"Türkmenistanyň gurluşygy we binagärligi" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 24 "A"
Telephones: (+99312) 92-18-57, 92-18-57, 92-18-41
Faks: 92-18-54


Wellness and health

The concern for the people who are the most valuable asset in our country is in line with the motto ‘the State is for the People’ used by the Turkmen leader. On the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, large-scale work is underway in our country to ensure the well-being of people. The institutions of higher education host promotional meetings on a regular basis. The participants of the meetings noted that the Saglyk State Programme is successfully implemented under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, that sports help people to use their leisure time more efficiently and to strengthen their health, and that regular exercises have a positive effect on thinking, attention and memory of a person. They discussed in detail that physical culture forms effective personality traits, namely, will, diligence, positive relations, and social activity. At the meetings, experts recommend to wear a medical mask, to keep the distance of 2 meters in public places, to comply with the requirements of personal hygiene, to drink enough water and herbal teas during the day, and to eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables.

To be healthy and strong

Considering the weather conditions in winter, people should pay attention to the features of the season. Due to the change in dust particles in the air, experts recommend to wear a medical mask, to comply with the requirements of personal hygiene, and to keep the distance of 2 meters in public places to prevent the negative effects on the human body. Well-balanced diet, strict adherence to the hygiene rules, the teas made from medicinal plants growing in our country, especially from the liquorice root, strengthen the human immunity.

Personal Hygiene Rules

Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Keeping the skin clean is extremely important, because in addition to protection, it performs thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions. To maintain the cleanliness of the skin, and, accordingly, to ensure its full-fledged “work” to protect the body, it is necessary to bathe daily in warm water. Also, keep your hands and nails clean. Dirt from hands containing disease-causing microbes can enter the mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, like many other ailments, is called the “dirty hands” disease. Hands should be washed before and after going to the toilet, before and after eating and after contacts with animals. If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth or use disinfectants or sprays to eliminate at least some of the germs.

President of Turkmenistan visits Ashgabat Olympic Town

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4, 2021 On  November 20, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as usual, began his day with morning exercises, and then visited the Ashgabat Olympic Town, where he worked out on fitness equipment, as well as various sports with his associates.

Remember good hygiene practices

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4, 2021 It is very important to protect yourself and your family and reduce the spread of diseases during the epidemic of acute viral respiratory infections. Each of us is able to do this by following the rules of disease prevention.

Licorice root – the source of health

«7/24.tm», № 02 (85), 10.01.2022. Employees of the Buýan agro-industrial complex of the Türkmendermansenagat association of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, located in the city of Turkmenabat, are celebrating the new year 2022 with significant labor achievements. Over the past year, from more than 2960 tons of purified licorice root, 680 tons of dry and 610 tons of thick extract were produced. The plan was fulfilled by 118.7%.

Compliance with Hygiene Rules Is a key to Your Health

Today we talk much about the rules of personal hygiene, since cleanliness is always a guarantee of health. Compliance with personal and public hygiene prevents the spread of a huge number of infectious diseases transmitted through dirty hands, household items and airborne droplets. Personal hygiene – regularly washing hands, observing coughing and sneezing etiquette and keeping social, safe, distance – is a paramount condition of the present time. Hands must be thoroughly washed under running water with soap, having soaped well for at least 30 seconds, it is necessary to clean the back, palmar surfaces, interdigital spaces and nail beds. Then rinse with running water and wipe dry. In the absence of water, disinfectant solutions should be used to disinfect hands.

Educational potential of national games

To date, physical education and sports have become companions of our people thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan. This fact is an important condition for the formation of a physically and mentally healthy society in Turkmenistan where the principles of a healthy lifestyle are followed, and great work is underway to strengthen the health of the people. In this context, it should be noted that the national games our people have perfected over centuries are of great importance thanks to the concern and example of the President of Turkmenistan. In fact, people think about the positive impact of the Turkmen national games on human health. The widespread promotion of these games among the youth is the most reliable way to educate healthy generations, which are faithful to our Motherland and committed to our national traditions.

Let’s be Healthy!

Every year in the autumn-winter period, the circulation of influenza and other respiratory viruses, which are quickly transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, become more active. Colds are most easily caught by those who lead the wrong way of life: moves a little, almost never is in the fresh air, worries much, does not sleep enough, overworks, works beyond measure, smokes and abuses alcohol.

Protect ourselves and our families from common cold and ARVI

It is well known that it is better to prevent a disease than to cure. Prevention is the safest way to protect your health and the health of your family members from various diseases, including seasonal viral respiratory infections.  Prevention includes the complex measures aimed at defending the body from infections. The preventive methods are divided into specific and non-specific.

Physical Activity and Health

Regular physical activity not only contributes to the strengthening and preservation of health, but also significantly reduces the risk of the development of the most important socially significant diseases: type II diabetes, cancer and hypertension. Physical activity has a positive effect on our health and improves the quality of life. Even 30 minutes a day of physical activity are very important and give the following benefits: lower the risk of heart attack and blood cholesterol, leading to weight normalisation. It is also important to note about a decreased risk of developing hypertension, some types of cancer, type II diabetes, osteoporosis and fractures. When we are physically active, nature gives us power to strengthen the body’s coordination, to reduce the risk of falls and to strengthen the bone tissues, which leads to the improvement of wellbeing and mood and the normalisation of sleep.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Healing Cuisine of Turkmen People

Turkmen cuisine, like any other, largely reflects the history and life of the people. It is similar to other Asian cuisines, but it has some distinctive features. When foreign guests and tourists learn the national cuisine, they get to know more closely the mentality and character of the Turkmen people, their traditions and customs. In Turkmenistan, people love and know how to cook, and therefore, to receive guests. Hospitality is one of the distinctive features of the Turkmen people; it is not accidental that the people say, “A guest is a messenger of God”, “No guest in the house – no happiness at home”. The tradition of receiving and treating guests with the best dishes have been fostered in children from an early age.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Characteristics of retinal pigment epithelium in diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious disease of visual organ, which is one of the main causes of blindness and low vision, and refers to late microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). The study of pathogenesis at the molecular level, the development of methods for early diagnosis and treatment of DR is one of the urgent problems of ophthalmology. The special role of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and associated with it Bruch's membrane (BM) in maintaining retinal homeostasis, as well as the search for new effective approaches to treatment and prevention of progression of diabetic retinal damage, determines the high relevance of studying these structures in DR. The aim of the work is to study changes in the retinal pigment epithelium according to optical coherence tomography (OCT) data in various types of diabetic retinopathies.

Clinical and functional peculiarities of the course of progressive myopia in children

The steady increase in the frequency of myopia all over the world, the tendency to progression makes this pathology the leading one among the most common visual disorders [3, 6]. The frequent transition of myopia to a complicated form is the cause of vision disability in children and young people [1, 4, 7]. The aim of the work is to study the clinical and functional peculiarities of the course of progressive myopia in children.

Study of the pharmacological properties of St. John's wort plant in anxiety and depressive state

According to scientific evidence, the number of mental disorders is increasing year after year, especially depression and anxiety disorders. Mental illnesses not diagnosed in time become the cause of development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as non-communicable diseases. Currently, drug treatment must take into account the balance between the minimum number of undesirable consequences and the maximum therapeutic results.

The results of diagnostics and treatment of non-epithelial tumors of the stomach

Non-epithelial tumors of the stomach (NTS) are a very rare type of tumor and account for 3-4% of all malignant neoplasms of the stomach, as well as 1% among tumors of gastrointestinal tract [5]. Non-epithelial neoplasms of the stomach are found in 60-70%, of the small intestine in 25-35%, in the colon and rectum in 5%. The clinical manifestations of disease depend on the location and size of tumor. Today, the main method of treatment for NTS is surgical treatment [4, 7, 8].

The role of cytokines in atherosclerotic vascular damage

Currently, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the main cause of illness and death in the world's population. Studies show that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the main cause of death in the adult population and occupies the main place among the causes of CVD [2]. At the same time, the underlying causes of the pathogenesis of the disease, the causes of atherosclerotic (AS) processes have not yet been fully understood. Recently, the understanding of the importance of the inflammatory component in the pathogenesis of the development of changes in the vessels in patients with atherosclerosis has noticeably grown. C-reactive protein (CRP), cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF – Tumor Necrosis Factor) and its soluble receptors types 1 and 2 (sTNFR1, sTNF-R2) are markers of inflammation [5].

Surgical treatment of craniospinal and thalamic neoplasms

Neoplasms passing from brain to spinal cord, and neoplasms of thalamus are rare in practical medicine, and their surgical treatment is very difficult [4, 9]. Here are the clinical cases that we encountered in our practice.