Arkadag's book «The Meaning of My Life» published in Russian

17.05.2022. Presentation of the book of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «The Meaning of My Life», published in Russian, took place today in the conference hall of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This event became a fact of the deepest respect for Arkadag, recognition of his great merits in the multifaceted state, political, scientific and cultural activities. The ceremony was attended by the head and employees of the Foreign Ministry, heads of diplomatic missions and missions accredited in our country, international organizations, faculty and students of the capital's universities, and the media.

President of Turkmenistan elected President of National Olympic Committee

On May 10, 2022, the General Assembly of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan held a regular meeting in Ashgabat. The participants reported on the work done by the National Olympic Committee in 2016-2021 and considered the issues related to the election of the President of the National Olympic Committee. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was unanimously elected President of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan.

Reviving the Great Silk Road

In modern geopolitics, great importance is attached to logistics. Turkmenistan is located at the crossroads of the North–South and East–West transport and transit routes. In its foreign policy, Turkmenistan aims to turn the country into a major transport and logistics hub of continental importance. An important role in this is assigned to the International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi. This was emphasised during the talks between the President of Turkmenistan and the President of the Republic of India. During the years of independence, the consistent implementation of the strategic course of industrial and innovative development has ensured the economic independence of our state. Large volumes of investments were attracted to diversify the national economy and to improve the entire infrastructure. The investment policy aimed at increasing the production potential of the economy contributes to the efficient development of production resources and the sustainable growth in overall demand and gross domestic product. Large-scale socioeconomic reforms are being carried out, and the Programme “The Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” has been adopted. Of course, it can be predicted that this Programme will serve as a starting point in modernising and realising the wide potenti

Creator of dutar

Meretmyrat Amansahedov is a well-known dutar maker in the Ahal velayat. Awarding him the title “Çeper döredijiligiň halk ussasy” was perceived with great joy by connoisseurs of his craftsmanship and with particular pride by his fellow villagers. The 79-year-old elder lives in the village of Ahal of the Geoktepe etrap, Ahal velayat, and if you want to see him, you need to ask the address of the teacher Ovez aga. This is how the people call Meretmyrat aga. Despite his age, he is vigorous and active. It is probably a great miracle to live a long life in good health and even in old age to be able to do everything with your own hands.

Night of forgiveness

«7/», № 18 (101), 02.05.2022. The blessed Gadyr Gijesi came on the night of April 27-28, on the 27th day of the 30-day fast of the month of Oraza. Our ancestors considered the month of Oraza the best of the months, and Gadyr Gijesi the best of the nights. Gadyr Gijesi is a wonderful holiday that affirms humanistic ideals and the unity and solidarity of many peoples of the East.

Parliamentary diplomacy of Turkmenistan

In different years of its history, the Turkmen parliament was called differently – the Supreme Council before gaining independence and the Mejlis after gaining it. At the same time, for all the years since its formation, the national Parliament of Turkmenistan has maintained its originality and legal culture and has developed the national parliamentary system. Parliament is a nationwide representative institution of the state, exercising legislative functions; it is the highest elected legislature. Parliamentarism is a system of the organisation and functioning of the supreme state power, characterised by the separation of the legislative and executive functions of power. The revival of effective parliamentary system in Turkmenistan began in 2007 and was associated with the reforms in all spheres of the society and state under the leadership of the respected Arkadag.

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We would like to inform you that the subscription to the electronic version of the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper and its English supplement for the second half of 2022 continues. In the era of digitalisation, there is no need to go to post offices specifically to subscribe, just use the Internet. You can subscribe to the daily electronic publication both through the Türkmenmetbugat mobile application and on a computer through the website.

Festive meeting

«7/», №17 (100), 25.04.2022   A festive meeting of agro-industrial workers entitled «Turkmen Horse – the National Heritage and the Property of the People», which was held at the office building of the Turkmen Atlary State Association in Ashgabat, turned into a substantive conversation about the development of horse breeding in the country and the preservation of the unique Ahalteke horse breed.


On February 23, 2022, Leader of the Nation visited the Ahalteke equestrian complex of the President of Turkmenistan, located in one of the beautiful corners of the foothills of the Kopetdag. Here, the members of the International Association Turkmen Alabay dogs, asked the President to give a name to the puppy of the Turkmen Alabay, which was born on the same day as the foal named Zaman.     Esteemed President, examining the born puppy, noted that Alabay dogs, like Ahalteke horses and beautiful carpets, rooted in the depths of centu- ries, ranked among the national values of the Turkmen people. They as the symbols of harmony, beauty, tangible and intangible heritage, are important part of the culture of the Turkmen nation.

National Paralympic Committee of Turkmenistan

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 1 (13), 2022 Receives official invitation to the 4th Asian Para Games Hangzhou 2022