"Dünýä edebiýaty" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 39-96-19, 39-96-14, 39-96-22
Email: dunyaedebiyaty@sanly.tm


Preparing for population census

«7/24. tm», № 47 (130), 20.11.2022 With the aim of conducting a population and housing census in December and informing the population about its purpose, procedure and rules, the State Committee on Statistics of Turkmenistan has prepared a series of information leaflets.

Import Substitution as a Crucial Economic Factor

A flexible and pragmatic import substitution strategy underlies the successful development of all spheres of Turkmen economy. Its successful implementation contributed to the continued downward trend of imports, since the increase in domestic production has enabled to reduce the imports of many products, consumer goods and foodstuffs. In recent years, Turkmen producers have significantly expanded their presence in the market. Such large-scale work allows creating new industrial areas for Turkmen economy and expanding consistently the list of domestically produced goods able to compete in the market. Domestic manufacturers have made great progress in all sectors of the economy and consistently expand the list of goods, contributing to saturating the domestic commodity market and enhancing the export potential of our country.

System of Communication and Information Technologies is the Engine of Innovative Development

Turkmenistan Hosts the International Exhibition and Conference “Türkmentel-2022”  The capital hosted the opening of the regular XV International Exhibition and Scientific Conference on Telecommunications, Telemetry, Information Technologies and Broadcasting Equipment, entitled “Türkmentel-2022”. The event, organised by the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and the country’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was held not only in the traditional format, but was also broadcast from Ashgabat online to dozens of countries around the world.

Sustainable Cities Are the Key to a Green Future

In accordance with the Resolution of the UN General Assembly, World Cities Day is observed in the international calendar at the end of October. The aim of the Day is to raise awareness about the challenges facing cities all over the world and to set the international community on the implementation of the new Urban Development Agenda. It was celebrated for the first time in 2014 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme. This year’s global observance takes place under the theme “Act Local to Go Global”. Local action is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. On this occasion, Narine SAHAKYAN, UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan, gave an interview to our correspondent. NT: “Urbanisation today has become one of the most transformative and visible phenomena in society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, which aims to ensure universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public spaces by 2030. What solutions are being promoted by the United Nations Development Programme to achieve sustainable urban development?”

Ashgabat Dialogue of International Designers

The Ashgabat Dialogue of International Designers was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the activities to include Ashgabat in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the nomination “Design” in a hybrid format. The Forum, organised by the hyakimlik of the capital city together with the Secretariat of the National Commission for UNESCO, brought together leaders and specialists from relevant organisations.

Ashgabat- the city of creative work

Yesterday the «Design-2022» Ashgabat Forum  and International Exhibition named «Unlimited Design» were opened at the  Trade-industry Establishment of our capital. Our white-marbled capital’s a lot of buildings which astonish many visitors with their perfect construction  were included  the World Guinness’s Record book as the elite art of architecture. The development of architecture is continued successfully in the year «The Epoch of Nation with Arkadag»  by our Esteemed President.

History of the World Nomad Games

«7/24. tm», № 41 (124), 10.10. 2022 The nomadic world unites hundreds of nations. Their culture is specific and unique and illustrates their way of life and traditions. For example, a nomad’s house is a yurt. The differences between national yurts are technical, depending on the place of residence of the nomads – the steppe or the mountains, the desert or the forest. And here lies the boundlessness and richness of nomadic civilization.

Present to the speed of the fast horse

When the Turkmen people celebrate  holidays, family events and  other important ceremonies they usually  organize horse-races and then give presents  to  the winners of the horse-races. The organization of horse-races at the  Ahal-Teke  Horse-breeding Sport Complex located near the Kopetdag Mountains on the occasion  of the 31st Anniversary, the glorious holiday of Independence of Turkmenistan vividly showed that  these holiday traditions reached our times passing through centuries. The participation of our Esteemed President Serdar  Berdimuhamedov  in the   ceremony increased more the  number of glorious events. Our Turkmen horse which became  the symbols of art, of national and world  culture during the centuries, at present they  have become the symbol of swift movement of  Independent Neutral Turkmenistan to the  new heights of development. Paying respect to the Turkmen horses,   the   names of which became the heroes of legends  following the noble family traditions The Head of our state pays much attention to the  development of national horse-breeding  branch, to increasing of  its authority in the world,  increasing the interest to horse-race sport and its widely popularization. Taking it into account the Turkmen horse-br

Coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

Akmyrat MUHADOV It is a gift made for people by ArkadagThe coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!It is radiance shining like golden sun,The coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

Youth is a bright future of the country

«7/24. tm», № 37 (120), 12.09. 2022 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches great importance to fostering high moral qualities in young people. Addressing the participants of the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation at the Mekan Palace in the capital city on September 1, he said, «Today, one of the crucial tasks is to explain to young people the holiness of the concept of Motherland and instil an understanding of the need to cherish it like the apple of an eye and love it with all their heart.»

For the Young and with the Youth

– Turkmenistan will develop in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State. This message was clearly voiced in the speech of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan. It is symbolic that the forum was held on the first of September, on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth. By tradition, this Day is marked by festive events symbolising the aspiration of the Turkmen society to the heights of knowledge in order to achieve new frontiers in the development of the state. At the solemn lines and the first open lessons, it was said about the importance that our country attached to the younger generation, and appeals to acquire knowledge and to become models of patriotism, morality, physical and spiritual health and worthy successors to national life principles were sounded. “Holding the 7th Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth increases its significance,” our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasises.

In Compliance with High World Standards

Today, the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources are among the critical global issues. One of the major challenges facing the international community is environmental management in hydrocarbon exploration and production. Oil- and gas-rich Turkmenistan is actively developing the rich hydrocarbon deposits, including those located in the Caspian Sea, taking a principled and responsible position: to regulate economic activities for any hydrocarbon project, from production to the gas and petrochemical industry, with strict environmental criteria and environmental safety requirements. Seeking to enhance the innovative and technological potential of oil and gas exploration, the Government of Turkmenistan is intensifying partnerships with the well-known foreign companies. The Turkmen state has built the necessary economic and legal frameworks for foreign businesses to operate in an enabling investment environment.

Happy Childhood – the Wealth of the Country

In his Address to the children and people of independent neutral Turkmenistan on International Children’s Day, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised, “To achieve the objectives of the Programme ‘The Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052’, the activities of educational institutions will be improved with the aim of raising healthy, diligent and patriotic generations, bringing up and training them, strengthening their physical and spiritual health and promoting early childhood development. Kindergartens and schools equipped in compliance with international standards will continue to be built.” In this context, the protection of the rights of the child is the priority and crucial task of the state. The Basic Law, the provisions of which underlie all other legal acts, ensures the protection of the rights and interests of the child in our country. The Constitution proclaims the principles of the legal status of an individual and a citizen, that is, the fundamentals that ensure that the child enjoy all the rights. These principles determine the features of the status of the child and are applied to all, without exception, the rights of the child as an individual and citizen, not only set forth in the Constitution, but also enshrined in national laws. The constitutional provis

New “Stars” Lighted on Domestic Sky

The final of the main children’s song and music contest of our country “Garaşsyzlygyň Merjen Däneleri”, devoted to the 31st anniversary of state independence this year, showed the incredible intensity of emotion. Eighteen talented young artists, who won all the qualifying rounds of the contest that in total brought together more than a thousand gifted children from all the regions of our country, performed on the unique stage of Nowruz Ýaýlasy, in the spacious yurt “Türkmeniň ak öýi” in the Ahal valley.

Fashion Week 2022 Held in the Capital City

The Autumn Fashion Week, organised under the auspices of the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, has come to an end in the Turkmen capital. During the event, the best designers of the Fashion House showed their collections. This is the first time that such an event was held in our country. It took place within the framework of the festival “Ashgabat – City of Design: 2022 Fashion Week”. Dozens of designers from the capital, including young fashion designers striking the most demanding audience with their creativity, showed their exclusive works.

The Start of the Traditional Action

On the first day of autumn, the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan hosted a conference devoted to the campaign “Road safety is the peace of our life”, which started for a month. The event was attended by employees of ministries, departments and public organisations, members of the Interdepartmental Coordination Commission (ICC) on road safety issues, and representatives of the media. The initiative to hold the action, the main goal of which is to ensure road safety and to prevent road traffic injuries is known to belong to our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and has been held for many years from the first to the thirtieth of September. The efforts of the state in this area are an integral part of social policy. At the Conference, in particular, it was emphasised that the entire road transport infrastructure in our country included a well-thought-out system of intersections regulated by traffic lights, bridges, underpasses, parking lots and others. On a mandatory basis, next to children’s educational establishments and places of mass gatherings of people, traffic police officers are on duty. At the same time, much attention is paid to increasing the awareness of people, especially children and adolescents, in matters of road safety, and targeted work is being carried out to educate them in a conscious and principled attitude to observing sa

In the Spotlight – Health and Status of Women

The event, marking the release of the first ever National Sample Survey “Health and Status of Women in the Family in Turkmenistan” by the Government of Turkmenistan, took place in the conference hall of the Ýyldyz Hotel. The international partners of the Government of Turkmenistan – the UN agencies, the European Union and the British Embassy to Turkmenistan have provided comprehensive support in conducting the National Survey. The survey data will be used to monitor and accelerate national progress on Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and to identify strategies for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence at various levels, in line with the National Action Plan on Gender Equality for 2021–2025.

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh acquaints himself with the progress of the construction of the new administrative centre of the Ahal velayat

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh, Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the Ahal velayat, where he acquainted himself with the construction of the new administrative centre of the region, types of building materials used and projects of buildings to be erected there and also conducted a working meeting with the participation of relevant officials. Early in the morning, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty arrived at the place of the implementation of new modern urban development projects, where he was met by the Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty K. Babayev, the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the Centre of the Ahal Velayat D. Orazov and the Hyakim of the new administrative centre of the Ahal Velayat Sh. Durdyliyev, who reported on the situation at the construction site.

Ensuring the happy life of children is a priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan

Modern Children’s Entertainment Centre opens The opening ceremony of the Arkadagyň Nesilleri Children’s Entertainment Centre took place in the Esenguly etrap. The Chairman and deputies of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, representatives of the velayat and city hyakimliks, public organisations and the media, honorary elders and local residents attended the ceremony.

Building of the bridge is a good work

On the 8th of August Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on holiday on the Caspian Sea  Coast took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation  of one more  important object of transport infrastructure - the new automobile bridge across the  bay of the Garabogaz Lake along the Turkmenbashy-Garabogaz-the border of Kazachstan automobile highway. The construction of the new bridge through the   bay of the Garabogaz Lake will increase the significance of the transport corridor the North-East on the international level. Realization of this project  was employed the long-standing partner of Turkmenistan - the «Road Construction «Altcom»», the society with limited responsibility.