"Dünýä edebiýaty" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 39-96-19, 39-96-14, 39-96-22
Email: dunyaedebiyaty@sanly.tm


National Spring Holiday

The promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle is one of the highest achievements of the President of Turkmenistan in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. In this context, the Turkmen leader emphasizes that the recognition of Turkmenistan as a sports power is our greatest achievement in the years of independence. In the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the ancient spiritual and moral values and traditions of our people are cherished under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In this context, the National Spring Holiday has a special place in the cultural life of our people. The International Day of Nowruz is a celebration of spiritual upbringing and beauty. The National Spring Holiday, as well as the traditions, literary works, folk games, and wedding dishes of the Turkmen people, date back to ancient times. We heartily congratulate the Turkmen leader and our beloved people on the International Day of Nowruz. We wish the President of Turkmenistan a sound health, long life and success for the benefit of our Motherland!

The results of the Presidential elections

On March 12, 2022, an important socio-political event - the election of the President of Turkmenistan - was held in an organized, festive and cheerful manner. From 7:00 to 19:00 on election day, eligible citizens took part in the voting. Of the 3.460.080 registered voters across the country, 3.362.052 cast their ballots, with a turnout of 97.17%. A total of 9 candidates competed in the elections which was held in democratic conditions.  Thus, according to the results of the voting:

The results of the Presidential elections

On March 12, 2022, an important socio-political event - the election of the President of Turkmenistan - was held in an organized, festive and cheerful manner. From 7:00 to 19:00 on election day, eligible citizens took part in the voting. Of the 3.460.080 registered voters across the country, 3.362.052 cast their ballots, with a turnout of 97.17%. A total of 9 candidates competed in the elections which was held in democratic conditions.  Thus, according to the results of the voting:

Voting for the election of the President of Turkmenistan finished

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 19 o'clock 97,12% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 97,68%, Balkan province 97,29%, Dashoguz province 96,80%, Lebap province 97,13%, the Mary province 96,97% in the city of Ashgabat 97,51% of voters.

Voting continues

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 17 o'clock 93,19% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 93,22%, Balkan province 95,39%, Dashoguz province 92,78%, Lebap province 92,37%, the Mary province 93,57% in the city of Ashgabat 93,58% of voters.

Voting continues

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 15 o'clock 86,34% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 87,22%, Balkan province 89,71%, Dashoguz province 85,15%, Lebap province 85,39%, the Mary province 86,70% in the city of Ashgabat 86,76% of voters.

Voting continues

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 13 o'clock 71,90% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 71,86%, Balkan province 73,46%, Dashoguz province 70,73%, Lebap province 71,29%, the Mary province 72,71% in the city of Ashgabat 72,83% of voters.

Voting continues

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 11 o'clock 51,05% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 50,72%, Balkan province 50,39%, Dashoguz province 51,89%, Lebap province 51,17%, the Mary province 49,67% in the city of Ashgabat 52,15% of voters.

Voting continues

On elections of President of Turkmenistan to the 9 o'clock 25,24% of voters voted. According to Ahal province voted 25,03%, Balkan province 27,40%, Dashoguz province 25,68%, Lebap province 24,37%, the Mary province 24,64% in the city of Ashgabat 25,78% of voters.

Voting for the election of the President of Turkmenistan!

March 12, 2022 at 7 o'clock in the morning began voting at all polling stations in 2577 and will end on 19 o'clock in the evening. According to Ahal  province 454507, according to Balkan province 286058, in Dashoguz province 729082, Lebap province 709396, Mary province 804768, the city of Ashgabat 452139 voters were registered. In total, 3435950 voters were registered in the Presidential elections in Turkmenistan.

Peace, love and ten­der­ness in you, wo­men of the mot­her­land!

Fes­tive Concert at the Pa­lace of Muqams On the eve of the wi­de­ly celeb­ra­ted ho­li­day in Turk­me­nis­tan – In­ter­na­tio­nal Wo­men’s Day, wor­kers of cul­tu­re and arts per­for­med in a concert de­dicated to the glo­rious daugh­ters of the Mot­her­land at the Pa­lace of Muqams of the Sta­te Cul­tu­ral Cent­re.

To new heights on the ba­sis of the cons­ti­tu­tion

2022, decla­red in our count­ry as “The Era of the Peop­le with Ar­ka­dag”, is a year of special sig­ni­ficance. This year our count­ry is celeb­ra­ting two glo­rious da­tes: the 30th an­niver­sa­ry of the adop­tion of the Cons­ti­tu­tion of Turk­me­nis­tan and the crea­tion of the Sta­te Flag of Turk­me­nis­tan. They are the most im­por­tant att­ri­bu­tes of our sovereign count­ry, sym­bo­li­sing the uni­ty of the peop­le and the neut­ra­li­ty of the sta­te. Spea­king on March 1 to the mem­bers of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan, our es­tee­med Ar­ka­dag or­de­red to cla­ri­fy and wi­de­ly pro­mo­te the con­tent of the Ba­sic Law of the count­ry, the norms and princip­les set forth in it and the activities car­ried out in Turk­me­nis­tan to pro­tect hu­man rights and free­doms. The lea­der of the na­tion al­so no­ted the ne­ed to plan in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rences, exhi­bi­tions, fo­rums, com­pe­ti­tions and crea­tive mee­tings in ho­nour of tho­se da­tes at the sta­te and in­ter­na­tio­nal level.

The Foun­da­tion of a De­mocra­tic Society

The most im­por­tant socio-po­li­tical event in 2022 will be the electi­on of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan. This event is of par­ticular sig­ni­ficance for the adop­tion of the new prog­ram­me document for the long-term develop­ment of our count­ry – “The Revival of the New Era of the Po­wer­ful Sta­te: The Na­tio­nal Prog­ram­me of the Socioecono­mic Develop­ment of Turk­me­nis­tan for 2022–2052 at the mee­ting of the Halk Mas­la­ha­ty of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan on Feb­rua­ry 11. Our count­ry is en­te­ring a new pe­riod of its his­to­ry. Re­lying on the achievements of 30 years of sovereign develop­ment, the Turk­men peop­le will have to con­duct new lar­ge-scale and pro­found trans­for­ma­tions. The main­te­nance of peace, sta­bi­li­ty in society and na­tio­nal uni­ty is of ines­ti­mab­le im­por­tance along this path. The Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan em­bo­dies the uni­ty of the peop­le, en­su­res the imp­le­men­ta­tion of the do­mes­tic and fo­reign po­licies and rep­re­sents our sta­te on the in­ter­na­tio­nal are­na. In this re­gard, the pre­si­den­tial electi­on plays an im­por­tant po­li­tical ro­le as an in­teg­ral com­po­nent of de­mocracynd a the par­ticipa­tion of the peop­le in ma­king crucial decisions.

In­dust­rial sector of Turk­me­nis­tan: In­novations and Furt­her Develop­ment

In­dust­ry is a key sector of the na­tio­nal econo­my. The rich na­tu­ral re­sources of the count­ry, advanced pro­ducti­on and trans­port inf­rast­ructu­re turn Turk­me­nis­tan in­to a po­wer­ful sta­te. In this re­gard, this sector re­mains a prio­ri­ty for the na­tio­nal econo­mic develop­ment; diver­si­fication, the en­hanced com­pe­ti­tiveness of goods, the adop­tion of advanced techno­lo­gies, the const­ructi­on of new en­terp­ri­ses and the mo­der­ni­sa­tion of exis­ting ones – all this cha­racte­ri­ses the prog­res­sive for­ma­tion of Turk­me­nis­tan’s in­dust­ry. Un­der the far-sigh­ted and wi­se lea­ders­hip of the He­ro-Ar­ka­dag, Turk­men econo­my has ma­de a tre­men­dous prog­ress in a short ti­me, and now our count­ry is en­hancing its econo­mic strength. In this re­gard, our in­dust­ry, con­sis­ting of comp­lex sectors, is the ba­sic fra­me­work of the na­tio­nal econo­my. Dy­na­mic develop­ment is achieved through an ef­fective invest­ment po­licy. In accor­dance with the Socioecono­mic Develop­ment Prog­ram­me of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan for 2019–2025, ma­jor pro­jects to increa­se the pro­ducti­on capacity of the in­dust­rial sector are being imp­le­men­ted.

Econo­mic Sta­bi­li­ty – the Foun­da­tion for Sus­tai­nab­le Develop­ment

Lar­ge-scale re­forms ini­tia­ted by the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov are ta­king place in the mo­dern his­to­ry of the Turk­men peop­le. The­se trans­for­ma­tions are ai­med at en­hancing sta­bi­li­ty and main­tai­ning sus­tai­nab­le econo­mic growth. The ul­ti­ma­te go­al of the sta­te stra­te­gy is to crea­te an in­novative, high-tech, fast-gro­wing econo­my, which is pri­ma­ri­ly em­bo­died in the imp­rovement of the wel­fa­re of the peop­le of our Mot­her­land.

Tra­di­tio­nal art of Ja­pan

The exhi­bi­tion of Ja­pa­ne­se cera­mics is being held at the Mu­seum of Fi­ne Arts in the capi­tal city as anot­her sign of cul­tu­ral in­te­racti­on bet­ween Turk­me­nis­tan and Ja­pan, and it is ti­med to coincide with the 30th an­niver­sa­ry of the es­tab­lish­ment of dip­lo­ma­tic re­la­tions bet­ween the two count­ries. It was or­ga­ni­sed by the Em­bas­sy of Ja­pan to Turk­me­nis­tan to­get­her with the Mi­nist­ry of Cul­tu­re of our count­ry. Every year, the part­ners­hip bet­ween Turk­me­nis­tan and Ja­pan became mo­re and mo­re dy­na­mic, the mo­men­tum increa­sed in the econo­mic, scien­ti­fic, educatio­nal and cul­tu­ral as­pects and in the fields of ent­rep­re­neurs­hip, in­for­ma­tion techno­lo­gies, health care, sports and tou­rism. Through ti­me, the friends­hip bet­ween the peop­les of the two count­ries is becoming stron­ger, the ran­ge of in­te­racti­on is increa­sing, and Ja­pa­ne­se inves­tors con­fi­dent­ly invest fi­nancial capi­tal in the const­ructi­on of in­dust­rial en­terp­ri­ses in our count­ry. Coo­pe­ra­tion bet­ween the two count­ries in the hu­ma­ni­ta­rian area has al­so acqui­red a so­lid and stab­le foun­da­tion.

In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence and Exhi­bi­tion in Ho­nour of Wo­men’s Ho­li­day

The in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence and exhi­bi­tion en­tit­led “Glo­ri­fication of Hap­py Spring in Visual Arts” devoted to In­ter­na­tio­nal Wo­men’s Day star­ted their work on the ini­tia­tive of Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov in the capi­tal of Turk­me­nis­tan.

The Crucial Event in the Li­fe of the Count­ry

The Prog­ram­me “The Revival of the new Era of the Po­wer­ful Sta­te”: The Na­tio­nal Prog­ram­me of the Socioecono­mic Develop­ment of Turk­me­nis­tan in 2022–2052 was adop­ted at the mee­ting of the Halk Mas­la­ha­ty of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan on Feb­rua­ry 11. This document sets forth lar­ge-scale goals and ob­jectives, the imp­le­men­ta­tion of which is to bring the count­ry to a new sta­ge of develop­ment. In this re­gard, it is quite na­tu­ral that the lea­der of the na­tion re­lies on the youn­ger ge­ne­ra­tion, who grew up in the con­di­tions of sovereign develop­ment and was nur­tu­red on the lof­ty crea­tive ideas of in­de­pen­dence. “I place special ho­pe on our youth! Because the youn­ger ge­ne­ra­tion is the em­bo­di­ment of all our ho­pes for the fu­tu­re. Everyt­hing we are doing to­day is being do­ne for our young peop­le. Most of them are as old as our in­de­pen­dent Turk­me­nis­tan. So­on they will become ma­tu­re citi­zens of our count­ry who will ta­ke an active part in ful­fil­ling the tasks we have as­sig­ned. They will have to de­ter­mi­ne the furt­her path of our Mot­her­land,” Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov sa­id in his speech.

Pri­de of the mot­her­land and an examp­le of pat­rio­tism, dig­ni­ty and ho­nour

– the Win­ners of the Wo­man of the Year Con­test The col­lective ima­ge of the Turk­men wo­man, our con­tem­po­ra­ry, in all her mul­ti­faceted beau­ty was pre­sen­ted at the cere­mo­ny of ho­nou­ring the win­ners of the Wo­man of the Year Con­test. The fes­tive event was accom­pa­nied by sincere cong­ra­tu­la­tions and won­der­ful mu­sical per­for­mances to the glo­ry of our wo­men. Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov sa­id very kind and ins­pi­ring words about them, li­ke the win­ners of the Con­test, “You are the joy of our eyes, the warmth of our hearths, the light of our souls! With your warmth, which you give us wit­hout a trace with all the in­he­rent pro­per­ties of your hearts, you mul­tip­ly the pros­pe­ri­ty, peace and tranquil­li­ty of every ho­me and the en­ti­re peop­le. Your de­dication, ho­nour and dig­ni­ty are the gua­ran­tee of a bright fu­tu­re for the Turk­men na­tion.”

Fi­na­lists of “Ta­lyp gö­ze­li–2022” de­ter­mi­ned

Af­ter a long se­ries of int­ra-univer­si­ty qua­li­fying rounds, the fi­nal sta­ge of the an­nual con­test en­tit­led “Ta­lyp gö­ze­li” was held at the Cent­re for Pub­lic Or­ga­ni­sa­tions in the capi­tal city with the par­ticipa­tion of the most ta­len­ted and comp­re­hen­sively gif­ted stu­dents of hig­her educatio­nal es­tab­lish­ments of our count­ry. This crea­tive com­pe­ti­tion is tra­di­tio­nal­ly held as a joint ini­tia­tive of the Mi­nist­ry of Education and two lar­ge pub­lic structu­res, the Cent­ral Council of Mag­tym­gu­ly Youth Or­ga­ni­sa­tion and the Wo­men’s Union of Turk­me­nis­tan, and is ti­med to coincide with In­ter­na­tio­nal Wo­men’s Day and the be­gin­ning of spring, which is em­bo­died in the ra­pid awa­ke­ning of na­tu­re, giving new li­fe to its rich diver­si­ty of the vege­tab­le king­dom.