"Türkmenistanyň senagaty" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 156
Telephones: 39-02-03


Following the Traditions of Friendship and Good Neighbourliness

One of the priority vectors of the foreign-policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and being successfully implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is the development of fruitful international cooperation, in which great importance is attached to humanitarian relations. In connection with the current situation in the energy sphere of the Kyrgyz Republic, the President of Turkmenistan issued an order according to which for humanitarian aid, 2 thousand tonnes of liquefied natural gas were sent to the Kyrgyz Republic in February 2024 as a sign of friendship and fraternity. Performing such noble actions is one of the important priorities of our state policy.

Resources for Industry

The oil refining industry is the crucial component of Turkmenistan’s economy. The production of new types of petroleum products, their high quality and outstanding technical and environmental characteristics are and will be a strategic goal for specialists of the Türkmennebit State Concern. Turkmen oil workers take the most responsible approach to their work, fulfilling the tasks assigned to them. In accordance with the Programme of the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan until 2030, namely the efficient use of hydrocarbon resources, the deep refining of oil and the manufacture of competitive and eco-friendly petroleum products, work is underway to manufacture high-quality oil and gas chemical products.

Clean Water for People’s Health

Speaking at the recent online government meeting, the velayat hyakims reported to the President of Turkmenistan on the measures taken to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of heating systems in social facilities and to supply electricity, natural gas and drinking water to local populations. In this context, the editorial staff decided to calculate how much human labour and energy resources must be used to support technological equipment and processes and how many hours were spent by complex multi-stage mechanisms and engineering devices so that our homes have clean and safe drinking water. To do this, I had to visit the country’s largest drinking water plant, located in the Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat, that meets the water needs of Ashgabat. The plant was built by Turkish company Polimeks in 2010. Its capacity is 250,000 cubic metres of drinking water a day. Two water plants, including the first facility of that kind with a capacity of 100,000 cubic metres a day, built in previous years, are located nearby. It was built in 1969 and is still in operation. The enhancement of production capacity and the expansion of the administrative boundaries of the capital during the years of independence necessitated the construction of additional water intake and water treatment facilities and the establishment of the Ashgabatvodokanal Trust to manage them in 1995; it was rename

6-month-old leopard kitten shown to Ashgabat Zoo visitors

«7/24. tm» № 06 (193), 05.02.2024 A 6-month-old Central Asian leopard kitten Dursun was shown for the first time to visitors in the Ashgabat Zoo.

February 29th is more than just a date on a calendar

«7/24. tm» № 06 (193), 05.02.2024 In the tapestry of our calendar, 29th February stands out like a rogue thread, a day woven in only once every four years. This fleeting date, better known as Leap Day, carries a curious charm, its rarity imbuing it with a peculiar blend of scientific necessity, cultural quirks, and a sprinkle of superstition.

The Caspian Sea — Space for Transport Integration

Transport and logistics companies, members of the Turkmen Logistics Association, took part in the third meeting on expanding the Trans-Caspian trade route. Our country views international transport and transit corridors as an important component of the national economy. Therefore, great importance is attached to cooperation in the transport and logistics system. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan came up with an initiative to create the Caspian Sea–Black Sea transport and transit corridor back in 2012. The Trans-Caspian Trade Route is a regional project implemented as part of the US Government’s assistance to Central Asian countries to develop trade and economic ties among the countries of the region and between Central Asia and Europe. The project was developed in accordance with the goals of the C5+1 Diplomatic Platform.

Acute Respiratory Viral Infection in questions and answers

The autumn-winter-spring period is usually called the period of colds. The Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan has prepared answers to frequently asked questions. What is Acute Respiratory Viral Infection?

Another international award of photographer V. Sarkisyan

«7/24. tm» № 04 (191), 22.01.2024 Recently, the three largest photography societies PST, CAPA and PSTw announced the results of their latest international competition, held under the patronage of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), the Global Photographic Union (GPU) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

The Air Routes of Turkmenistan Expand with the Newest Aircraft

A new Boeing 777-300 ER passenger airliner landed at the International Airport of the Turkmen capital. It became the second aircraft of this series, for the purchase of which a contract was concluded with the world-famous American aircraft manufacturer Boeing, in accordance with the relevant Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan. The air carrier Turkmenistan received its first aircraft in early December last year. Turkmen aviators associate the development of international passenger transportation with many countries and continents, first of all, with the operation of Boeing winged aircraft.

A Special Issue of The Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine Released

The year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” was inscribed in golden letters in the chronicle of the history of independent and neutral Turkmenistan. The 12th issue of the Arkadagly Ýaşlar electronic magazine, established under Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan, is devoted to the high achievements of this year. In the 12th issue for 2023, the electronic magazine covered in numerous articles all aspects of the socio-political life of the country, summed up the activities of youth organisations aimed at implementing the policy initiated by the Hero-Arkadag and successfully continued by Hero Arkadagly Serdar in the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”.

High-Tech Medicine in Arkadag City

Today, in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, tremendous work is being done in our country to implement the Saglyk State Programme and to protect and improve the health of the people, which is a key priority of the policy of the esteemed President. Great importance is attached to improving the social and living standards of the people and increasing human life expectancy. The state policy priorities in the health sector include disease prevention, the improvement of the education and training system, the strengthening of the research and legal frameworks, the introduction of advanced world practices, medical technologies and world science advances into domestic health care and broad international cooperation. Today, modern Turkmen clinics are fitted with innovative equipment, which allows providing medical care in compliance with the highest international standards.

Following Centuries-Old National Traditions

One of the characteristic features of the mentality of the Turkmen people has been and remains social support for those who need protection and help. This trait is reflected in the traditions of the people. Along with hospitality and benevolence, humanism, mercy and charity unite people, testifying to their spiritual wealth and the need of the soul to do good deeds and help others. An example of preserving the age-old national traditions of kindness and mercy is the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship, which embodies such noble principles as humanism and mercy, showing special care for children and adolescents left without the care of parents or persons replacing them.

Tourism without Borders

The priority vectors of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy include the promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation with the Middle East countries. The United Arab Emirates takes a special place among these countries. The working visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the United Arab Emirates on January 4-5, 2024 was fruitful in expanding the bilateral cooperation. The talks resulted in reaching an agreement, including on the launch of air flights between the capitals of the two countries – Ashgabat and Abu Dhabi. The first Ashgabat–Abu Dhabi–Ashgabat flight was performed on January 5. This event aroused interest among many citizens of Turkmenistan who would like to visit Abu Dhabi as tourists. In an interview with an NT correspondent, a tourism specialist at the Haýýat Syýahat Travel Company Yana Kazakova spoke how best to plan a tourist trip to Abu Dhabi. This company works directly with the destinations throughout the United Arab Emirates.

High-Quality Logistics Services – a Guarantee of Competitiveness

Consistently implementing its foreign-policy strategy, Turkmenistan is actively reviving the historical role of a connecting bridge between Europe and Asia and becoming a major transit and logistics centre in the Central Asian region. In this regard, the development of transport logistics at an international level is one of the most important tasks facing transport companies in Turkmenistan. Under the auspices of the Turkmen Logistics Association, they are expanding their business activities, are developing new logistics routes involving all modes of transport to effectively use the transport and transit potential of Turkmenistan and are mastering global experience in providing transport and forwarding services. In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the work, carried out under the leadership of the respected President

Turkmenistan on the Way to Sustainable Development

The year, the motto of which was “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, was marked by significant achievements in the domestic and foreign policies pursued by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and aimed at protecting national interests and strengthening global peace. Particular emphasis was placed on consistent programme activities to develop the national economy, which contribute to achieving high growth rates in all sectors. Thanks to the wise policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag, our country is successfully implementing the foreign policy based on the principles of permanent neutrality, peacefulness and effective cooperation. This raises the authority of the Motherland on the world arena. Throughout the year, our country worked towards ensuring global peace, stability and security, promoting international economic and trade cooperation and building up multifaceted relations with the states of the region and the world.

NEW ERA: Ambitious Goals and Achievements

Independent and neutral Turkmenistan is confidently moving forward along the path of large-scale reforms that will write down bright pages in the history of the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State. Transformation processes have affected all spheres of life of the state and society. Social engagement has come to the fore profoundly. In this context, the youth movement, that found its expression in the motto of 2023 “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, has taken on the greatest scope. The elections of the President of Turkmenistan that took place on March 12, 2022 not only gave the name to the new time – the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, but also had a significant impact on society. From his first day in high office, the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has set the goals and reforms for the coming period. The President of Turkmenistan has noted repeatedly that the youth of the era of independence has an important role to play in implementing them.

City of the Future

Arkadag became one of the first “smart” cities in Central Asia. It is located in a picturesque, green and cultivated foothill valley, with the Kopetdag foothills adjoining its outskirts on the south side. The city has become a symbol of the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State and a vivid result of the state policy of Turkmenistan, aimed at strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our Motherland, the practical implementation of the internationally recognised neutrality status, the comprehensive development of the economy, the further improvement of the social sphere and the promotion of digitalisation. The country is carrying out reforms in the legislative, socio-political, socioeconomic and humanitarian spheres. A platform of interaction between the state and society, based on the centuries-old historical experience of the people, is developing.  One of the striking manifestations of the dynamic development of Turkmenistan was the construction and opening of the first stage of the city of national importance.

A new-born Hero

«7/24. tm» № 02 (189) 08.01.2024 It has become a good tradition in Turkmenistan to announce the name of the first baby born on New Year’s Eve. This year it was a boy who was born at the Maternal and Child Health Centre in Arkadag City.

New Year tree in Ashgabat recognized as tallest in CIS

«7/24. tm» № 02 (189) 08.01.2024 The 44-metre main New Year Tree of Turkmenistan, installed on the square of the Alem cultural and entertainment centre in Ashgabat, is recognized as the tallest New Year tree in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Turkmenistan Welcomes The New Year 2024 in Unity and with Bright Dreams!

The most beloved and long-awaited holiday of the New Year has arrived, bringing people happiness and joy, bright dreams and new hopes. At this time, when we sum up the results of another part of the path the country covered and make bold plans for the future, Turkmenistan, all its big and small towns and villages, “dress” in festive attires, and an atmosphere of cheerful celebration and high spirits reigns in every corner of our Motherland. But the Turkmen capital, without a doubt, is looking the most beautiful these days, delighting everyone with its sparkling decorations and illuminated surprises. And this is not surprising: every day brings us undeniable evidence of the triumphant march of Turkmenistan to new heights of progress and prosperity and the effectiveness of the domestic and foreign policies pursued by the head of state.