"Ekologiýa medeniýeti we daşky gurşawy goramak" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 15
Telephones: 94-17-24


Young people have power!

The develop­ment of mass phy­sical cul­tu­re and sports, the high re­sults in the sports events, the encou­ra­ge­ment of ath­le­tes in this con­text are im­por­tant as­pects of the sta­te sports po­licy in Turk­me­nis­tan. This work re­sults in the re­gu­lar victo­ries of our com­pat­riots at the in­ter­na­tio­nal tour­na­ments. The Turkmen athletes won an impressive number of medals and awards at the large international judo, karate, and sambo events in September.

Wellness and sport

To date, an excellent foundation for the national sport is formed thanks to the sports policy implemented by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. It should be noted that this policy is a worthy continuation of the concern of our Hero-Arkadag for the progressive development of the Turkmen sport. This fact indicates that this system will reach great heights. In our time of achievements in all spheres – the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, great attention is attached to the comprehensive development of high-level sports, physical education and health improvement. Strengthening health through physical culture and sports has become a national goal that unites representatives of all ages and professions in the country and is defined as the main condition for building a healthy society.

Effective solutions

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the education of a broad-minded young generation is the main priority and expressed great confidence in the success of the goals set in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The documents adopted at the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, which was held in the Mekan Palace in the Turkmen capital on September 1, became another vivid evidence of this fact. Impressive work is underway to educate smart young generations in the new epoch. The construction and operation of world-class sports facilities, including in the Olympic Village, stadiums, equestrian complexes, and specialized sports schools in our beloved Motherland, will contribute to the formation of new generations of athletes who will enhance the international prestige of the Turkmen sport.

Ahalteke horses are the wings of our people

The autumn horse racing season is underway this year, which is being held under the motto ‘the Era of the People with Arkadag’. Young riders delighted the fans with their performance in the heats held at the Ashgabat Equestrian Sports Complex last Saturday. On the match day, the riders competed on a 1000-metre distance. The black horse Duvmeli, belonging to the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, won the first heat. The horses from the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan earned victories in the second and third heats. The bay horses Dovamat and Dayanjym had no equals in these heats. In the fourth heat, the dun horse Alp Arslan, belonging to the Ashgabat Hyakimlik, demonstrated the strength of legs. With a big advantage, the bay horse Gushaty (S. Matiyev) and the dun horse Gulendam (G. Nurmyradov) won the fifth and sixth heats respectively. The last heat of the final day of the autumn horse racing season was very close. Thus, the black horse Chaparly, belonging to the Ashgabat Hyakimlik, triumphed in the seventh heat.

High achievements of the turkmen athletes

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demonstrate that sport is the way to health. The Turkmen leader holds training and running sessions, rides bicycles and horses on a regular basis. His example inspires young generations to join the sports movement and to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. In the years of independence, multifunctional stadiums, sports complexes that meet international standards and specialised sports schools have been build and put into operation in the cities and villages of our country. The Olympic Village with modern complexes for Olympic sports in the Turkmen capital has no analogues in the region. It has become the decoration of Ashgabat and the pride of its residents. The Ashgabat golf club, the multifunctional modern sports complex in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, motor-racing circuits, yacht clubs, fitness centres and other specialised facilities have been built according to the best world standards.

Pan American Sambo Union was admitted to the Association of Pan American Sports confederations

«7/24. tm», № 37 (120), 12.09. 2022 The Pan American Sambo Union (UPASA) was admitted to the Association of Pan American Sports Confederations (ACODEPA). The corresponding decision was made at the ACODEPA congress, held on September 1 in Santiago, Chile.

Korean sambist proved that sambo is stronger than any other martial arts kaleidoscope

«7/24. tm», № 37 (120), 12.09. 2022 The Republic of Korea hosted the Best Martial Arts 2022 sports tournament, which was attended by representatives of 12 different sports. The main goal of the competition was to determine which of these martial arts is the strongest. Following the results of several rounds of the tournament, the Korean sambist Jaehee Jang won.

Sports achievements of our Motherland

In the years of independence, Turkmenistan has established the physical culture and sports movements and the foundations for international cooperation in this sphere. After the election of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as the President of Turkmenistan in 2007, all spheres of economy and society, including in sport, have undergone transformations. The development of physical culture and sport, the promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle as a result of the harmonious physical and spiritual development of people, and the expansion of international sports cooperation have become the priorities of our state policy.

The youth are the core of the country

To date, the concern for the youth is paramount in our independent, permanently neutral Motherland. The VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan was held on September 1 and demonstrated the above-mentioned fact, which was clearly expressed in the historic speech by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the same day. The national legislature has great importance in this sphere and provides a solid foundation, because it clearly defines principles, goals, tasks and main directions of the state youth policy in our country.

With pride in our hearts

To date, the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Turkmen sport inspires our compatriots. The Turkmen leader considers sport to be a source of health and creates excellent conditions for doing sports and physical education in our country. The sports events have a positive effect on the development of the physically and mentally healthy young generations in independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan. Intensive preparation of athletes for each sports tournament helps them to gather experience for the future events.

World beach sambo championships in israel: crowded stands and a chance for every athlete competitions

«7/24. tm», № 36 (119), 05.09. 2022 The World Beach SAMBO Championships were held on August 27-28 in the city of Bat Yam (Israel). Athletes from 15 countries took part in the tournament, held in individual and team competitions: Armenia, Belgium, Dominican Republic, France, Israel, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Moldova, the Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Tajikistan, USA, Uzbekistan. In accordance with the decision of the FIAS Executive Committee, athletes from Russia competed under the flag of the International SAMBO Federation (FIAS).

Sport on the international arena

In the modern world, sports cooperation is regarded as an important humanitarian concept, considering its significant contribution to strengthening peace and friendship. This contribution can be explained by the fact that the venues for sports events become a meeting place for coaches, athletes and sports fans from different countries, a centre of friendship, inspiration and support. Following the principles of permanent neutrality, Turkmenistan expands its bilateral and multilateral cooperation with international organizations and countries in the field of sport. In particular, our country encourages cooperation with the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Council of Asia, the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace, the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport, the World Health Organization, the World Anti-Doping Agency, as well as the international and regional sports organizations.

President Serdar BERDIMUHAMEDOV: “Sport is a Source of Health and Harmony”

Honouring the Winners of International Tournaments Takes Place in Ashgabat On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a ceremony was held in the Turkmen capital to honour athletes who had won prizes in recent major international competitions – the 7th Children of Asia International Sports Games, held in the city of Vladivostok, Russian Federation, and the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games in the city of Konya of the Republic of Türkiye.

Important Starts for Unarmed Self-Defence Sportsmen

Along with other sports, special attention in our country is paid to the development of martial arts. Great work is being done to train masters of unarmed self-defence and combat unarmed self-defence. This sport is on the list of international competitions planned to hold in our country. Unarmed self-defence (sambo) took a worthy place in the programme of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, held in the Turkmen capital in 2017. The competitions showed that this sport is of great interest both on the international arena and in our country. The achievements of the Turkmen unarmed self-defence sportsmen at the Asian Games-2017 became a triumph of the policy pursued by Turkmenistan in the field of sports.

Galkynysh Esports to Perform at the e-Sports World Championships

The national selection for the DOTA 2 discipline for the World e-Sports Championships, which will be held under the auspices of the International e-Sports Federation (IESF), has ended. In total, 21 Turkmen teams took part in the qualifying tournament. The four best gamers’ teams in the country met in the playoffs of the tournament to compete for the opportunity to represent Turkmenistan at the World e-Sports Championship. The first game of the semi-final was between AT Cybersport and Jelly Fish. AT Cybersport turned out to be head and shoulders stronger and left no chance for the opponents, winning with a score of 2:0.

In honour of Turkmen athletes

On August 31, 2022, a solemn ceremony in honour of the members of the Turkmenistan national team, who won the international tournaments, took place at the Sport Hotel in the Ashgabat Olympic Town. On behalf of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, the athletes, who upheld the honour of the country, received valuable gifts.

Сycling tournament ends in Ashgabat

«7/24. tm», № 35 (118), 29.08. 2022 The other day in Ashgabat, in the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag, the championship of the country in cycling on the highway ended. The tournament was organized by the Cycling Federation and the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of our Turkmenistan.

Cameroonian sambists received state orders from the president of the country

«7/24. tm», № 35 (118), 29.08. 2022 The solemn honoring of the national Sambo team of Cameroon, as well as the National Sambo League, took place in Yaounde. The reason for the event was the successful holding of the African Championships in July this year, as well as the achievements of Cameroonian sambists in the international arena.

International Triumph of Our Athletes

The Turkmenistan national team made happy sports fans in our country with a great number of medals of the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games, which were held in Konya, Türkiye. The Games illustrated the high level of the development of Turkmen sports. Our team ranked 12th in the standings of the Games, at which more than 4,000 athletes from 56 countries performed. The Turkmen athletes won 23 medals (4 gold, 6 silver and 13 bronze medals). It should be noted that the Turkmenistan national team won 13 medals (2 gold, 4 silver and 7 bronze medals) at the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games, which were held in Baku in 2017. This progress testifies to the successful sport policy, initiated by the Hero-Arkadag and worthily continued by Arkadagly Serdar. It was Ziyamuhammet Saparov (a bronze medal in the under 125 kg category of the freestyle wrestling tournament) and Yulduz Jumabayeva (weightlifting) who won the first medals for the Turkmenistan team. Yu. Jumabayeva is the medallist and record holder of the World Championships, which were held in the capital of Turkmenistan in 2018. Our compatriot, a coach at sports school 1 in Gurbansoltan eje etrap, Dashoguz velayat, performed in the under 49 kg category. She lifted 74 kg in the snatch, 93 kg in the clean and jerk and 167 kg in the combined event, which brought the talented athlete three bronze medals. Duygu Alici and Sazie Erdogan from Türki

Turkmenistan team successfully performs at 5th Islamic solidarity games

«7/24. tm», № 34 (117), 22.08. 2022 More than 4,000 athletes from 56 countries took part in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games, which were held in the Turkish city of Konya.