Let the world be endless!

Time passes by like a caravan chainKeeping the memory of the ancient world.Life is a bookWhose pages are years. I see the years flying byLike a swift run of a horse!Light years are our way,Happiness is our course!

International Literacy Day

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (15), 2022 Acquiring the reading and writing skills is crucial for everyone, as it makes our life much easier and enjoyable. Imagine the situation where you travelled to a foreign country without knowing the local language.

International Literacy Day

«7/24. tm», № 37 (120), 12.09. 2022 Acquiring the reading and writing skills is crucial for everyone, as it makes our life much easier and enjoyable. Imagine the situation where you travelled to a foreign country without knowing the local language. If you don’t understand the basic things such as, signs, instructions, documents and packaging, you will find yourself in a difficult situation. This is also true for illiteracy, as without the ability to read and write, we might feel quite powerless to cope with the daily situations and challenges. Illiteracy is a major problem around the world. To acknowledge the huge efforts of people working in this field, the United Nations celebrates International Literacy Day each year on September 8.

Magtymguly Pyragy and Eco-criticism

Eco-criticism one of the popular trends in modern literature means the interaction of literature and nature. This theme has always been one of the important trends in the world and Turkmen literature. Each page of the book «Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road» by our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expresses love of the Turkmen people for the nature of their native land. Speaking about narrators, who told interesting stories, fairy-tales, legends in Turkmen villages the author writes: «But no matter where the narrator tried to take his listeners to, to wonderful Egypt, remote China, hot Hindustan, to the Ceylon Mountains — in spite of everything his imagination was fed with his native Garagum Desert, the impetuous Amyderya River, mountain peaks, twisting gorges, caves, and springs of the Kopetdag Mountains, and cool ridges of the Koytendag Mountains». (Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Turkmenistan — the Heart of the Great Silk Road. Ashgabat, 2017, p.32) Ancient religious books such as the Bible, Quran tell that at first the God created the Space, the Earth, the Sky, the plants, the animals, birds and then he created the Man. This idea is repeated in the works of Attar, Nevai, Magtymguly and other eastern poets. In the ancient poem «The Epic about Gilgamesh» created in the Akkad language by the peoples of Ancient East in the 18th — 17

The Source of national Values

The books, scientific works, books in many volumes written by our National Leader, which are popular in our country and abroad, are valuable sources in upbringing the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and on the basis of moral values created during the centuries. The ideas of necessity of deeply studying, safeguarding and popularizing our national culture of our people who are proud of their five thousand year glorious history which is reliable basis for further raising spiritual upbringing in the new historical epoch is the key-note of the book «Traditions of Turkmen Statehood» by our Esteemed President. This literary-philosophical work serves for widely popularizing the spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people in the world. Of course, according to the contents the invaluable book «Traditions of Turkmen Statehood» by our Hero Arkadag, clearly showing his efforts on successively collecting very valuable people’s art and non-material values, deeply studying and popularizing them, is a model of school in paying respect to traditions and spiritual pillars of our people which go back to the depth of centuries by their roots, in studying the sources and information reached till our days.

Our fault (Gurbannazar Ezizov)

I often happened to offend,And far from once offended was.Lone I felt, though not alone,(It’s plain for those who bore same cross). Not seeing, I passed by lots of things,And shut my eyes to things a lot.But after years I did revealThat not of others was the fault.

Moral authority for all times

“Today we attach special importance to the in-depth study and wide popularisation of the rich literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy and the glorification of his name. To honour the philosopher Pyragy means to glorify the literature and the heritage of the nation. His artistic works, which are a combination of philosophical principles, spiritual views and secular outlook, is a unique school.” The author of these words, which served as a special stimulus for a more in-depth study of the rich literary heritage of the great master of words, is the respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Under the wise leadership of the head of state, not only the Turkmen people, but the entire world community are already actively preparing for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable classical author in 2024. In accordance with the Resolution issued by our Arkadag-President, a steering committee has been established to widely celebrate the upcoming anniversary. All these important events are directed at drawing the attention of the international scientific and literary community to the further study and widespread popularisation of the heritage of Magtymguly, which has entered the golden treasury of world literature.

I haven’t ever spared myself…

I haven’t ever spared myselfIn joy, in sorrow or in rough.My crying made recluses gasp,Was strange for lucky ones my laugh. I had a zeal in love as well,With it my heart pervaded was.In love I used to disregardMy darling’s merits and her flaws.

When we met at village-side…

A crimson dawn had glowed the earthBy time we met at village-side.I am abstracted, lost in thoughts, For you’re with me, as if we’re tied. The grass feels shy for drops of dewThat chill your feet; it blames its blades.And even wind by you is light,It’s able not to ruin your plaits.

Gurbannazar Ezizov, Master of the new Turkmen Poetry

In his essay «Yuriy Ryabinin and Gurbannnazar Ezizov» Alexander Aborskiy wrote: «Ezizov made his great contribution into national poetry during that short period which gave him his destiny. The portrait of a real poet was preserved in the music of his poetry forever». (A.Аборский. Время оглянутъся. Москва, 1988, стр. 311) Gurbannazar Ezizov was born in 1940 in the Sovutli Village of the Gokdepe etrap of the Akhal Velayat. Later, his family moved to Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. There he studied at school №29, at present this school has been named by his name. After finishing school he entered the faculty of Turkmen language and literature of the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, because still when he studied at school he began writing poems and beginning from 1955 his poems were published in the newspapers and magazines. After becoming the student of the university he paid much attention to his creative work. At that time he translated the works by Russian poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Nikitin, Fet, Ogaryov and others into Turkmen. The work on translation was a kind of a creative school for him.