"Türkmenistanyň senagaty" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 156
Telephones: 39-02-03


Hot weather: how to stay healthy

Protect yourself from direct sunlight. Observe the drinking regime, drink at least 2.5-3 litres of water a day.

Turkmenistan is a sports power

To date, the Turkmen sport has reached a new level of development thanks to the sports policy implemented by the President of Turkmenistan. The national teams of our country achieved remarkable success in a short period. Thus, these results demonstrate the effective implementation of the sports policy put forward by the Turkmen leader. As is known, the Turkmen athletes achieved historic results in a short period, including in an impressive number of victories at the large international events and at the sports games that bring together athletes from different countries. 23 medals at the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games held in Konya, the Republic of Turkey, and excellent results of the Turkmen children at the 7th Children of Asia Games in Vladivostok, the Russian Federation, have become new stages for the development of the Turkmen sport. These results indicate that the national teams of Turkmenistan, as well as children and teenagers, make a worthy contribution to the development of the Turkmen sport. The good news from the world and regional events for the athletes of different ages provides new impetus to the confident steps of the masters who bring glory to our country, which is widely known as a sports power. Thus, these steps are linked to the fact that our Hero-Arkadag established the foundations of the sports policy and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuham

Young people choose sports

The Turkmen athletes successfully compete at the international and national events. Their results provoke pride of our compatriots. It should be noted that such results and the high level of young athletes are achieved thanks to the sports policy and the initiatives of our Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Thus, the advantages of that positive policy are reflected in the achievements of our compatriots at the international sports events. As is known, the number of victories won by the Turkmen athletes at large sports festivals, which have been held since the beginning of May after the health-related break, is impressive. Achievements of our compatriots at the Asian Judo Cup (Almaty, Kazakhstan), at the U17 international Greco-Roman freestyle wrestling event (Bucharest, Romania), at the Asian Alysh Wrestling Championships (the Kyrgyz Republic), at the Asian Sambo Championships (Jounieh, the Republic of Lebanon), at the large weightlifting events, at the World Belt Wrestling Championships, and at the Silk Way Rally 2022 (the Russian Federation) are enough to prove the above-mentioned fact. The performances of our football team at the U23 Asian Championships and the success of the Turkmen athletes at the 7th Children of Asia Games (Vladivostok, the Russian Federation) complement the above.

Protect Yourself from ARVI

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection, which, when followed by a doctor’s recommendations, rarely causes complications. In case of heat stroke due to a decrease in immunity, the disease in the summer is manifested by symptoms such as fatigue, runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, fever, body aches, headaches and muscle pain and sore throat. The prevention of acute respiratory viral infections consists of the general rehabilitation, the strengthening of the body and the stimulation of the immune system through hardening, physical activities and sports in the fresh air, swimming and the consumption of wholesome and vitamin-rich food.

Hygiene rules in hot weather

Clothing Requirements Hygienic requirements for clothing to ensure freedom of breathing and blood circulation are especially important in hot weather. According to the main hygienic requirements, clothing in the summer should be breathable, hygroscopic (easily absorbing sweat) and light and should reflect the sunlight. An artificial microclimate is created between clothing and the human body due to the air gap.

Turkmenistan develops the health resort and recreation systems

The development of the health resort and recreation systems of our country is one of the main guidelines of the Saglyk State Programme. Turkmenistan adopted the National Programme on the Health Resort System Development for 2021–2025 to demonstrate the great concern for the improvement of this system at the state level. The conditions created for people in the health resorts Archman, Yyly suv, Bagabat (Ahal Velayat), Mollagara, Avaza (Balkan Velayat), Dashoguz (Dashoguz Velayat), Bayramaly (Mary Velayat), Farap (Lebap Velayat), Berzengi (Ashgabat) indicate the continuation of the impressive work on protecting and strengthening the people's health, extending the life expectance, and achieving a happy and healthy life. As is known, these health resorts provide excellent conditions to strengthen and restore health, to have a good rest, to spend time usefully, to do sports, and to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The Avaza National Tourist Zone, created on the Turkmen shore of the Caspian Sea, is a pearl of global tourism and a centre of the health resort system at the same time. According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the summer holiday season in the Avaza National Tourist Zone lasts from May 15 to September 1 this year. To date, our compatriots recreate and strengthen their health in Avaza thanks to that document. Different contests and sports eve

Avaza – a modern resort on the seashore

The sun, sea, clear water and golden sandy beaches, fresh sea air, as well as modern methods of restoring health and preventing diseases, are offered to their patients by the Avaza sanatorium, located in the National Tourism Zone of the same name. Commissioned in July 2018 and designed for 200 guests, the Sanatorium welcomes tourists all year round. However, unlike other health resorts in the country, for those who travel to Avaza, vaccination against coronavirus infection is a prerequisite. In addition, in accordance with the temporary order of rest in the resorts of the country, it is necessary to contact a family doctor, to obtain a sanatorium voucher and to pass a test for COVID-19 not earlier than 72 hours before the trip. Going through all the procedures and receiving a migration card required to enter the tourist zone, you can go to the Sanatorium, which is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea in the Avaza etrap of the Balkan velayat.

Tips for the summer

Protect yourself from direct sunlight. Wear breathable light-coloured clothing, preferably made of cotton and linen, cover your head with a headdress or scarf.

Management and organizational methods to combat chronic non-communicable diseases

Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) are the significant health, demographic and socioeconomic challenge, both globally and at the country level. The most significant and common NCDs include diseases of cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure), diabetes mellitus, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. These conditions account for over half of deaths worldwide. It is necessary to analyze the current situation, identify strengths and weaknesses in the models and principles of healthcare organization aimed at combating NCDs.

The short- and long-term efficacies of endovascular interventions

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the main cause of disability and mortality in the working population. A significant reduction in mortality from coronary heart disease in many countries has been achieved due to the development of a new direction in medicine – interventional cardioangiology [4, 8]. The aim of the work is to study the clinical and functional effectiveness of stenting in patients with coronary heart disease in the short- and long-term after endovascular intervention.

Prevention of complications after surgical treatment of cardioesophageal cancer

Malignant neoplasms of the cardioesophageal zone occupy 12% of all malignant neoplasms. In the world, this disease ranks 3rd after breast and lung cancer. In Turkmenistan and its regions, a decrease in the incidence of cardioesophageal cancer (CEC) has been observed in recent years: over the past 10 years, there has been a decrease by 1,2 times. But, despite this, at present, the diagnosis and treatment of CEC is one of the important problems of practical oncology. The aim of the work is to analyse a surgical treatment of CEC and develop measures to prevent complications that occur in postoperative period.

Comparative analysis of variability of daily profile of arterial pressure depending on the type of left ventricle geometry in pregnant women with arterial hypertension

Hypertensive complications (preeclampsia and eclampsia) are the most severe complications of pregnancy, accompanied by high rates of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The frequency of arterial hypertension (AH) among pregnant women is, according to the literature, an average of 4-8%, 30% is chronic, i.e. arterial hypertension that existed before pregnancy, and 70% – gestational hypertension [1, 4]. The aim of the work is to develop and implement in healthcare practice a set of measures for prediction, early diagnosis of preeclampsia against the background of arterial hypertension, which will improve the outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth in this contingent of women.

Neuroprotective treatment after acute disorders of cerebral circulation

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cerebrovascular disease is the most common disease in developed countries in the world, which is characterized by an increase in their number in the composition of cardiovascular diseases among people of working age, which depends on the increase in neuropsychic stress. In recent years, the number of strokes among young people and children has increased [12, 14, 15]. Every year, about 14 million people worldwide suffer from an acute stroke, of which about 6 million are fatal. Ischemic stroke accounts for 70-85% of acute cerebral circulatory disorders [1]. Protection of nervous system in the first 4-48 hours after a stroke is especially important. Timely and correctly provided assistance has a positive effect on the outcome of recovery.

Bioorganic composition of stevia leaves

At present, much attention is paid to the study of medicinal plants that can be used in diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of gastrointestinal tract [1]. Stevia is a natural, low-calorie sweetener and can be used as a sugar substitute (Fig. 1-3).

The season of holidays, vacations and hot weather

Summer time is a traditional season of holidays and vacations and at the same time steadily hot weather, when you need to be more attentive to your health. Here are some tips that experts from the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry gave to readers of the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper. Following the recommendations and observing certain rules of behaviour will help avoid the negative effects of heat on the human body, maintain good health, vitality and physical efficiency.


«7/24. tm», № 30 (113), 25.07. 2022 Sunstroke is an overheating of the body as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun and direct effects of its rays. It can happen both while being in the sun and several hours later.

State Policy Priority — the Health of the People

The key priorities of the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov include the protection of the people’s health in line with the Saglyk State Programme that was adopted on July 21, 1995. In 2015, the new Saglyk Programme was approved. Particular attention is paid to universal access to high-quality health care. This is evidenced by the recent opening ceremonies of the multi-type hospitals in Turkmenbashi and Dashoguz and the oncology hospital in Dashoguz that took place with the participation of Arkadagly Serdar. The equipment installed at the new clinics allows applying the cutting-edge methods for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The departments are supplied with high-tech medical equipment, which allows local doctors to receive patients, to make diagnoses and, if necessary, to conduct a comprehensive medical evaluation and to treat patients.

How to protect yourself from the sunrays on hot days

In summer and early autumn, you can get sunburns even in cloudy weather, since clouds cannot block ultraviolet rays. In addition, ultraviolet radiation has the characteristic of being reflected from surfaces such as water and sand. Being close to such surfaces increases the risk of reflected radiation. People can get sunburns of the skin and eyes, especially fair-skinned people.

Advice to promote your health

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 If your immune system is weak, then you have only one way out – to take care of it and help it effectively respond to all external threats. Here are some recommendations on how to boost your immune system

Where are masks required to be worn?

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 On the territory of Turkmenistan, medical masks must be worn: