Preparing for population census

«7/24. tm», № 47 (130), 20.11.2022 With the aim of conducting a population and housing census in December and informing the population about its purpose, procedure and rules, the State Committee on Statistics of Turkmenistan has prepared a series of information leaflets.

Import Substitution as a Crucial Economic Factor

A flexible and pragmatic import substitution strategy underlies the successful development of all spheres of Turkmen economy. Its successful implementation contributed to the continued downward trend of imports, since the increase in domestic production has enabled to reduce the imports of many products, consumer goods and foodstuffs. In recent years, Turkmen producers have significantly expanded their presence in the market. Such large-scale work allows creating new industrial areas for Turkmen economy and expanding consistently the list of domestically produced goods able to compete in the market. Domestic manufacturers have made great progress in all sectors of the economy and consistently expand the list of goods, contributing to saturating the domestic commodity market and enhancing the export potential of our country.

System of Communication and Information Technologies is the Engine of Innovative Development

Turkmenistan Hosts the International Exhibition and Conference “Türkmentel-2022”  The capital hosted the opening of the regular XV International Exhibition and Scientific Conference on Telecommunications, Telemetry, Information Technologies and Broadcasting Equipment, entitled “Türkmentel-2022”. The event, organised by the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and the country’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was held not only in the traditional format, but was also broadcast from Ashgabat online to dozens of countries around the world.

Sustainable Cities Are the Key to a Green Future

In accordance with the Resolution of the UN General Assembly, World Cities Day is observed in the international calendar at the end of October. The aim of the Day is to raise awareness about the challenges facing cities all over the world and to set the international community on the implementation of the new Urban Development Agenda. It was celebrated for the first time in 2014 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme. This year’s global observance takes place under the theme “Act Local to Go Global”. Local action is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. On this occasion, Narine SAHAKYAN, UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan, gave an interview to our correspondent. NT: “Urbanisation today has become one of the most transformative and visible phenomena in society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, which aims to ensure universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public spaces by 2030. What solutions are being promoted by the United Nations Development Programme to achieve sustainable urban development?”

Ashgabat Dialogue of International Designers

The Ashgabat Dialogue of International Designers was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the activities to include Ashgabat in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the nomination “Design” in a hybrid format. The Forum, organised by the hyakimlik of the capital city together with the Secretariat of the National Commission for UNESCO, brought together leaders and specialists from relevant organisations.

Ashgabat- the city of creative work

Yesterday the «Design-2022» Ashgabat Forum  and International Exhibition named «Unlimited Design» were opened at the  Trade-industry Establishment of our capital. Our white-marbled capital’s a lot of buildings which astonish many visitors with their perfect construction  were included  the World Guinness’s Record book as the elite art of architecture. The development of architecture is continued successfully in the year «The Epoch of Nation with Arkadag»  by our Esteemed President.

History of the World Nomad Games

«7/24. tm», № 41 (124), 10.10. 2022 The nomadic world unites hundreds of nations. Their culture is specific and unique and illustrates their way of life and traditions. For example, a nomad’s house is a yurt. The differences between national yurts are technical, depending on the place of residence of the nomads – the steppe or the mountains, the desert or the forest. And here lies the boundlessness and richness of nomadic civilization.

Present to the speed of the fast horse

When the Turkmen people celebrate  holidays, family events and  other important ceremonies they usually  organize horse-races and then give presents  to  the winners of the horse-races. The organization of horse-races at the  Ahal-Teke  Horse-breeding Sport Complex located near the Kopetdag Mountains on the occasion  of the 31st Anniversary, the glorious holiday of Independence of Turkmenistan vividly showed that  these holiday traditions reached our times passing through centuries. The participation of our Esteemed President Serdar  Berdimuhamedov  in the   ceremony increased more the  number of glorious events. Our Turkmen horse which became  the symbols of art, of national and world  culture during the centuries, at present they  have become the symbol of swift movement of  Independent Neutral Turkmenistan to the  new heights of development. Paying respect to the Turkmen horses,   the   names of which became the heroes of legends  following the noble family traditions The Head of our state pays much attention to the  development of national horse-breeding  branch, to increasing of  its authority in the world,  increasing the interest to horse-race sport and its widely popularization. Taking it into account the Turkmen horse-br

Coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

Akmyrat MUHADOV It is a gift made for people by ArkadagThe coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!It is radiance shining like golden sun,The coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

Youth is a bright future of the country

«7/24. tm», № 37 (120), 12.09. 2022 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches great importance to fostering high moral qualities in young people. Addressing the participants of the VII Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organisation at the Mekan Palace in the capital city on September 1, he said, «Today, one of the crucial tasks is to explain to young people the holiness of the concept of Motherland and instil an understanding of the need to cherish it like the apple of an eye and love it with all their heart.»