"Dünýä edebiýaty" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 39-96-19, 39-96-14, 39-96-22
Email: dunyaedebiyaty@sanly.tm


Vectors of Partnerships

Turkmenistan-US economic cooperation is successfully developing thanks to the steady economic growth of Turkmenistan and other positive factors. One of the members of a representative delegation of US businessmen who arrived in our country, the Chairman of the Board of Westport Trading Europe Limited Nikolay Yurchenko speaks with confidence about this and other aspects of a business-like approach to key aspects of economic relations between the two countries. “The crucial vector of the economic development strategy of Turkmenistan is industrial diversification, in particular, the oil and gas sector. Today, innovative technologies are being introduced into industry, enterprises are being supplied with modern equipment, increasing production volumes and widening the range of goods able to compete in world markets. The construction of high-tech enterprises creates broad prospects for the progressive development of Turkmenistan’s fuel and energy sector. Nikolay Fedorovich, what new can you offer to your Turkmen partners?”

Centenarians of Turkmenistan: the old age is a joy in such a country!

«7/24. tm», № 14 (149), 03.04.2023. Centenarians of Turkmenistan: the old age is a joy in such a country!

Cotton Planting Campaign Launched in Turkmenistan

An important agricultural campaign, cotton planting, has been launched in the country. In accordance with the schedule announced by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on March 17, cotton growers of the Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats started planting cotton on March 24. Farmers in the Dashoguz velayat joined them on March 29. Cotton farming is one of the leading sectors of Turkmenistan’s agroindustrial sector, which plays an important role in the implementation of the state import substitution and export promotion programmes.

«Worshipping Mother-worshipping a sacred Person»

As a result of the successful continuation of the work started by our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the noble traditions of educating the young generation are being enjoyed during the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State. Creating conditions for our people to live a happy and prosperous life is the priority direction of the country's policy. In this regard, great attention is paid to the creation of a physically healthy, spiritually rich and well-developed young generation, and to the strengthening of family values in the consumer society of mothers. Since ancient times, our people have attached great importance to children's physical health, mental and moral development, and instilled in them hard work and respect for elders. For many centuries, our women have perfected the moral norms of behavior and passed them down from generation to generation. There is a special mention of these in the book «Worshipping Mother-worshipping a sacred Person» by our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

International Day of Navruz

«7/24. tm», № 12 (147), 20.03.2023. International Navruz Day has been celebrated since 2010. The proposal to introduce a new date in the UN calendar was made by the governments of several states: Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey. On February 23, the UN General Assembly accepted the initiative of these countries and fixed March 21 as an international holiday - Navruz Day.

Youth of Turkmenistan faces happy future with confidence

«7/24. tm», № 11 (146), 13.03.2023 The second issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar Online Magazine of the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan was recently released.

Festive Concert in Honour of International Women’s Day

A concert in honour of the glorious daughters of the Motherland took place at the Muqam Palace of the State Cultural Centre on the eve of International Women’s Day. This spring holiday is celebrated in Turkmenistan in accordance with national traditions, reflecting the tender attitude and respect of our people to women and, first of all, to the woman-mother.

Safeguarding and Replenishing Golden Springs of National Identity

Turkmenistan is a country of ancient culture, great cultural heritage, centuries-old cultural traditions and inexhaustible creative potential. The historical path of the Turkmen people has shaped its cultural identity, features of the national mentality and the value bases of the life of the Turkmen society. Due to its geographical position at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, our country has developed and is developing as a country that unites two worlds – the East and the West. Therefore, the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is also a common human heritage. To promote the preservation of the cultural diversity of the peoples of the world, to make known and protect unique objects of the cultural and historical heritage of humankind are a priority for UNESCO in the field of culture. Cultural diversity is the common heritage of humanity

Registration of candidate is over

«7/24. tm», № 10 (145), 06.03.2023 The sea­son of re­gist­ra­tion of can­di­da­tes for the elections of de­pu­ties of Mej­lis of Turk­me­nis­tan, mem­bers of velayat, et­rap, city halk mas­la­hats and Gen­ges­hes of Turk­me­nis­tan which will be held on March 26 of this year en­ded on Feb­rua­ry 28, 2023.

UN Technical Assessment Mission gives high assessment to new Arkadag City

«7/24. tm», № 10 (145), 06.03.2023 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Myakhri Byashimova met with a delegation of the UN Technical Assessment Mission and its divisions, who visited Arkadag City, the new administrative centre of Ahal velayat (region), to review and assess the development of the city.

National Development Priority

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, which is widely celebrated in our country in honour of the women of Turkmenistan and in order to continue the noble traditions of the ancestors of honouring women, by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, all women and girls working at enterprises, institutions and organisations, regardless of ownership, those receiving pensions and state allowances, postgraduate, doctoral and clinical residency students out of work, students of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Turkmenistan with a period of study of at least two years, students of higher educational establishments, schoolgirls and pupils of preschool institutions will be awarded cash gifts in the amount of 60 (sixty) manats. This ancient tradition originated during the years of independence of Turkmenistan and is accepted with gratitude in our society. There is no other country in the world where the merits of women on International Women’s Day are so marked at the state level. And this causes pride in the respected President of Turkmenistan and in his policy aimed at establishing the high status of women in the modern Turkmen society.

Winners of the Woman of the Year Contest

The first day of spring began with a bright festive event. The laureates of the contest “Woman of the Year – 2022” were honoured at the Altyn Toý Mekany of the Gül Zemin Shopping and Entertainment Centre. Altyn Toý Mekany met women, representatives of all velayats of the country and the capital, in a spring attire. Decorated with numerous white and pink flowers, the hall resembled a spring garden. And women in elegant national costumes filled this garden with a thin chime of silver jewellery that resembled the trills of songbirds.

The Light of Mother’s Love

A resident of Dashoguz Jumish Karliyeva is called the mistress of a happy fate and a large, bright and comfortable house in the administrative centre of the northern region of the country. This is a kind and charming woman-mother, who has met the 87th spring of her life. The custodian of the hearth, whose biography is linked with the unique and bright events in her homeland, rightfully enjoys well-deserved respect. Despite her venerable age, the fire of her soul does not cool down, emanates warmth and gives people great joy, awakening high aspirations and good impulses in them. “Our kind, generous and hospitable Jumish dayza,” the neighbours call her so affectionately. Everyone who knows her feels a special sense of pride in our compatriot, a woman with the beautiful soul and open heart. She enjoys respect for her nobility and wisdom, sincerity and love of life, goodwill and generosity. She retained these best human qualities, which have always been and remain spiritual and moral values, for the rest of her life. People come to her for good advice in difficult life situations. Her wise advice and precepts inspire confidence in their strengths and capabilities, give them a new surge of vigour and vitality and help them determine the right guidelines for the future.

Arkadag City may be twinned with Japanese Tendo

«7/24. tm», № 09 (144), 27.02.2023 ­ The presentation of Arkadag City took place in the Japanese city of Tendo. The event was held on Monday jointly by the Embassy of Turkmenistan to Japan and the Tendo City Hall.

Elections: A Single Voting Day

On March 26, the elections to the Mejlis of the 7th convocation, halk maslahaty of velayats, etraps, cities and gengeshes are to be held in Turkmenistan. The electoral system plays an important role in the political life of any country. The Constitution of Turkmenistan regulates and contains the provisions on elections in Section VII (Electoral System, Referendum). The constitutional provisions have been developed in the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan. The Code regulates relations that emerge while exercising the electoral right by citizens and holding referenda and sets forth the legal guarantees for the exercise of the constitutional rights by citizens of Turkmenistan during elections and referenda.

Intellectual Capital of the Country

This year’s motto “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, proclaimed in our country, has given an impetus to the scientific and intellectual movement that is gaining momentum day by day, involving those striving for new knowledge, professional growth and research skills. As before, the key initiatives are events aimed at new and effective advances in the implementation of the educational conceptions proclaimed in our country, in particular in the field of digitalisation and the study of exact, natural and linguistic disciplines. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LANGUAGE LEARNING

Turkmen schoolchildren won 5 medals at the XIX International Zhautykov Olympiad

«7/24. tm», № 08 (143), 20.02.2023 2 silver and 3 bronze medals - this is the result of the participation of schoolchildren from Turkmenistan in the XIX International Zhautykov Online Olympiad, held in Almaty by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan from February 1 to February 10 of this year. A total of 5 medals were brought to Turkmen schoolchildren by a successful performance in mathematics at the site of the Olympiad.

Under the Letter of the Law

The right of citizens to participate in public and state administration, both directly and through their freely elected representatives, and the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local governments play an important role in building a democratic state. International legal acts attach great importance to the exercise of electoral rights. In this regard, one of the fundamental principles for organising and conducting elections is to ensure that the citizens of the country are aware of their electoral rights and the guarantees that these rights are exercised. Aman AMANOV, a lawyer of the Central Office of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Turkmenistan, answers the questions of our correspondent. NT: “The right to elect and be elected is one of the fundamental political rights of citizens of Turkmenistan. Who is eligible to this right?”

Halk Maslahaty: Historical Traditions and Novels

As history testifies, with all the originality and variety of forms of exercising power in the vast majority of modern states, the functions of the highest body are entrusted precisely to representative bodies. In the science of constitutional law, popular representation is most often associated with representative bodies of power. According to constitutional theory and practice, one of the important organisational and legal means of expressing the interests of the people (of all strata of the population) has always been precisely the bodies of people’s representation. For Turkmenistan, this practice is also no exception. After gaining sovereignty in 1990 and declaring state independence in 1991, Turkmenistan faced the problem of determining the path of its further national state building and forming fundamentally different institutions of power, and, ultimately, its own model of popular representation. With the adoption of the Constitution of Turkmenistan on May 18, 1992, a new era began in the history of national state building, characterised by a radical transition to a new type of state system. The formation of a new state system was carried out in combination with the revival of the institutions of people’s power, historically established among the Turkmen people.

Achievements Gained – a Groundwork for Future Progress

The agroindustrial sector is tasked to put into life the reforms initiated by the President in agriculture and water management, to facilitate the implementation of the state agricultural programmes, to achieve food self-sufficiency through import substitution, to focus the efforts of the state on setting up the extensive network of domestic food enterprises and, as a clear result, to create an abundance in grocery stores and vegetable markets. Responding to state support, the agrarians showed good results in the production of vegetables, melons and gourds, fruit, berries, bread and bakery products last year. The grain growers exceeded the production plan and filled about 1.5 million tonnes of white wheat into the bins of the Motherland. Silk growers worked hard and exceeded the state production order for 2,300 tonnes of cocoons, and cotton growers produced the valuable raw materials for the textile industry. This year, Turkmenistan’s agroindustrial sector is preparing to successfully conduct the cotton campaign in accordance with the Resolution issued by the President at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan in the Mary velayat. It was reported that 580,000 hectares of irrigated land were allocated to produce 1.25 million tonnes of this valuable crop that year.