The season of nomination of candidates

«7/24. tm», № 06 (141), 06.02.2023 As you know, one of the important stages of the election season for the elections of members of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty and Gengeshes, which will be held on March 26, 2023, is the nomination of candidates.

First issue of the new magazine

«7/24. tm», № 06 (141), 06.02.2023 A new magazine founded by Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan is available on the network resource This source of information is a wonderful gift for the VIII Youth Congress of Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan Is Our Sacred Country, National Leader Is Our Pride

– say the participants of the joint meeting of the Halk Maslahaty and members of the public. A blitz interview with representatives of different regions was conducted by our correspondent, who was among the participants of the joint meeting of the Milli Gengesh and representatives of the public. The correspondent’s questions, “What is the role of the forum in the life of the country and society, and what topics in the speech of the Hero-Arkadag touched you the most?” were answered by

Аrkadag city: a grandiose urban development project in Turkmenistan

The new, modern administration center of Ahal velayat, which is being built in the sacred historical land of our courageous ancestors, in the Gokdepe district of Ahal velayat, enters the history of independence of the country as a new page. At present, the architectural image of the modern city reflects the rapid social and economic development of the Motherland, our national heritage, spiritual values, and the rich history and cultural traditions of our people. The «smart» city concept, based on the scientific and theoretical views of our Hero Arkadag, reflected in the appropriate forms and buildings under construction, is actually at the forefront of the world’s urban development experience.

People’s Representation: a New Look

Popular representation is the most important feature of the modern parliamentary system. It clearly expresses the dominant position of the representative function as an expression of the interests and will of the entire people, that is, the totality of the citizens of that state. The search for the most favourable form corresponding to the people (nation) in a particular country is a rather long and complex process. And among the Turkmen people, they are rooted in the distant past. The institution of direct participation of the people in determining the fate of the state and society appeared already in the first Turkmen states, first in the form of community (tribal) maslahats (kurultays – congresses), and then in state-structured authorities. The original national traditions of popular representation even today serve as important and cornerstone pillars of the constitutional system, on which the social and state unity of our country and its people has been based for centuries. The representative function is predominant or fundamental in relation to law making.

Interesting facts about hares

«7/24. tm», № 02 (137), 09.01.2023 The best way for the hare to protect itself is to escape. The animal is able to accelerate to a speed of 50 kilometres per hour in just 5 seconds. The maximum speed is over 70 kilometres per hour. Moreover, the hare can jump at a height of 3-4 metres.

Two pieces of advice

 «7/24. tm», № 02 (137), 09.01.2023 The fox advised the hedgehog to go to the hairdresser.

Turkmenistan — a Socially Oriented State

President Serdar BERDIMUHAMEDOV: Care of the People is a Key Direction of the State Strategy Having proclaimed in the Constitution of Turkmenistan a person as the highest value of the society and state and having fixed the protection, support and service of a person as the main tasks of state authorities, Turkmenistan embarked on the path of building a social state. And as a socially responsible state, it took upon itself the obligation to take care of social justice and to create conditions that ensure a decent and prosperous life for all its citizens. This was reflected in the principle formulated by the Hero-Arkadag: “The state is for the people!”

The Heart of Ahal — the City of Arkadag

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, thanks to the wise foreign and domestic policies of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who continues the traditions laid down by the Hero-Arkadag, the people of Turkmenistan are participating in the implementation of grandiose projects. The achievements of our days inspire new ideas, the implementation of which writes down golden pages in the modern history of Turkmenistan. The idea to build a modern administrative centre of the Ahal velayat belongs to the outstanding personality of the Turkmen people, a well-known politician, scientist, writer, publicist and active promoter of the policy of peace on the planet Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The esteemed Arkadag is the ideological inspirer of the construction of the new city. On April 10, 2019, with his blessing, the start of the construction of the new administrative centre of the Ahal velayat took place. We all remember how, on the occasion of this significant event, the respected Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a memorable message to our descendants, which he laid in a special capsule at the foundation of one of the buildings of the future city.

World pop stars in Ashgabat

Numerous festive events are taking place in the capital these days on the eve of the New Year’s Day, including concerts of the foreign pop singers and famous Turkmen artists, organised within cultural cooperation, that aroused particular interest. The memorable shows took place at the Winter Sports Complex in Ashgabat. The pop stars from Russia Nyusha and Dima Bilan and the popular performers from Turkey Mustafa Sandal and Irem Derici had performed at the complex before. The festive singing marathon ended with a concert by the popular Russian singer of Azerbaijani origin Jahid Huseynli (JONY). On those days, the Winter Sports Complex in Ashgabat was filled to capacity. Many residents of Ashgabat came with their families to the concerts of their favourite artists to enjoy the brilliant performing skills of the famous singers and to receive unforgettable impressions.