirations for this football season. During the summer transfer window, the team signed a number of strong players, namely, Arslanmyrat Amanov, Serdar and Ata Geldievs, Resul Hojaev, Shohrat Soyunov, Resul Charyev, Abdy Bashimov, Ybrayym Mammedov, etc. It should be noted that the team achieved success in the quarterfinals and qualified for the semifinals of the Cup of Turkmenistan.

A key to a healthy life

The mass physical culture and high-level sports have become an important part of state policy in our country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan. Moreover, after the working visit to the Republic of Turkey, the Turkmen leader returned to our country and practiced a number of physical exercises with his companions-in-arms at the multifunctional sports complex on the Caspian Sea shore. The President of Turkmenistan contributes to the implementation of measures to make physical education and sports a way of life for every citizen of the country. The development of sports strengthens the physical and mental health of our compatriots, especially the youth. To date, the Turkmen sports have reached a new level of development. Our athletes hold training sessions at the complexes built and put into operation thanks to the concern of the Turkmen leader. Physical exercises and sports arouse excitement, purposefulness in a person, and strengthen health.