"Ekologiýa medeniýeti we daşky gurşawy goramak" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 15
Telephones: 94-17-24


Well — an Ancient Irrigation Structure

According to popular wisdom, “Digging one well is like building a thousand bridges.” The Turkmen people considered the construction of wells a sacred cause. They are the earliest irrigation facilities that preserved a deep trace not only on the sacred land, but also in the historical and cultural heritage of our bation – one the ancient peoples of world civilisation. The patron of the wells was Shahi-Zinda. Following the centuries-old traditions, people started to work with his name. The tools of well diggers are passed on from one generation to another and have reached our time.

True friend

Autumn has come. The weather has changed. A sudden downpour flooded the village in the blink of an eye. Yesterday Bagul covered the base of a large carpet. Today sister Almagul came to help her in her hard work. The day began as usual – everyone was busy with the housework in the morning. In a word, nothing foreshadowed what would break the usual regularity of life. Bagul was sitting on the trestle bed, going about her business. Having asked her sister to take out a new felt mat from the back room and spread it under the canopy of the house, she got up, and at that moment she saw what caused her blood to freeze in her veins: on the ground, right in front of the trestle bed, lay a huge cobra, which, hissing menacingly, rose to the elbow in length, preparing for the attack. “Snake!” – the girl screamed heart-rendingly. Alabay named Garagyoz, who was sleeping peacefully at that time at the door of the house, having heard the scream, at the same moment rushed to Bagul, and barking tried to drive away the dangerous stranger. A fierce battle began. A huge black snake with lightning lunges tried to hit the dog with its poisonous teeth. Garagyoz stepped on the cobra in an attempt to grab it with his mouth. Dumbfounded with horror, Bagul tried to call out to her mother, but in vain: my mother was sitting in the back room of the house with her older sister, scribbling at a noisy


Іn ancient times, a shepherd lived in one of the steppe settlements, who spent his entire life herding sheep. He was a shepherd since childhood, so everyone forgot his real name, and everyone, old and young, called him “Çopan” (shepherd) aga. Despite the fact that he was herding sheep alone, he often came to the village. He was present at the wakes and feasts of his fellow villagers, but did not stay long, as suddenly appeared, so suddenly and went to the herd. Once there was a big holiday. One of the guests, noticing the shepherd, who forgot about everything in the world, listened to the ravishing songs of bagshy, sarcastically asked: – Shepherd aga, they say: “Feast is bad for shepherd,” but wherever the village heats the cauldron, you came first. Who are you leaving the herd to? Or are you lying, telling all of us that you are herding sheep? The shepherd turned sternly at the voice: – First of all, I’m not like some people who just think: “Where can I fill my stomach today?” Secondly, these are all people who will share with me both joy and sorrow, and help me in difficult times. And I left it to a friend of mine to look after the herd. The man said sarcastically again: – I don’t believe you can have a friend at a time like this who can be trusted with a whole flock of sheep. Tell me, who is this friend? The shepherd replied:– This is my dog alabay.

On the hills of Dehistan

in his historic speech addressed to the schoolchildren and students on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov particularly emphasised the importance of the work Turkmenistan – Heart of the Great Silk Road and the historical and cultural heritage in the upbringing of the younger generation. This book tells about Dehistan, located at the crossroads of ancient caravan roads. Its ruins are still visible in the vicinity of the Madav village of the Etrek etrap, Balkan velayat, located 20 kilometres from the ancient settlement. The local secondary school has a museum of history and local lore, where numerous historical finds discovered during archaeological excavations are carefully preserved.

Relying on Ancestors’ Traditions

In the age of rapid technological changes, the problem of bringing up the younger generation is increasingly being heard all over the world. The works by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov raise the theme of family upbringing. His books, speeches and poems glorify eternal truths: love for the Motherland, father’s home, mother, beauty and wealth of the native land and respect for the traditions and customs of the Turkmen people. Arkadag says, “The key goal is to instil pride in young people for our glorious past, today’s happy life and bright future. The sacred words ‘Nation and Homeland’, like a kind of hymn, should become the motto of the life of our boys and girls.” Using historical experience, the Hero-Arkadag always meets with the elders during his trips to the regions of the country and discusses with them important issues not only of local life, but also of national importance.

Outstanding Creation of the People

It is a tradition with the Turkmen people to set up elegant white yurts on the days of national holidays and big festivities, near which scenes of rural life are played out and national sports competitions and games are held. The yurt is an ingenious invention of the ancient peoples of Asia, the most adapted to the nomadic way of life and a dwelling suitable for a comfortable habitation of people. Lightweight, easy-to-assemble and suitable for any climate, yurts have been popular with the nomadic peoples of Asia since the mid-1st millennium AD. Yurts made without a nail are original in terms of architecture.

Patterns of Millennia

In Turkmenistan, one of the most important areas of the state policy is the preservation of the national heritage of the people. The beauty, richness and variety of patterns of items of everyday life that enrich human life take their origin from the depths of centuries. Today we are trying to fill our environment with original, unique items, and by visiting the historical department of the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan, we can be sure that this has always been the case. In the collection of metal household objects at the main museum of the country, there are unique items, which in their time were of great value. For example, in the exposition of the hall of Middle Ages, a bronze inkstand with a metal inlay made by the method of cutting is showcased. It dates back to the twelfth century. Its surface is covered with engraved plant, geometric and epigraphic ornaments with alternating pairs of birds. The finest work with a metal surface implies a complex process where first a small hole is cut along the line of the drawing, into which a thin strip of other metal is inserted, then such inserts are gently fastened. This method requires great skills and efficiency, which can be acquired only as a result of the daily practice of working with metal. The elegant details of the drawing give the product a presentable look, which leads to the assumption that at o

Ancient turkmen measurements related with hand

In ancient times, our people created units of measurement associated with the hand, elbow, and fingers. Let's talk about some of them. Finger length — the approximate height or length of one of your fingers.

Fluff decorates the child

The child is a flower of life. Bring him up and decorate is a dream of each parent. This pleasant trouble takes its roots from the early times in the life of turkmen, passes through generations and modernizes. Our foremothers fulfilled their wishes in lullabies to their children, put them to bed. They have materialized their traditions, dreams and wishes. To protect them from evil eyes, they put various kinds of fetishes, gozmonjuk, alaji, dagdans or ropes made of camel hair, chains with bells, sea shells on their necks, wrists, legs, and jumpers.

Terms related to the concepts of quality and safety in the epic «Yusup-Zuleikha» by Andalib

As you know, ensuring the safety of products, works and services, and improving their quality are among the main goals of the standardization system [1, p. 18]. Ancient concepts related to quality and standard can be found in the epic «Yusub-Zuleikha» by the classic poet of the XVII-XVIII centuries Nurmukhammet Andalib. QUALITY

An Ancient Decoration of National Costume

The largescale work is being done in the Era of Might and Happiness, under the leadership of our respected Arkadag, to thoroughly study, preserve and popularise the rich spiritual and material heritage of the Turkmen people. One of its aspects is a detailed study of ancient jewellery as indispensable elements of national costume, magnificent specimens of which are on display at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. They are exhibited together with unique items of the everyday life of the Turkmen people with a prominent place given to national clothes. These include the elements of one of the most interesting and ancient women’s headdresses in Western Turkmenistan, hasaba. The term comes from the Arabic word meaning “to promote fertility, productivity”. A showcase with this ancient headdress always attracts visitors who do not get tired of admiring the amazing works of Turkmen craftsmen. The headpiece consists of a high rigid frame covered with red silk, widening upward and flattened in front and behind. The framework of the hasaba is made of several layers of cotton fabric in the form of a cylinder. On the top, the frame is covered with a thin red silk fabric. The stripes of black plisse with gold or silver stamped plaques, carnelian and pendants, arranged in horizontal rows, are sewn on its front and back sides. Women’s temporal jeweller

Ancient Turkmen Leather Shoes

The fundamental and comprehensive study of the spiritual and material heritage of the Turkmen people is one of priority directions of the policy of the President of Turkmenistan. Much work is being done in this area with the support of the national leader. Literature, art, monuments of history, way of life, traditions and customs are the basic components of which the culture of the people is formed. Research into them help obtain scientific data on the life of peoples living in Central Asia.

We preserve the heritage of our ancestors

On the significant holiday for our country, the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag, a conference devoted to the important event was held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. The collection of the museum was replenished with two new relics, which became valuable exhibits. These are a kurte (national cape for the bride) and patterned knitted socks made by the mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Ogulabat eje half a century ago. The foundations of moral and cultural values are instilled primarily in the family, which, being a unit of society, forms a behavioural norm from birth. According to the national leader, culture is an inexhaustible source of strength, which contributes to the formation of the national characteristics of each of the peoples and is a spiritual bridge of rapprochement. The Turkmen people are one of the most ancient peoples of the planet, who have preserved their ethnic and historical integrity for thousands of years and have made a significant contribution to the political, spiritual, moral and economic development of the world from the earliest eras. The event was organised by the Ministry of Culture of the country. In our state, programme activities are being carried out to instil in young people a sense of patriotism, to preserve our national heritage and to raise the interest of the younger generation in stud

The Eternal Symbol of Purity and Wellbeing

In ancient times, the zoomorphic motif was a favourite one in the visual and applied arts of the peoples of Central Asia. At the early stages of human development, the depictions of animals were closely associated with the concept of a totem and an animal ancestor and can be found most often in ceramics. These include a fish, which is known from ancient times. Our ancestors genetically linked it to the water element. In ancient times, fish figurines were worn as an amulet (a pendant fish from the Amudarya hoard of the 5th-4th centuries BC and the depictions of fish in New Nisa of the 2nd century BC). Beads made of fish vertebra most likely played a ritual and magical role in human life. The depictions of certain animals, birds or fish, forming ornamental belts, is common to stamped ceramics of Merv of the 12th-early 13th centuries. The model of the world was perceived through some kind of zoological code. There was a clear system: birds are the personification of the “heavenly” life; animals are the personification of “earthly” life and the creatures of the underworld – snakes, frogs and fish as a link between life above and below the earth.

Legends about Mystical Gozli-Ata

Turkmen oral folklore is rich and diverse. Sagas, legends and stories about historical places and personalities of Turkmenistan are passed on from one generation to another, for example, legends and stories about Gozli-ata, which means saint grandfather. The mausoleum in the Balkan velayat in the west of Turkmenistan, where, according to legend, he was buried, is named in his honour. According to historical information that Turkmen scientists refer to, Gozli-ata was a descendant of the third “righteous” caliph. The outstanding Turkmen poet Magtymguly mentioned him, addressing another poet, “If you are a descendant of Gozli-ata, then we are from the Gerkez people.”

“Paradise” Horses – Our Wealth

Like exquisite Turkmen carpets, Turkmen alabay, ak bugday wheat, musical instrument dutar and gold and silver jewellery, Ahalteke horses have been the pride of our ancient and wise people and part of their national wealth. It was in the fertile land of the Turkmen that many centuries ago, the cult of the purebred Ahalteke horse as a faithful and dependable companion along the centuries-old path of historical development emerged, and today it has become a vivid symbol of the economic strength of the Turkmen state, unity, cohesion and prosperity of the people. Modern science recognises that Ahalteke horses rank among the most ancient breeds among the known 250 horse ones. Nearly every encyclopaedia says the Ahalteke breed is that of riding horses developed by folk selection in the territory of modern Turkmenistan, presumably about 2500–3500 years ago that has greatly influenced many other well-known horse breeds.

The beauty of nature awakes creativity

The earliest abstract signs were carved on rock surfaces eight thousand years ago. Primitive drawings could be called a test of the pen of the first artists and also the beginning of the development of the ancient art of creating ornamentation. Subsequently, patterns became more and more complex and more perfect, and the variety of pictorial forms of patterns and techniques for their application increased. The elements of drawing were already arranged in a strict order, spirals, triangles and rhombuses were more clearly visible. So, fixing their life experience and outlook in visible images, people deepened and expanded their understanding of the world around them. Such drawings were always based on a sign, and accompanying ornamental field in different cultures carries elements of the eternally “living”, developing folk art and local artistic traditions.

Legendary Architects of Turkmenistan

“The mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar is one of few buildings in Merv that survived the Mongol devastation and subsequent wars. It can still be seen from afar on the way to Old Merv. According to Yakut (13th century), the blue dome of the mausoleum was visible at a distance of one day’s journey of the caravan, and this is about 30 kilometres! Inside the building, high under the domed vault, the name of the master who led the construction has been preserved. His name was Muhammed Atsiz al-Sarahsi. And although nothing else is known about him, the very creation of his allows us to understand that he was a great architect of his time. Scientists found out that the system of a double-walled brick dome, invented by him, was repeated only three centuries later in distant Italy, in the covering of the dome of the main cathedral of Florence.” President of TurkmenistanGurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOV

Turkmen national dish: Unash

Traditionally, unash, one of the popular Turkmen national dishes is a noodle soup which is made of thin Turkmen macaroni. It is a good meal for digestion and its preparation is simple, and moreover, it is often cooked in our homes because it is loved by adults and children too. Among our people, different types of unash are prepared, such as flavored unash, unflavored unash, unash with beans. Chicken soup is a good digestive, appetizing, relieving pneumonia in the lungs, improving the condition of the bones, connective tissues and having a positive effect on the nervous system and strengthening the body's resistance to various diseases. Today, different types of unash products are also produced in industrial enterprises of the country. Among Turkmens, if someone says «I’m cold» or «I have caught a cold», it is immediately said: «Have unash with pepper, and sleep for awhile. You will recover from your disease immediately». There is no Turkmen woman who cannot cook unash with medicinal effect which has been known since ancient times. The unanimity of our parents in mastering the Turkmen cuisine is not only at the level of taste, but also as a unique remedy for the flu, cold, and fatigue. When this dish is cooked, its dough is first made only with water and salt, and sometimes with a single egg. The reason for adding enough salt to the dough is that it has a positive eff

The Original Design of the Turkmen Felt Rug

The people, who have preserved the traditions of culture, everyday life and art, always have a fertile soil for the prosperity of professional decorative and applied arts. Over the centuries, in songs, fairy tales, epics, folk festivals, dances and household items, people have tried to express their understanding of life, nature and the world in an artistic form. The ancient skills of hand making of felt carpets are still preserved in many Turkmen villages. To this day, felt rugs remain an integral attribute of the everyday life of any Turkmen family. Since ancient times, the Turkmen have called their house a felt house. Felt covered the yurt, it protected the residents from the sun, wind and moisture, insulated and decorated floor, turned walls into a carpet art gallery. Felt rugs served as blankets for horses and cloaks for shepherds. In the hands of the Turkmen, wool turned into handmade pictures that deserve to be called masterpieces of decorative and applied arts.