Rules of Conduct in the Hot Days of the Summer Season
In the summer, under the influence of the sun, vital microelements are produced in the body. Water-salt metabolism is activated, much fluid is excreted through the skin. For the body to function normally, it is necessary to consume 1.5-2 litres of drinking water during the day. It is useful to consume dried fruit and juices of fresh fruit and vegetables, based on the advice of a doctor. Food taken throughout the day should be nutritious and easily digestible. It must be cooked before taking. Due to the fact that the air temperature rises very much, children and the elderly are advised to stay outside from 6.00–9.00 am and from 6.00–9.00 pm, respectively, taking with them the necessary amount of drinking water and dressing according to the requirements of the summer season. Arriving in a cool room from outside, it is necessary to change wet clothes for dry ones, in no case should you put your head, face and chest under the air conditioner, as this can lead to colds of the maxillofacial part and head and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is also unacceptable to immediately, after coming from outside, take a cold shower and drink ice water from the fridge. This is fraught with diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, oesophagus and upper respiratory tract.