Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy

Founder: International Association "Turkmen Alabai Dogs"
Adress: Ashgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue., 553/2
Telephones: 39-00-72


The President of Turkmenistan holds session on development of trade complex

On February 5, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of relative ministries and profile departments. Outcomes of development of trade complex of the country last year have been discussed at the session. Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov and E. Orazgeldiyev have been invited to the session. Agricultural sector, which is supervised by E. Orazgeldiyev, is closely related to work of trade complex, which is supervised by Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov.

The President of Turkmenistan holds session on development of construction industrial complex

On February 4, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference working session on development of construction industrial complex with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of ministries and departments as well as heads of profile universities. Having noted that issues related to optimal organization of work for keeping achieved rates of development, enhancement of efficiency of activity of the facilities of the complex and intensification of rates of reforms for successful fulfilment of the state programs in anniversary year would be discussed at the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov listened to the reports and proposals of the participants of the session.

Industry: on a new round of development

Following the path of economic diversification, Turkmenistan is successfully implementing state programmes to develop industrial sectors and to increase the export of industrial products. The successes achieved in this sector have brought our country to the forefront of the economically prosperous states of the world. Today, all branches of industry demonstrate the high dynamics of development, confirming the correctness of the course of the distinguished President of Turkmenistan for the further diversification and industrial and innovative development of Turkmenistan. The construction and commissioning of enterprises fitted with the most modern equipment and high technologies create ample opportunities for providing all sectors of the economy with industrial products.

Banking system: remote servicing

One of the characteristic features of the modern and, as it is considered, the future of digital economy is closely connected with the rapid and comprehensive development of distance technologies, which are increasingly introduced into all spheres of life. As practice shows, the main factor of effective functioning and success of the banking system is also connected with introduction of convenient and high-quality digital technologies for customer service. The banks of Turkmenistan are also developing in this direction. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov constantly notes the importance of widespread introduction of digital technologies into the banking sector, which is currently undergoing an active transformation. Making practical steps in this direction is aimed at ensuring an increase in the range of services provided and capabilities of the national payment system and promoting the competitiveness of the country’s credit institutions.

The President of Turkmenistan holds session on social and economic development of the country

January, 19. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference working session with participation of some Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, governors of Balkan and Mary Regions and the Minister of Culture, during which objectives of social and economic development of the country as well as important issues of the state life have been reviewed. Opening the session, the President of Turkmenistan has called Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev and B. Ovezov as well as Governor of Balkan Region T. Atahalliyev.

The President of Turkmenistan participates in the opening ceremony of new gas compressor station

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the opening ceremony of new gas compressor station at Malay Deposit in Charjew District during his working trip to Lebap Region on January 15. This event has marked another important step on the way of successful realization of energy strategy of Turkmenistan, which aspects include increment of export potential of as industry. Full-scale use of the richest hydrocarbon resources of our country, which is among the world energy powers, is to serve to the strengthening of economic power of the Motherland and improvement of wellbeing of Turkmen people.

The President of Turkmenistan holds session on social and economic development of the country

On January 13, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of Ahal and Dashoguz Regions as well as the Minister of the Education. Current objectives of further social and economic development of the country and other issues of the state life have been reviewed at the session. First, the floor was given to Governor of Ahal Region Ya. Gurbanov who reported on current situation in the region, care of the winter crops, which is taken according to agricultural standards, preparation of fields and agricultural equipment to spring sowing campaign. The Governor has also informed the Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on activity of relative structures for implementation of National rural program.

The Innovative Strategy: Results and Prospects

The year 2020 under the motto “Turkmenistan – the Home of Neutrality” has gone down in the history of the country with the outstanding achievements of the Turkmen state both inside the country and on the international arena. Despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a drop in production and complicated the financial and credit policy and the socio-political situation in many countries of the world, our country, headed by the leader of the nation, demonstrates dynamic economic growth and new achievements in the social and humanitarian sphere. The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries has made a significant contribution to the progressive development of the country. This fact rightfully arouses pride in the staff of the complex, consisting of many thousands workers who are meeting the coming year 2021, the International Year of Peace and Trust, with new labour achievements. From the first days of independence of the Motherland, the modernisation of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries is regarded as a priority aspect of Turkmenistan’s oil and gas industry. Over the past years, the giant enterprise has taken measures to bring the quality of petroleum products in line with international standards, to increase the depth of processing, to adopt advanced technologies and to strictly comply with international environmental requirements. E