"Türkmenistanyň senagaty" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 156
Telephones: 39-02-03


Silver medals of the Turkmen volleyball players at the international event

The national volleyball team of Turkmenistan won the silver medals at the 2022 Central Asian Challenge Cup held in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic. 17 people represented the Turkmen team that participated in the international event. The delegation consisted of 14 athletes, a coach, a referee and a team leader. The competition between the national teams of the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was very close. Head-to-head matches revealed the opponents in the semi-finals. The national volleyball team of Turkmenistan defeated the national team of Kazakhstan 3:2 in the first match, and won the volleyball players from the Kyrgyz Republic in the second match – 3:2. Our compatriots defeated the national team of Uzbekistan 3:0 in the third match. These results brought the Turkmen team 7 points in 3 games. Thus, our national team topped the first round standing.

A solemn ceremony for athletes

A solemn ceremony for the athletes who won medals at the World, Asian Championships and international events was held in the conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan. First, the leading sports experts and coaches of the country made their speeches at the ceremony. They highlighted the impressive development of the sports system in Turkmenistan. The participants emphasized the importance of the 2025 World Sambo Championships to be held in the Turkmen capital. Their speeches were very informative. Hajy Rahmanov, the head of the Athletics Federation of Turkmenistan, offered the heartiest congratulations to the athletes and emphasized that they will achieve great success in the future.

The Glory of the Motherland is Growing With New Sport Achievements

Honouring the Winners of International Tournaments On the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a ceremony to honour athletes who had won prizes in recent major international competitions – the Silk Way Rally Raid-2022, held in the Russian Federation, and the Asian Weightlifting Championships among juniors and youth, held in the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, last month – was held in the Avaza national tourism zone.

Ready for new bright victories

last Wednesday, the Avaza national tourism zone hosted a ceremony of awarding valuable gifts to athletes-winners of the Silk Way Rally-2022, which had started on July 7 in Astrakhan, and the Asian Weightlifting Championships among juniors and youth, held in Tashkent. The solemn action was held on the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. It took place in the building of sports games for 2,000 seats of the Avaza multifunctional sports complex. The significant event was attended by members of the organising committee for the award ceremony, representatives of interested ministries and departments, the Motor Sports and Weightlifting Federations of Turkmenistan, the sports community, youth and respected elders. In the design of the vast area of the ultra-modern gym and the scenario embodiment of the idea of the organisers of the commemorative event, advanced multimedia technologies that combined into a single whole video images, accompanying text and the real action of the ceremony participants were used. The award ceremony was held against the background of two large-format monitors installed along the edges of the podium, on which the heroes of the day rose and received congratulations and gifts on behalf of Arkadagly Serdar.

Sport is a messenger of peace and friendship

«7/24. tm», № 31 (114), 01.08. 2022 In the modern world, sport is a significant aspect of international cooperation, which significantly contributes to creating an atmosphere of friendship, mutual trust and understanding among nations. Turkmenistan takes consistent efforts to strengthen and expand relations with the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Council of Asia and international sports associations.

Fight for clean sport

«7/24. tm», № 31 (114), 01.08. 2022 The National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan takes effective steps to prevent and combat doping in sports in compliance with the Law of Turkmenistan On Doping in Sports, the World Anti-Doping Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Standard for Education (ISE). The National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan conducts training seminars on adverse health effects of doping, the rights and obligations of athletes, the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), as well as anti-doping rules and doping control procedure for athletes, coaches and sports experts.

Central asian challenge cup

«7/24. tm», № 31 (114), 01.08. 2022 The Turkmen volleyball players defeated the Uzbekistan national team in the Central Asian Challenge Cup semifinals. The game ended 3:0 (25:20, 25:10, 25:15).

Cameroon wins african sambo championships in yaounde

«7/24. tm», № 31 (114), 01.08. 2022 The Cameroon national team took the first team place at the home African Championships in Sport and Combat SAMBO. The tournament, held in Yaounde on July 16-17, was attended by the strongest sambists from 15 states of the continent.

Turkmen athletes took part in the opening ceremony of the VII International Games «Children of Asia»

The team of Turkmenistan took part in the opening ceremony of the VII Summer International Sports Games «Children of Asia», which took place in Vladivostok. The sports delegation of Turkmenistan, consisting of 85 people, arrived in Vladivostok early this morning in transit through Moscow. Having settled in the Athletes' Village and rested a little after a long-distance flight, the Turkmen citizens arrived at the opening ceremony of the Games, which was held at the Fetisov Arena concert and sports complex.

Achievements of our young weightlifters

The 2022 Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships was held in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan. Over 260 athletes from 21 countries of the region took part in the competition. The youth and junior national weightlifting teams of Turkmenistan competed in the Championships. The Turkmen delegation included 24 members, namely, 16 athletes, 4 coaches, and 2 referees, the team leader and a special representative. It should be noted that the Turkmen athletes started the Asian Youth and Junior Championships with outstanding results. In the first days of the tournament, our compatriot Perhat Bagtyyarov competed in the junior 55-kilogramme weight class event, lifted 125 kilogrammes in clean and jerk and won a bronze medal. The talented young athlete lifted 102 kilogrammes in snatch and 227 kilogrammes in total to occupy the fifth place. Perhat is a 10th grader at the Olymp secondary sports school.

International sports event for children

Children from Turkmenistan take part in the 7th Children of Asia Games To date, our beloved Motherland, Turkmenistan, is known as a sports power. The harmonious development of different sports under the wise leadership of our Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has resulted in the success of the Turkmen athletes on the international arena. The excellent conditions created for our compatriots to do sports at professional level contribute to the promotion of the masters who started with sports in the childhood. The fact that children from Turkmenistan achieve great success at large events guarantees the bright future for the Turkmen sports. Thus, great work is underway on the development of children's sports in Turkmenistan, which is considered the country of happy childhood. Children from Turkmenistan take part in a wonderful sports festival. We hope that our happy children will make impressive achievements and win outstanding victories at this sports festival.

Turkmen podium - at the rally-raid «silk way-2022»

«7/24. tm», № 30 (113), 25.07. 2022 The entire podium was occupied by Turkmen racers in the standings of off-road vehicles of the «T2 over 1000 km» discipline at the completed «Silk Way 2022» rally-raid. The auto marathon passed through the territory of Russia with a start in Astrakhan and a finish in Moscow.

Winners of chess tournament among diplomats determined in Ashgabat

«7/24. tm», № 30 (113), 25.07. 2022 The two-day open international tournament among diplomats, to which their family members, students of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and some representatives of sponsors were also invited, ended on Saturday in Ashgabat. The venue was the Chess and Drafts School.

The venue for global events

Great work is underway to promote physical culture and sports, to strengthen the health of our people through the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and to educate the inspired and smart youth in our beloved Motherland. Our young people enhance the sports prestige of Turkmenistan with their victories at international events. The impressive transformations initiated by our Hero-Arkadag and successfully implemented by the President of Turkmenistan have resulted in the fact that our country has a developed sports system and great experience in holding large international events and expands international cooperation in the field of sports.

Boxing Championships of Turkmenistan

The Youth Boxing Championships of Turkmenistan (for the teenagers born in 2008-2009) was held recently at the young Olympians boarding school in Ahal Velayat. The Championships included 18 weight class events. Orazgeldi Begjanov defeated all his opponents and became the champion in the 34-kilogramme weight class event. Azat Berdinyyazov and Mansur Yoldashev triumphed in the 36-kilogramme and 38-kilogramme weight class events respectively. Serdar Baymyradov (40 kg), Begench Kakamyradov (42 kg), Artur Babaev (44 kg), Annamyrat Matrasulov (46 kg) became the champions in their weight classes. It should be noted that Shyhnazar Ahmedov (48 kg), Ysmayyl Orazmyradov (50 kg), Muhammet Nazarov (52 kg), Ilaman Hemrakuliyev (54 kg) achieved similar success in their weight class events. Moreover, Rovshen Hallyev and Sapargeldi Nuryagdyev won the titles in the 56-kilogramme and 58-kilogramme weight class events respectively. Alihan Rasulov (60 kg), Said Haydarov (63 kg), Halmyrat Ashyrgeldiyev (66 kg), Ygtyyar Aydogdyev (70 kg), and Soyunaly Charyev (+70 kg) became the champions in their weight class events.

Sportsmen of Bollywood

«7/24. tm», № 29 (112), 18.07. 2022 Dear readers, today I want to introduce to Indian actors who are actually athletes and could easily represent their country in competitions if they didn,t act in films.

Pisa encourages cycling

«7/24. tm», № 29 (112), 18.07. 2022 Sustainability and environmental friendliness deserve an award. So decided in Pisa, where the GoodGo application is launched, encouraging the use of «soft» transport. It will plan your route, calculate the emissions and calories burned and issue a discount coupon on purchases at a partner shop, based on the number of kilometres you have travelled.

Organizing committee for preparation for Paris 2024 olympic and paralympic games set up in Turkmenistan

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution authorising to set up the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the Turkmenistan national teams for the XXXIII Summer Olympic and XVII Summer Paralympic Games, which will be held in Paris, France in 2024, and approved its composition, www.tdh.gov.tm reported.

President of Turkmenistan elected President of national olympic committee

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 On May 10, 2022, the General Assembly of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan held a regular meeting in Ashgabat. The participants reported on the work done by the National Olympic Committee in 2016-2021 and considered the issues related to the election of the President of the National Olympic Committee.

Turk­me­nis­tan celeb­ra­tes world bicycle day

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 In Turk­me­nis­tan, the mass healt­hy li­fes­ty­le movement is actively develo­ping through the con­sis­tent sta­te po­licy. The uncea­sing concern for the well-being of the pe­op­le and their phy­sical and spi­ri­tu­al health and the upb­rin­ging of phy­sical­ly strong, in­tel­lectu­al and broad-min­ded youth has be­en re­gar­ded in Turk­me­nis­tan as the sta­te core ob­jective.