Key Aspects of Partnerships Expanded

Turkmenistan and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have recently signed the Co-Financing Agreement for the 2021–2025 Country Programme. The official online ceremony was held within the framework of the International Conference entitled “Turkmenistan and the United Nations: Cooperation for Peace and Trust” that marked the 29th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s accession to the UN. In particular, the Co-Financing Agreement was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and UNFPA. The parties signed the work plan for 2021 under the programme component aimed at strengthening mechanisms for youth participation in implementing the national youth policy and advancing gender equality between the Ministry of Sport and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan and UNFPA. After the end of the forum, held with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the UNFPA Country Office, the UNFPA Country Director for Turkmenistan Ms. Giullia Vallese commented on the event in an interview with the newspaper correspondent.

President of Turkmenistan receives President of ARETI International Group

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received President of ARETI International Group, member of the Steering Committee of the International Cycling Union (UCI) Igor Makarov. The main topic of discussion was the preparation for the upcoming UCI Track Cycling World Championship to be held on October 13-17, 2021, the organization of which is entrusted to the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Turkmenistan together with the Cycling Federation and the International Cycling Union (UCI).

The President of Turkmenistan and Foreign Minister of Turkey discuss priorities of interstate dialog

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has received Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. Having expressed sincere gratitude for the spared time, the guest conveyed cordial greetings of President of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan to the head of the state and addressed best wishes to fraternal Turkmen people. At the same time, the commitment of Turkish side to traditionally friendly relations with Turkmenistan, which are successfully developed in all directions, has been confirmed.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in the ECO summit

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in work of the XIV Summit of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) held in online format at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan. Taking into account the situation in the world, the agenda of the high-level session included special emphasis on development of regional economic partnership in the period after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The wisdom of our esteemed President opens the way to the world

On the first days of 2021, announced as the year «Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust» in which the 30th Anniversary of our Independence will be celebrated, glorious events written in golden letters in history, such as putting in commissioning of the 30 km. long «Akina-Andhoy» railroad, construction of the 153 km. long 500 kilovolt power electric transformation complex along the Kerki-Shibirgan Route, putting into operation of the Ymamanazar-Akina and Serhetabad-Turgundy fibre-optical international communication complex between our countries, and also the opening ceremony of the gas-compressor station in the «Malay» gas field located in the Charjev district brightly showed the reality about realization of great works giving an impetus to securing of the well-being of the present and future generations, strengthening friendly-fraternal relations and goodwill co-operation in the world and development of countries. As it was underlined by our esteemed President in his historic speech during the television space bridge which connected the participants of the ceremony in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan on the 14th of January, these large projects, intended for general goal; for giving powerful impetus to long term development of our countries and for supporting it, are aimed at prosperity and well-being of the Turkmen and Afghan peoples. Telling

Transport diplomacy: Cooperation for Sustainable Diplomacy

In the context of the integration of all aspects of the life of states and peoples, the transport and communication sector is recognised as an integral factor of sustainable development, directly influencing the growth of states’ economies and the quality of life of the population, stability and balance of world economic relations. In this regard, cooperation in the transport sector is a special topic on the international agenda. Being the heart of the Great Silk Road for many centuries, Turkmenistan pays great attention to this issue. This was reiterated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a working meeting on the development of the transport and communication complex, held on February 6, 2021. As the head of state noted, that route was being revived in a new quality and the transport and communications sector played a special role in restoring that route. The government of the country was instructed to “continue activities for the further implementation of the transport diplomacy of the Turkmen state located at a convenient crossroads of Central Asia and Europe.” UN Resolution – Basis for Multilateral Dialogue

Based on Constructive Development

The results of the meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan with the delegation of the Political Office of the Taliban Movement, held in Ashgabat on February 6, caused great public, political and international resonance. They once again confirm the indisputable fact that the basis for the strengthening and further development of the modern architecture of international relations is nothing more than peace and trust. The history of relations between two neighbouring peoples, united by common traditions, customs, culture and spiritual and moral values, is known to take its origins from the depths of centuries. Being a neutral state, Turkmenistan has been actively pursuing a policy of peace and open doors for nearly thirty years, aimed at cooperation with neighbouring countries, both in the interests of the region and entire humanity. At the same time, our country is a supporter of ensuring peace, security and sustainable development in Afghanistan, initiating an exclusively peaceful resolution of intra-Afghan problems on the basis of political means and a broad national dialogue.

Peace and Trust – the Foundations for the Wellbeing of the Nation

It has become a good tradition in our neutral independent state to give an inspiring motto to each year. The motto of the year 2021 is “Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust”. Its ideological message is to promote widely the achievements of the Motherland, to spotlight their significance, to give impetus to large-scale economic transformations and social progress, to propagandise the contribution of our country to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring health, peace and stability and implementing the initiatives of the leader of the Turkmen state. The year 2021 abounds with inspiring events, such as further socioeconomic growth, drastic reforms in the agroindustrial sector and construction of facilities, the opening of which will mark the 30th anniversary of independence of the Motherland.

Peace, trust, responsibility

In the context of globalisation, which covers not only the economy, but also the political, cultural, educational, information and communication spheres, the issues of trust and responsibility for the peaceful coexistence of states and peoples have acquired a worldwide character. As the practice of international relations shows, first of all, it is mistrust that gives rise to instability and uncertainty in many situations, the consequences of which can affect all aspects of the life of countries and peoples. In this regard, a state policy based on universal trust, openness and responsibility becomes significant. In this, the International Year of Peace and Trust has an important role to play. This initiative is known to have come from our country. And Turkmenistan has all the authority to do this, since it is recognised by the world community as an active supporter of peace, security and sustainable development. This is eloquently confirmed by such facts as non-alignment with any political, economic or military alliances and blocs. But at the same time, Turkmenistan, being a member of international and regional organisations, is successfully building relations both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Trust in peace, trust in a partner – the way to yourself

This very simple thought of the ancient sages is more topical today than ever. After propagating and realising the principles of trust and concord, tolerance and humanism in every society and in every state, these concepts are logically projected into international relations. The main concern of all humankind has always been and will remain the preservation of peace on earth and good-neighbourly and equal relations based on trust and mutual respect. And in this regard, it would be appropriate to refer to the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “2021 – International Year of Peace and Trust”, unanimously adopted in 2019. In particular, this document notes, “Peace is not just the absence of conflict, but a positive, dynamic and participatory process in which dialogue is encouraged.” The resolution contains an appeal to all states and peoples to intensify efforts and activities to promote a culture of peace.