"Ekologiýa medeniýeti we daşky gurşawy goramak" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 15
Telephones: 94-17-24


Initiating new development

As is known, the positive initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov inspire the Turkmen people to make new achievements. Our people witnessed this fact at the international exhibition ‘Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State’ and scientific conference held in Ashgabat recently. Excellent opportunities are created for protection of the human health, for promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for young people to receive modern education, to become professionals, and to grow into the physically and mentally healthy people in Turkmenistan. The Turkmen leader noted in the Welcoming Address to the forum participants that health, well-being and happiness of our people is the basis of his work, because protection of the human health, which is the most valuable wealth in our country, is a priority of the state policy.

Improvement of the sports system

The Law of Turkmenistan on Physical Culture and Sports establishes the basic principles in the field of physical education and sports, regulates public relations, and determines the legal, organizational, economic, and social foundations of actions in the country. The main goals of the Law are to create the necessary conditions for effective use of physical culture and sports for a healthy lifestyle of the Turkmen people, to develop the legislature in this area, to ensure that the citizens of Turkmenistan engage in physical education and sports on a regular basis and spend their leisure time usefully, as well as to improve the human health and prevent diseases. It should be noted that the mass physical culture events are very popular in our country, and the number of our compatriots who follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle increases day by day in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state.

Participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan at the 41st meeting of the General Assembly of the Olympic council of Asia

«7/24. tm», № 42 (125), 17.10. 2022 From October 3-5, 2022, the delegation of Turkmenistan led by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan B. Myatiev paid a working visit to Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia, to participate in the 41st meeting of the General Assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia.

International exhibition showcases achievements of turkmen sports

«7/24. tm», № 42 (125), 17.10. 2022 10.10.2022. In the new historical epoch of the powerful Turkmen state, the promotion of the physical activity and health improvement movement and high sports is the focus of attention of President of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the participation of representatives of Turkmenistan’s sports industry in the international exhibition and science conference «Health, Education and Sport in the Epoch of the Powerful State» is illustrative.

Serbian insect species named after djokovic

«7/24. tm», № 42 (125), 17.10. 2022 Beetles in Serbia were named after Novak Djokovic.

The 2023 world sambo championships will be held in Egypt, world beach sambo championships – in the Dominican republic

«7/24. tm», № 42 (125), 17.10. 2022 Championships in 2023. The competitions of the strongest sambists of the planet will be held in this country on November 10-12. The corresponding decision was made by members of the Executive Committee of the International SAMBO Federation. In turn, the Dominican Republic will host the World Beach SAMBO Championships in August. Also, decisions were made on the time and place of a number of other competitions.

Ashgabat is the pearl of Asia

Ashgabat has changed immeasurably in the years of independence of Turkmenistan. There are many architectural masterpieces in Ashgabat, which is confirmed by prestigious international awards and certificates. Thus, European awards have been given for the architecture of public facilities to the Ashgabat Wedding Palace (‘Best Public Architecture’) and the Turkmenistan TV and Radio Broadcasting Centre (‘Highly Commended Public Service Architecture’).

Fighting for clean sport

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 The National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan takes effective steps to prevent and combat doping in the sport of our country in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan On Doping in Sports, the Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Standard for Education (ISE). The National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan conducts educational seminars for athletes, coaches and sports experts to explain the dangers of doping for health, the rights and obligations of athletes, the list of substances and methods prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the anti-doping rules and the doping control procedure.

Korean sambist proves that sambo is stronger than any other martial arts kaleidoscope

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 The Republic of Korea hosted the Best Martial Arts 2022 sports tournament, which was attended by representatives of 12 sports. The main goal of the competition was to determine the strongest martial art. Following the results of several rounds of the tournament, a Korean sambist Jaehee Jang won.

Pan American Sambo Union admitted to Association of Pan American Sports Confederations

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 The Pan American Sambo Union (UPASA) was admitted to the Association of Pan American Sports Confederations (ACODEPA). This decision was adopted at the ACODEPA Congress, which was held in Santiago, Chile on September 1.

Cameroonian sambists receive state orders from President

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 The solemn ceremony in honour of the Cameroon national sambo team and the National Sambo League took place in Yaounde. The reason for the event was the success of the African Championships, which was held in July this year, and the achievements of the Cameroonian sambists in the international arena.

European Sambo championships have ended

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 The European SAMBO Championships was held in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. From September 15 to 18, first youths, then juniors, and subsequently adult sambists from 25 countries of the European continent fought for the opportunity to climb the podium. In total, about 400 athletes took part in the main continental SAMBO tournament.

Independence is our happiness

On September 27, the Turkmen people have solemnly celebrated a major holiday – the 31st anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan. According to the cherished tradition, the main events of the holiday were held on the square in front of the State Tribune, which welcomed numerous guests in festive dress. The car platform of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy accompanied with numerous columns of masters of different sports, winners of international and national competitions, and their skilled trainers and coaches took part in the parade. Turkmenistan is recognized as the home of wellness and inspiration. Our country improves the national legislature in this area, adopts and successfully implements programmes within the framework of state support for physical education and high-level sports. The transformations implemented in the national sports system have resulted in formation of new generations of the talented young people, who glorify our country with their achievements and make a worthy contribution to the international sports prestige of our Motherland.

Regulations and prize fund of the World Sambo Championships in Bishkek published

«7/24. tm», № 40 (123), 03.10. 2022 The World Sambo Championships will be held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, from 11 to 13 November. The best sambists of the planet will take part in the competition in 21 weight categories: 7 for men, 7 for women, and 7 for Combat SAMBO among men. The winners of the tournament will compete for a prize fund of 231 thousand US dollars. The general partner of the World Championships is Rosneft oil company.

Success of the sports policy

Permanently neutral Turkmenistan has been internationally recognized as a sports power in the years of independence. This recognition is due to the great work of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov implemented during these glorious years. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, ‘The great initiatives started by our Hero-Arkadag have resulted in the high international sports prestige of our country. Different tournaments, including in international events, held in our Motherland, which is recognized as a country capable of hosting large global sports forums, is an excellent embodiment of our national sports strategy’.

Boxing rules in brief

Young boxing fans do not clearly understand the difference between the terms ‘knockdown’ and ‘knockout’. A knockdown occurs when a fighter touches the floor of the ring with any part of the body other than the feet following a hit, but is able to rise back up and continue fighting. A knockdown triggers a count by the referee. There should be one second between the verbal command ‘Stop Punching’ and the count. If a boxer goes down there is a mandatory 8 count. That means that even if the boxer rises to his feet the referee must continue the count up to 8 and then say ‘Box’. If the boxer is not able to rise back up and continue fighting even after the count of 8, the referee says ‘9, 10’ and adds ‘out’ after it. If the fighter fails the count, then the fight is ended as a knockout. At the children’s, youth and amateur events, the fight ends after the first knockdown. The professional boxing match continues until the third knockdown. Besides, a boxer who has been knocked out must rest for at least three months (if the blow was landed to the head) and must undergo medical attendance. The ringside physician immediately examines the beaten boxer. The boxer’s corner acts on the physician's instructions.

The pride of the Turkmen people

Ahalteke horses are an integral part of the national cultural heritage. From ancient times to the present day, representatives of various arts sing in their works love for the horse, its loyalty, grace, intelligence and racing virtues and also immortalise the talent of the people, because such a perfect breed is a result of creativity, knowledge, patience and inexhaustible creative possibilities of many generations. Nowadays Turkmen specialists aim their work at expanding the scientific basis of horse breeding activities using modern methods, promoting equestrian sports in the country and fostering international cooperation in this sphere. However, the main aspect of this work is to preserve the continuity of horse breeding traditions. This baton of glory was passed on from century to century, from one generation to another, and today, in the digital age, it is important that young people continue to revere and cherish the heritage of the nation, which determined their historical destiny.

The call to wellness

The Path of Health symbolizes the state policy in promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle. That is why the venue has great importance in fostering love for sports, mass physical education and a healthy lifestyle in young people. To date, the development of mass physical culture and sports is a priority of the state policy in Turkmenistan. The vivid results of the successful implementation of this policy are noticeable in any part of our country. In the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the President of Turkmenistan contributes to the development of national sports with the education of the inspired, healthy and patriotic young generations. Thus, a person is the most valuable treasure of the society and the state in Turkmenistan. The principles of a healthy lifestyle promote the physical culture in the Turkmen society, increase the labour results, and contribute to a happy life of people. We wish the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov who contributes to the development of the mass physical culture and sports, to the public health, and a prosperous life in the country, a sound health, long life and success for the benefit of our Motherland and people!

Health adorns the human life

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the great importance of physical culture and sports in leading a healthy lifestyle, educating the hardworking, inspired and patriotic young people. These words indicate the call of the President of Turkmenistan for happiness, a prosperous life, health and friendship between people, because sport means health. In turn, health adorns a person's life. Physical culture and sports are the most reliable and accessible means of strengthening the human health. Sport improves the human health and boosts enthusiasm, passion for life, and labour ability.

Within the framework of the youth policy

The work conducted in Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov vividly demonstrates the importance of the youth policy successfully implemented under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, because young people are the future of the country. Students discuss their life conditions and the concepts related to commitment to a healthy lifestyle and sports. It should be noted that the life protection of young people includes such goals as achieving their health and efficient use of time. These goals require them to be physically active and to do sports. That is why, Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov is considered a very important educational centre in the implementation of youth policy. Thus, the example of the President of Turkmenistan inspires young generations to join the sports movement and to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The Turkmen leader increases the sense of pride of young people, who symbolize the bright future of our prosperous country, because they understand the importance of physical activity and sports. Our compatriots express sincere gratitude to our Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the wonderful opportunities created in this sphere.