''Demokratiýa we hukuk'' žurnaly

Founder: Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan
Address: Ashgabat, A. Navoi 2022,86
Phone numbers: 38-06-00


Sports infrastructure of the Turkmen capital

To date, the whole world is admiring the white marble Ashgabat as a model city of beauty. Located in one of the most beautiful corners of the capital, the Olympic Village provides the basis for great achievements in the Turkmen sport, because this Village has hosted a number of large events and has excellent conditions for doing professional sports. Moreover, it should be noted that the magnificent sports facilities adorn all corners of the Turkmen capital. These facilities, complexes and gyms demonstrate that the life of people in the capital is inextricably linked to sports and the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The residents of the Turkmen capital are very happy to witness these large events and wonderful facilities. They provoke pride of living in such a beautiful country. Thus, similar conditions are created in all corners of the country. We express sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for excellent conditions and wish him a sound health, long life and success for the benefit of our Motherland!

Achievements of the Turkmen kickboxers

The Turkmen athletes achieved great success in July this year, which is being held under the motto ‘the Era of the People with Arkadag’. About 1500 athletes from 22 countries took part in the International Kickboxing Tournament in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Turkmen kickboxers won impressive victories in close competition. Gochmyrat Jumanyyazov competed in the 75-kilogramme weight class event (K1) and defeated all his opponents. Thus, the talented Turkmen kickboxer triumphed at the international tournament. Akmyrat Akyev, a member of the national team of Turkmenistan, competed in the 75-kilogramme weight class event (full contact) and defeated the Uzbek athletes in the first and second rounds. In the final, our compatriot lost to the Kyrgyz athlete and won a silver medal. Gulzada Jorakuliyeva, a student of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, competed in the 65-kilogramme weight class event (full contact) and defeated the athletes from Iran and Uzbekistan. Our compatriot lost to the Uzbek athlete in the final and won a silver medal. Yazberdi Payanov, a student of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, achieved success in the 60-kilogramme weight class event. He took the third place of the podium. Hajymyrat Geldimammedov, a coach at the sports school 1 of the Ashgabat Main Department on Sports and Youth Policy, won a bronze

Chasing the cherished goal our young wrestlers prepare for the World Championships

The Turkmen young wrestlers, who have won medals at the international events in recent months, are actively preparing for the future large competitions. Our editorial staff have visited the Galkynysh Physical Culture and Health Complex in the Turkmen capital and have seen the preparation of diligent athletes for the future large events at the training session, which was held by Batyr Orazgylyjov, the international master of sports, who had coached a large number of skilful athletes. In the gym of the multifunctional sports complex, Batyr Orazgylyjov and his athletes were preparing for the U-17 World Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships, starting in the Italian capital, Rome at the end of July. Azymberdi Ashyrgulyev (45 kg), Ysmayyl Muhammedov (55 kg), Alp Arslan Begenjov (65 kg) and Parahat Ataev (80 kg) will represent our country at the event. It should be noted that all of them are the reigning champions of Turkmenistan in their weight classes.

The Handball Cup of Turkmenistan

The Women Handball Cup of Turkmenistan was held at Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports to promote the development and improvement of physical culture and sports, to train healthy, inspired young people, to attract them to sports, and to prepare skilful athletes. The Women Handball Cup of Turkmenistan was held at Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports to promote the development and improvement of physical culture and sports, to train healthy, inspired young people, to attract them to sports, and to prepare skilful athletes.

Children’s tennis festival closes in Ashgabat

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 The child­ren’s ten­nis fes­tival mar­king World Health Day and the 30th an­niver­sa­ry of the Ten­nis Fe­de­ra­ti­on of Turk­me­nis­tan clo­sed in Ash­ga­bat, www.ttf.gov.tm re­ports.

Sport is the key to health

Thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan, impressive work is underway to protect the human health and the ecological well-being. Everyone wants to be happy and to live long. Thus, a person must be healthy first. The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle include eating, resting, exercising and getting sleep on a regular basis.

New medal at the Asian Championships

The U-23 Asian Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, have come to an end. Our editorial staff has covered the events where the Turkmen wrestlers won medals. In that article, we noted that Alp Arslan Begenjov, a member of the youth freestyle wrestling team of Turkmenistan, became the champion of Asia in the 65-kilogramme weigh class event (U-17). Moreover, Parahat Ataev, who competed in the 80-kilogramme weight class event, and Azim Ashyrgulyev, who wrestled in the 45-kilogramme weight class event, won bronze medals. Our compatriot Kakabay Kakabaev earned a bronze medal in the Greco-Roman wrestling event.

The principles of a healthy lifestyle

To date, independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan has been recognized as a sports power. It should be noted that the state policy is aimed at the development of sports, physical culture, and at the formation of the legal basis to prevent the Turkmen people, especially the youth, from bad habits and to promote sports and the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The Laws of Turkmenistan ‘On Physical Culture and Sports’, ‘On Equestrianism and Equestrian Sports’, and ‘On Anti-Doping in Sports’ were adopted in recent years. Protection of young people from bad habits is one of the most pressing issues. Thus, promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and education of the physically and mentally healthy generations resulted in the adoption of the Law of Turkmenistan ‘On the Prevention of the Adverse Effects of Alcohol’ and the National Programme for Transforming Turkmenistan into a Tobacco-Free Country for 2022–2025. Regardless of profession or age, people should contribute to the successful implementation of these measures, which are aimed at forming a clean, healthy society, at improving health and at increasing life expectancy. It should be noted that the main purpose of the above-mentioned Laws and Programme is to strengthen the health of the people, to develop physical culture and sports, to prepare highly qualified specialists in these fields

World Sports Journalists Day

«7/24. tm», № 27 (110), 04.07. 2022 World Sports Journalists Day is celebrated in many countries of the world every year on July 2 since 1995 at the initiative of the International Sports Press Association.

An important area of international cooperation

The excellent basis for the national sport established by our Hero-Arkadag has resulted in the historic achievements of the Turkmen athletes. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov continues the work on developing the sports system in our country. This work and remarkable achievements demonstrate that our country identifies sport as one of the most important areas of international cooperation. Thus, the importance of international cooperation in the field of sports and youth policy is due to the fact that these spheres are always in the spotlight of the world community, because the Olympic Games, the world and continental championships are of great interest on the international arena.

Medals at the Asian Championships

Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic) hosted the U-23 Asian Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships. The welcome news from the tournament demonstrated that the Turkmen school of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling has a great future. Our compatriot Kakabay Kakabaev competed in the 65-kilogramme weight class event and won a bronze medal at the Asian Championships. Alp Arslan Begenjov, a member of the youth freestyle wrestling team of Turkmenistan, became the champion of Asia in the 65-kilogramme weigh class event (U-17). Our compatriot is a 9-grader at the Young Olympians School, who has already triumphed at large international and national competitions. The talented wrestler won the international tournament in Romania in May this year.

The path to victories

Saparly Muhyev, an athlete from the sports school 6 of the Ashgabat Main Department on Sports and Youth Policy, won one of the greatest victories in the history of the Turkmen sport at the 2022 Youth World Weightlifting Championships in León, Mexico. Saparly competed in the 96-kilogramme weight class event and won a silver medal of the Championships. The talented athlete took the second place in that weight class, having lifted 133 kilogrammes in snatch. 167 kilogrammes in clean and jerk brought the athlete a bronze medal. Saparly lifted 300 kilogrammes in total and won the silver medal to cherish the traditions of national weightlifting, well-known thanks to Altymyrat Orazdurdyev, Umurbek Bazarbaev, Rejepbay Rejepov, Hojamuhammet Toychyev, Yulduz Jumabaeva, Polina Guryeva and others.

International day of yoga

«7/24.tm»,№ 26 (109), 27.06.2022 On June 21, those who practice the ancient and eternally young system of self-knowledge, self-development and the all-encompassing unity of the body, spirit and an individual with the infinite Universe observe the International Day of Yoga in many parts of our planet.

Earning the cherished medals

The Turkmen national wrestling has gained world recognition along with the development of other sports in our country. Wrestling strengthens the human health. Isgender Ashyrov is a promising athlete who does the Turkmen national wrestling. He was born in 1999 in Sarahs, Ahal Velayat. Isgender started with sports in the childhood. After leaving the Ashgabat Young Olympians School in 2017, he entered Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management.

Interesting facts about bicycles

There are a lot of interesting facts in the history of bicycles and related sports. Bicycles had different forms in different epochs before coming to the modern version. The bicycle was invented in 1817. At those times, a noble German Karl Freiherr von Drais created a vehicle nicknamed the dandy horse. 23 years later, in 1840, a Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan invented a more advanced pedal driven version of the bicycle. In 1865, the first bicycle was introduced in France. Its two wheels were the same size and the seat was slightly ahead of the rear wheel.

Award ceremonies for athletes

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022        On June 10, the celebrations honouring the winners of the international tournaments took place within the walls of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport.

Cooperation in sports

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022     The Action Plan under the Sports Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Turkmenistan for 2022-2024 was signed during the official visit of the Turkmen delegation headed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Moscow.

Regulations of the world beach sambo championships 2022 have been published competitions

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022       The World Beach SAMBO Championships 2022 will be held in Israel on August 27-28. The venue for the competition will be the Riviera beach of the city of Bat Yam. The competition regulations are published in the calendar of the FIAS official website.

Sport is the call to happiness

Thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, which sheds a light of happiness on the destinies of the Turkmen people, Turkmenistan successfully implements the state policy in the field of physical education and sports, which is based on the spiritual values of our ancestors. Historic work is underway to support and develop physical culture and sports. The legal framework for this system is being improved on a regular basis. This historic work yields positive results. Turkmenistan has formed the generations of passionate young people who are loyal to our Motherland, our people, and our national traditions, eager to be educated, to play sports, to master their skills, and to work. In our historic epoch, the young athletes from Turkmenistan take part in international sports events, win prizes and enhance the sports prestige of our Motherland. This fact demonstrates the great concern for the development of sports in our country. Our weightlifter Polina Guryeva successfully performed at the XXXII Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, won a silver medal and became one of the outstanding athletes, who inspired our compatriots.

Successful performance of our compatriots

On June 11, the youth football team of Turkmenistan met the national team of Australia in the quarter-finals of the 2022 AFC U-23 Asian Cup. The Australian team won the match 1-0. The goal (OG) was scored by Oraz Orazov in the 74th minute of the match.